Moody Brook Barracks and the attack upon it.

Could well be but tear gas doesn’t do that does it?

To start a fire? well I think it can do that if the grenade is launched near an inflammable material, but I dont know if this was the case.

It is a window, this particular one is a “skylight” sort of affair in the top of the building.

Tear gas grenades do not usually start fires, nor do smokes. Except on absolutely tinder dry grass/hay or similar.

Flash bangs have been known to start them (see Iranian Embassy).

It would be particularly hard to start a fire in this building as it is the training hall/drill hall of the FIDF not Moodybrook Barrack as such but part of the complex. Inside was a wooden floor like found in a school gym and very little incendary matierial. The windows may have had curtains.

Inside the lower window is part of segregated office, and the front bolt on bit is the way in and a toilet block.

The smoke damage from the window was caused by something a little bit more inflamatory.

Naw, from GH up to Moody Brook is 2 to 3 km at most.

Id say about 2km maybe 1.5 miles, which is about the same.

I’ve got a picture somewhere of Moody Brook before and after, I’ll dig it out over the weekend.

Come to mention it, I’ve also got a shit load of pics both during the war and recently on the pilgrimage. Anyone interested I’ll post a few.

By the way, esta mi amigo Sr Aversa aqui? Hola Santiago :slight_smile:

Why not…

put them up, would be quite interesting.

Will do it, need a scanner though. Wait out…

I measured the distance on screen from Google Earth which isn’t that precise.

I came across an account of the state of Moody Brook barracks in Graham Bound’s book. Major Norman described it as hit by machine gun fire and white phosphorous in a classic house clearing operation.

I’d be very interested in seeing your photos, would you be interested in loading them on the Wikipedia?

Moody brook was attacked and trashed in a classic attack to kill everyone in there. I visited moody brook a few weeks :slight_smile: later and it had all the signs of a firefight albeit a one sided one. I know major Norman he is a no nonsense down to earth sort of bloke, he moved 8901 out as no doubt because if he was attacking he would had gone for the Det first as well.