Joining the army

Warcop, probably one of the most exposed places in the UK. And as for the ablution block…it makes Tudor era plumbing look good!

Joinin to army is a strange term for us.
Coz here in Turkey every healthy Turkish men serving to army for a time.
I have been in army for 6 months and i was a military police sergeant.
It was so much fun for me :slight_smile:

Many Turkish blokes I know who live here in Germany pay huge amounts of money for not having to serve in the Turkish army.

Yea yea, I know that kind of Turkish people. To be honest Turkish society doesnt like that kind of people.
So many years ago in Turkey, if a man didnt serve to army, that man couldnt marry :slight_smile:
it was old tradition ofcourse but still in same area in Turkey it still works.
I think serving to army is necesarry for every Turkish man, its not about militarism. Its about learning to life and discipline.
So i dont like that kind of people who wants to escape serving to army.
Its a shame…

And other topic about Turkish people who lives in Europe.
Dont know if anybody knows or no but worst, uneducated, cruel Turkish people go to europe for living there.
Clever, educated, smart Turkish never go to europe for living there.
I hope u understood what i meant :slight_smile:

Ireland has no mandatory service but in April the Defense Forces had around 450 openings and the Navy around 150, bit of a surprise when over 10,000 people applied considering that’s more then the current full time servicemen and women.