The debate continues - Communist V Capatalist

Putin do what he must do.
muzzling the press to an extent - din’t forget the press controlled of different oligarh was the practicaly the “fifth column” since Yeltsin times ,who by its anti-state acting practicaly parallized the the judicial and political system. Some bas…ds made a billions dollars private Imperias just for 1-3 years via the insolent robbery of the state. They had its own “personal” mass media for the personal political fight.
The limitation those “independent press” must be the first condition of continuing the reforms.
Of couse i understand this is autocratic step, but it’s nessesary.

Ummm… maybe, a lot depends on what he does with it. Successfully subverting the justice system leaves him in an extremely powerful position, somewhat similar to the old Soviet system. Whether or not he then subverts the system depends on if he is honest and if he has the best interests of the people at heart.

Ummm . whithout pomantic words - he is very progmatic leader ( and it’s main today). And he have to modernized the sistem (he must will do it , althout because he promised the peoples).
Sometimes i worry , Putin do it very slowly, but this much better the like Yeltsin did.

This may work out fine, but what if his successor doesn’t? This is why the west as a whole has adopted the concept that the guilt of anyone must be proven beyond reasonable doubt, before a jury of their peers (i.e. those like them), and that it is better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent man goes to prison. Again, when we see people doing this it makes us very nervous.


:wink: don’t worry, everything will be OK. I believe this.

Ummm… From what I’ve seen (and the company I work for does a lot of business with China) the explosive growth they’re experiencing is mostly coming from private enterprise. What state owned sectors there are aren’t growing much if at all. China has a very cheap workforce and a government willing to allow foreign investment while providing stability, reliable electricity, etc. Any country like that will experience explosive growth, just like Taiwan and South Korea did a few years ago.
The upshot is that I suspect that this growth level is a transitional phase, rather than some new economic theory that is better long term than either marxist or market economic theories. It is worth noting that the Nazis used a combination of state intervention on a huge scale and private enterprise in the 1930s and while it worked for a while it proved unsustainable. China is not acting in nearly so unsustainable a manner, but I strongly suspect that the growth will slow down once the labour resource is finally starting to be nearly tapped in a few years time.

Interesting. Have you got any good sources on that, I’d like to read up more on it.

Hmmm… It might be an idea to find some way of giving the press free rein while limiting the editorial control any one person can have. Criticism is essential to keeping the democratic process honest, while going too far can subvert it. Some sort of worker’s cooperative owning it perhaps, with maybe the government keeping some sort of limited veto to prevent a nutter taking over?

Seriously, I do hope it works out. Russia will be a rather less nice place to be if it doesn’t.

I agree , all of those the reasons is the resauls of strong state’s ruling the economy ( considered it as new modernized planned economy). And therefory China (in difference with Taiwan and South Korea ) has a long time progress.
Cheap workforce is not the single condition for the great economic rose.
Main the reason IMHO the state economy policy: stabile governmant guaranties for the foreight investor - this is particular China’s rule.

The upshot is that I suspect that this growth level is a transitional phase, rather than some new economic theory that is better long term than either marxist or market economic theories. It is worth noting that the Nazis used a combination of state intervention on a huge scale and private enterprise in the 1930s and while it worked for a while it proved unsustainable. China is not acting in nearly so unsustainable a manner, but I strongly suspect that the growth will slow down once the labour resource is finally starting to be nearly tapped in a few years time.

There are no reasons for the futured slow down of China’s growth.
Not limitation of labour resourses could be the reason of this, but shortage of material and energy sourses: oil and gas.
But China’s gov very active find the new sourses of energy: in the Iran and Russia.
Already today we have the contract to bilding oil-pipe to the China. Also perhaps Russian companies could win the 10-billions contract for the building the 3 new Atomic station in China.
So in nearest future there are no the reasons to doubt in china’s economic success.

So why i told you all this: I’m sure , pdf, that USSR had all the chances to be the powerful and rich state till today. All the talks about economic deadline of USSR in 1985 just the slobbery politic propoganda of Cool war.
USSR had a much more the potential then China in 1985-90. More power industry, modern high-tech science and plants and the main the reason - much more capable the people.
So when i hear about “economic death” of USSR (besause the planned system) i will never believe this. Those bas…ds who specialy distructed the USSR are the criminals.

Interesting. Have you got any good sources on that, I’d like to read up more on it.

Certainly i could be, but it’s in russian and i doubt that you will get the enjoy from the russia text :wink:


I don’t recall ever directly calling you a Nazi Chevan, feel free to contradict this with any post I may have made. I think what I said was that you were adopting the exact same racist mentality you once supposedly decried in the Nazi-white trash pictorial thread you started a while back.

I just find it a slight contradiction to attack Americans (which you did, primarily despite being proven wrong on several points), then recite the exact same anti-Semitic, conspiratorial racist crap that one could easily find at the very sites you were indicting…

Most countries also didn’t have 3000 of their citizens murdered in a matter of less than an hour in recent times. I’ve never defended the U.S. as “world policeman,” in fact this is a mentality I detest. But still, it seems that many nations don’t understand the trauma of going from the feeling of utter invincibility to fear and paranoia, in a matter of hours.

I know, therefore “right side” is the (right side) today.And no left side could change the situation.

Well, apparently you don’t follow U.S. politics, because the “left side” (Democrats) are on the verge of taking back the House of Representatives, and possibly the Senate as well…

So do you undestand what you talk about. It’s mean that USA get a IMPERIALIST war in Iraq for the OIL. This is very serious accusation for US gov.

Yes I understand, but that’s not the end of it nor the sole explanation. Most Americans will wonder why their paying high gas prices (by U.S. standards, not European) when we’ve imperialistically “taken the oil.”

All of your called reasons is just personal US reasons and its mean that “official” version of invasion of Iraq:“weapon of mass-destruction” and the “liberation” of of Iraq - are just political lie, which were nessesary to justify the agression. And tens thousand victims of Iraq population were the resault of fight for the oil. ???
My congratulations , Nick , you live in new “Empire of Evil” … :wink:

Chevan, few things annoy me like posters that make claims for me, and cite posts, that I’ve never made. Feel free to show where I have ever tried to justify the War in Iraq. You see, I, unlike you, actively criticize what I believe to be what is wrong with my government. I never believed the WMD-bullshit, though many did. I can in fact cite thousands of posts that I have made against US policy in Iraq, on a different website. Links will be provided upon request.

And I could also say how the Soviet Union supported a murderous dictator in Saddam Hussein, because it served their interests. He killed hundreds of thousands of his own population, and he did it by and large with Soviet weaponry, with no questions asked.

Yea , now thank’s for the USA , Iraq will no longer exist, but it by strange way it existed befor the invasion.

Iraq was the typical nation-state created arbitrarily, a typical example of imperialism. The nation’s borders were essentially drawn up by British military officers at the end of WWI, borders that penned in three distinct, and often opposing, ethnic groups --which a recipe for utter long term disaster. Why do you think Saddam was so brutal? Because he was essentially the head of a minority faction controlling a population that was largely comprised of a different ethnicity.

I agree the brutality going on in Iraq is largely the consequence of US failures to secure the nation, but here is a lot of blame to go around. Soviet made weapons have killed a lot of people around the world too, and it was Soviet weapons that Saddam used to invade Kuwait, and murder his own civilian population…

Addendum And Chevan, you can say what you want about the U.S. being an ‘imperialistic vampire,’ sucking the oil out of the poor defenseless Iraqis country. But in fact, one of the primary criticisms of the War is the massive U.S. spending on the rebuilding of the country, which is well into the billion$ now. And it is money the U.S. will never get back. Some “imperialism.”

What’s 3000 murdered an hour ?
Yeterday i wath on TV report that according newest US’s research in Iraq were killed 650 000 peoples since the invasion. I think this is exaggeration ( probably this is begining of new anti-war politic show).
But in any way its evidentally that todey in Iraq died more peoples then at the times of Saddam. Being in Iraq USA provokes an increase in the Islamic terrorism , because Arab peace (that previously separated) begins to be united in the anti-American hysteria. And this is abnormal for the other world ( particulary for the Europe).

Well, apparently you don’t follow U.S. politics, because the “left side” (Democrats) are on the verge of taking back the House of Representatives, and possibly the Senate as well…

Nick, i think you don’t understand one important thing for the other (not USA) world.
What’s different between Democrats ( which bombed the Ugoslavia) and Republicans ( who begin the war in Iraq).
ANY USA goverment continie imperialist policy, don’t depend from who has the power. It absolutly clear for all the world.
Therefore i mean “rigt side” as the right choose- the choose of US ruling elite.

Yes I understand, but that’s not the end of it nor the sole explanation. Most Americans will wonder why their paying high gas prices (by U.S. standards, not European) when we’ve imperialistically “taken the oil.”

USA couldn’t get the cheap oil and gas while conflict to be continied, therefore war in Iraq is needed for the perspective. But it seems today Americans begin to doubt in this “good perspective”.

Chevan, few things annoy me like posters that make claims for me, and cite posts, that I’ve never made. Feel free to show where I have ever tried to justify the War in Iraq. You see, I, unlike you, actively criticize what I believe to be what is wrong with my government.

Oh , no…
This is wrong statement that i never criticize my gov.
I told many times already that i don’t like the Putin’s “the chosen justice”, and i hope that something will change to better way…
And i have the reasons to critize my gov in Chechen war, but i strongly sure that it nessesary to stop the Radical Islamic agression in Kavkaz ( where i personaly live in distance of 300 km from the Chechen border).
I can critized the gov in details but not in general questions.
It’s needed for the safety of people, who are lived here ( not only russians).
And Nick, your gov has a real imperialist war in Iraq ( which located at a distance over 12 000 km from THE USA coast) and you have no reasons for the justify of this .
You know it ( i see you are honest), and any not americans know it.
You know why is unjust and this angers you, you pass to the personal insultings (surely you think that no one besides Americans can criticize THE USA). It’s look like childish.

Did you hear tha last statement of the British war minister: he absolutly crized the Blair’s pro-american policy.Althout Britain prime minister refused his statement, but this obviously that Britains already wish back home from the Iraq. they has already been convinced of the uselessness of this war.

I never believed the WMD-bullshit, though many did. I can in fact cite thousands of posts that I have made against US policy in Iraq, on a different website. Links will be provided upon request.

I know you poin, therefore i never had nothing agains personaly you ( unlike you).
I know in america are the much of pragmatic and clever peoples, but do you know what’s strange?
in spite of Americans inner discuss they are continie to do the evil - Iraq war. And all of you arguments (which i agree) just like “imitation the freedom of the opinions”, nothing more…

And I could also say how the Soviet Union supported a murderous dictator in Saddam Hussein, because it served their interests. He killed hundreds of thousands of his own population, and he did it by and large with Soviet weaponry, with no questions asked.

Soviet weaponry … ummmn.
Do you here about supplies of American chemical weapon ( the officially forbidden as weapon of mass-destruction of population).
…Omar Ben Tumi, the Algerian attorney of Saddam Hussein asserts that he has available the certified copies of contracts about the deliveries to Iraq of American chemical weaponry, signed by the present US Secretary of Defense by Donald Rumsfeld. Algerian attorney is hired for the protection Saddam Hussein by the nephew of the Iraqi eks- President and enters into the numerous group of foreign defenders. In the interview for the Algerian newspaper “ale -Xabar” the jurist said that these documents have the enormous value, proving the deliveries TO THE USA of chemical weapons, which a baasistskiy regime was used for the destruction of Kurds in 1988 in the course of the operation of Iraqi army on the north of the country under the code name “al -Anfal”.
Then Iraqi army used a weapon of mass-destruction against the Kurd rebels and inhabitants of a number of the populated areas, including Khalabdzhu city, where 5 thousand people were killed. Thus, emphasized attorney, American administration is the participant of the crimes of the regime Saddam Hussein against the Kurd people and the humaneness. Attorney also reported that it will represent on the law court of the photographs, in which zapechatlen the moment of signing by Donald Rumsfeld and by Saddam Hussein of supply agreements to Iraq of the elements of chemical weaponry at the end of the 80th is annual.

But don’t worry about this the real evil was the “soviet weaponry” and Donald Ramsfeld just tryed to defence the democraty in Iraq by this supplies. :slight_smile: :wink:

Iraq was the typical nation-state created arbitrarily, a typical example of imperialism. The nation’s borders were essentially drawn up by British military officers at the end of WWI, borders that penned in three distinct, and often opposing, ethnic groups --which a recipe for utter long term disaster. Why do you think Saddam was so brutal? Because he was essentially the head of a minority faction controlling a population that was largely comprised of a different ethnicity.

OK good information i didn’t knew it.

I agree the brutality going on in Iraq is largely the consequence of US failures to secure the nation, but here is a lot of blame to go around. Soviet made weapons have killed a lot of people around the world too, and it was Soviet weapons that Saddam used to invade Kuwait, and murder his own civilian population…

Read above…

Addendum And Chevan, you can say what you want about the U.S. being an ‘imperialistic vampire,’ sucking the oil out of the poor defenseless Iraqis country. But in fact, one of the primary criticisms of the War is the massive U.S. spending on the rebuilding of the country, which is well into the billion$ now. And it is money the U.S. will never get back. Some “imperialism.”

Addendum for Nickdfresh.
You forgot to say that to the restoration of Iraq were allowed only American companies.
And please don’t be the naive , this money is the very advantageous investment of money into the Iraqi (now already American) oil.
And this is obviously prove the fact that USA army it will not leave from Iraq in the near future.
This mean that the slaughter will be continied…

What was 350 school children murdered in a 36-hour period at Belsen? Was it not traumatic or shocking?? Did it not make you hate and seek vengeance on your enemies to the point of irrationality?

And yet, how many more Chechen children been killed than Russian children?

Yeterday i wath on TV report that according newest US’s research in Iraq were killed 650 000 peoples since the invasion. I think this is exaggeration ( probably this is begining of new anti-war politic show).

It may or may not be an exaggeration. Certainly, no one said all those deaths were directly attributed to US combat, and many have been killed in the civil war. But a shocking number that must have some basis in reality, though I suspect there is some exaggeration for partisan political purposes…

But in any way its evidentally that todey in Iraq died more peoples then at the times of Saddam. Being in Iraq USA provokes an increase in the Islamic terrorism , because Arab peace (that previously separated) begins to be united in the anti-American hysteria. And this is abnormal for the other world ( particulary for the Europe).

I couldn’t agree more, the invasion of Iraq was one of the stupidest things America has ever done. It was an invasion supported largely out of fear and ignorance, and formulated by Machiavellian political calculation of the Neoconservatives, even before September 11, 2001.

Nick, i think you don’t understand one important thing for the other (not USA) world.
What’s different between Democrats ( which bombed the Ugoslavia) and Republicans ( who begin the war in Iraq).

There was bipartisan support, and it was NATO that bombed Yugoslavia, which was actually Serbia-Montenegro by that time. And I believe there was a bloody civil/sectarian war there for about seven years when NATO, under American leadership, finally ended it and helped the Serbian people to topple their own dictator, which is the way that things should be done, people changing their own gov’ts. I mean, well, the Serbs were kind of massacring Bosnians and Kosovo, and they also held UN peacekeepers hostage --using them as human shields, publicly insulting and embarrassing NATO. With displays of such arrogance, Milosevic deserved what he got. It was also a War largely devoid of civilian casualties because of the precision air-strikes, and the fact that NATO (not the Democrats) had allies on the ground, and the vast majority of the people on the ground welcomed us. A totally different situation from the US invasion of Iraq.

ANY USA goverment continie imperialist policy, don’t depend from who has the power. It absolutly clear for all the world.
Therefore i mean “rigt side” as the right choose- the choose of US ruling elite.

I dunno, a lot of Europeans seemed to prefer the “imperialism” of Clinton to the current assclown. He didn’t alienate everybody with the stupid “freedom fries” mentality (the whipping up of hatred of the Germans and French mostly). Clinton built coalitions while someone else just bribed the weak to form one.

USA couldn’t get the cheap oil and gas while conflict to be continied, therefore war in Iraq is needed for the perspective. But it seems today Americans begin to doubt in this “good perspective”.

That depends on who you believe, some have alleged that the War was in fact fought largely to destabilize the oil markets, and drive up prices in the short term. I have no idea, and I am not a big believer in the conspiracy theories, so I don’t know. And as far as Israel, the war has done nothing but weaken her long term strategic interests by strengthening Iran.

Oh , no…
This is wrong statement that i never criticize my gov.
I told many times already that i don’t like the Putin’s “the chosen justice”, and i hope that something will change to better way…
And i have the reasons to critize my gov in Chechen war, but i strongly sure that it nessesary to stop the Radical Islamic agression in Kavkaz ( where i personaly live in distance of 300 km from the Chechen border).
I can critized the gov in details but not in general questions.
It’s needed for the safety of people, who are lived here ( not only russians).

Well, I’ve never supported Chechen terrorists. But Russian did occupy her beginning with the Tsars, so there is a real grievance there. But then again, Russia withdrew in 96’ and the Chechens chose to live in a feudal, lawless anarchy. So perhaps Russia had little choice in the end but to go back in.

And Nick, your gov has a real imperialist war in Iraq ( which located at a distance over 12 000 km from THE USA coast) and you have no reasons for the justify of this .

Ultimately, it’s partially the oil, but not just the oil. But it’s a greedy self-interest coupled with a very naive, unrealistic, and almost childlike belief that the US could just build a democracy, as a positive example for other middle easterners living under despots, (that the US has supported in the past) where no tradition previously existed. This of course is foolish. But to call it crass imperialism is also a misnomer, since again, the US has invested and sent billion$ to “rebuild” Iraq, money that we will never see again. That is hardly a comparison to the “Age of Imperialism” in the 19th century, where the opposite was true.

You know it ( i see you are honest), and any not americans know it.
You know why is unjust and this angers you, you pass to the personal insultings (surely you think that no one besides Americans can criticize THE USA). It’s look like childish.

I have no problem when people criticise the US, I do it often myself. I only ask that they keep it perspective, and as Jesus said in the New Testament, “let he who has never sinned cast the first stone,” or something like that. There are no innocent countries that act benevolently with total devotion to beautiful Utopian notions, some of the ones paying the highest prices for America’s errors are Americans.

Did you hear tha last statement of the British war minister: he absolutly crized the Blair’s pro-american policy.Althout Britain prime minister refused his statement, but this obviously that Britains already wish back home from the Iraq. they has already been convinced of the uselessness of this war.

It was the the Army Chief, and he is absolutely correct. I agree 100%.

I know you poin, therefore i never had nothing agains personaly you ( unlike you).
I know in america are the much of pragmatic and clever peoples, but do you know what’s strange?
in spite of Americans inner discuss they are continie to do the evil - Iraq war. And all of you arguments (which i agree) just like “imitation the freedom of the opinions”, nothing more…

Americans do no more evil than any country or empire in a similar positions of power. America maintains its interests, but has also acted benevolently and with real leadership when at her best (the Marshall Plan for instance), and like a dangerous, immature child lashing out at even her friends at her worst (the Iraq War).

Soviet weaponry … ummmn.
Do you here about supplies of American chemical weapon ( the officially forbidden as weapon of mass-destruction of population).

But don’t worry about this the real evil was the “soviet weaponry” and Donald Ramsfeld just tryed to defence the democraty in Iraq by this supplies. :slight_smile: :wink:

Actually, it was a German company you are thinking of that supplied most of the chemical components, the US supplied intelligence and satellite IMINT to Saddam in order to settle a score with the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War, and the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon. It was the HindD gunships they used to prosecute “Anfal” massacres of Kurds however. And I believe AKs did most of the shooting, and T-55s rolled over the villagers.

OK good information i didn’t knew it.

Read above…

Addendum for Nickdfresh.
You forgot to say that to the restoration of Iraq were allowed only American companies.
And please don’t be the naive , this money is the very advantageous investment of money into the Iraqi (now already American) oil.
And this is obviously prove the fact that USA army it will not leave from Iraq in the near future.
This mean that the slaughter will be continied…

Another fact that I cannot dispute and have denounced myself, louder than anyone. I think the Haliburton scandals are disgusting, but don’t worry, Congressional investigations are on the way shortly.:slight_smile:

Certainly it was shocking, but don’t forget those bastards (bandits) all were the shahids (ready to die) and they had the purpose to kill all the hostages( as much as they could to kill).
They hadn’t intentions to survive , just draw the world’s attention - tupical terrorist tactic, cause its cruelty. They trued to terrorize the native population of Beslan ( not russians , the Nothern Ossetic peoples) for it’s dirty political purposes.
The muss murdering of peoples was able because those bast… drived the peoples into the school sports-room and mined this by a lot of charge.
And when they bagan to kill the hostages , the storm has began. After that the bandits exploded the sharge and a lot of peoples died for instant.
I have one very seriouse accusation to the russian gov. – the storm bagan too late. They must be to know the intention’s of bandits and must acting nore quickly.

And yet, how many more Chechen children been killed than Russian children?

Nick i see you too much are processed by the anti-russian propaganda.
You nothing know about russian , who were killed in criminal nationalistic hysteria in Chechnij till 1994( till the war).
In 1990 the capital of Chechnij - Groznij was populated 70-80% not islamic (mostly russians) peoples. This was one of the butiful and modern city on Kavkaz - for universities , three big plants , good infrastructure and perspective for the youngs.
So where those puoples now, how do you think? At least half of those were killed, another become the refugees(they lost all the property) and ALL OF THEM HAD a great humiliation JUST BECOUSE THEY WERE RUSSIAN.
I don’t support the the desigion to enter the troops in 1994. This was a “Eltsin family & oligarh” desigion. This was a criminal order. Those bast… send the russian soldiers to die for money , although the offisial version was to “save the Russian federation from the disintegration”.
Certanly they must do something to stop the criminal illegality in Chechnij in 1994 but …
instead of “pressing of the eggs” in Russia ( or fuck the chechen mafia in Moscow) they decided to make a “little victoriously war” for monay. FOR ITS OLIGARH MONEY.
Therefory the Eltsin personaly was guilty for this slaughter.
Putin, when come into power, just do what he want to do.
He trued to create the friendly regime (good knowen for you “our bastards” method). Like USA do it in Iraq - to create the “democratic iraqi gov”.
Today i wath on TV the creation of new “cult of person” for the Ramzan Kadirov. I think this disgusting, but do you know Nick another good decision?.

There was bipartisan support, and it was NATO that bombed Yugoslavia, which was actually Serbia-Montenegro by that time.

So where are the thanks of the “happiness Serbians”, Nick?
Do you hear some thanks from the not-islamic peoples?
NATO just supported the islamic extremists in Ugoslavia and helped them to reached its political purposes.
Yes, they stop the civil war, but for what price, Nick?
The price was the blame “Bad Serbians” - as the single reason of evil.
This propogandic anti-serbian histeria in western Mass media befor the NATO’s agression: HONDRETS thousands croatian victims( which was established be the mostly mythical).
Nobody did’t see the cruel killed serbians by islamic extremists.
I undertsand Nick , NATO had its own interests in Balcans ( Milishevich was against NATO - the “bad guy”.)
I could understand the US point in Balcan, but where did see the Europe, whan supported US action?
I hope that mass islamic riots in Paris last year would be a good lesson for the europeans, who so much love islamic “freedom brothers” on the Ugoslavia in 1995-1999.

I mean, well, the Serbs were kind of massacring Bosnians and Kosovo, and they also held UN peacekeepers hostage --using them as human shields, publicly insulting and embarrassing NATO. With displays of such arrogance, Milosevic deserved what he got.

I don’t like the Miloshevic , but it’s obviously that you nothing hear about cruel mass murdering of Serbs ( cut of heads, ears,pricking the eyes of living peoples) by islamic “freedom fighters”

It was also a War largely devoid of civilian casualties because of the precision air-strikes, and the fact that NATO (not the Democrats) had allies on the ground, and the vast majority of the people on the ground welcomed us.

Prescions air-strikes ?!!!
Ha ,when US “precision” bomb hited the china’s ambassador’s bilding in Belgrad?
(Were killed a some diplomats). Was it a precision strike,Nick?
You forgot that NATO’s supporting helped for the islamists to made a henocide for the Serbs till UN forces occuped the country.
NATO had a presicions strike , but it’s islamists friends got the “all the dirty work”.

Clinton built coalitions while someone else just bribed the weak to form one.

Do remember “Farengate911”?
I liked the scene where the author told about “US coalition” befor the invasion to the Iraq:
“-Who supported us in this war action?
Afganistan- a great military state becouse american soldiers are there;
Hunguary - this a “great” our ally becouse Dracula was born here.”
The next was a litle banan country ( african) and then author conclude - “what’s a great war alliance united USA”

That depends on who you believe, some have alleged that the War was in fact fought largely to destabilize the oil markets, and drive up prices in the short term. I have no idea, and I am not a big believer in the conspiracy theories, so I don’t know.

what’s conspiracy theories?
Don’t nessesary belive in something to know that any war actions in middle east region will has influence to the oil market.

Well, I’ve never supported Chechen terrorists. But Russian did occupy her beginning with the Tsars, so there is a real grievance there.

Occuped with the Tsars times ?
i.e. 150-200 years ago Russia come to the Kavkaz, and today a millions russians and and other not-native nations are lived here. And never will go back…
If you worry about a moral aspects ,you firstly turn back please America to the Indians.

But then again, Russia withdrew in 96’ and the Chechens chose to live in a feudal, lawless anarchy. So perhaps Russia had little choice in the end but to go back in.

This personal matter of chechens is which system chose:feudal or maybe primitive after 1996 whan they were “free”.
Just one condition -don’t make the problems for the neighbours. But this was a unpossible for them: stealing the peoples and solding for the money ( or cruel killing th hostages if the relatives could find enough money) - this was the “lovely” bisiness of Chechens.
And you know what’s strange - nobodis of those media -bitchs ( so called “human right activists”) don’t worry about illegality in “freedom” Chechnij.Even when Islams extremists attacked the Dagestan. How much russians (and other nation’s peoples including wester jornaliss , engeneers and doctors) were killed in 1996-1998 yy, nobody correctly know.

Americans do no more evil than any country or empire in a similar positions of power. America maintains its interests…

So Nick know you agree that US look today like empire for the other world.
But what i say you , our problem not US politic in middle east( it’s amazing but for Russia today has extremaly big profit of oil selling because war in Iraq).
But US could be danger for Russia when trying to create the anti-russians states in border(Ukraine, Gorgia) and i think that this is the main RF-US problem today. This is geo-politic - the fight for resourses of Kaspij and Asia.

Actually, it was a German company you are thinking of that supplied most of the chemical components, the US supplied intelligence and satellite IMINT to Saddam in order to settle a score with the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War, and the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon. It was the HindD gunships they used to prosecute “Anfal” massacres of Kurds however. And I believe AKs did most of the shooting, and T-55s rolled over the villagers.

Oh, of couse those “evil” Germans are again.
Well , well Nick :wink:
May be you don’t know that the main seller of the weapon to the Iraq was the Cheshoslovakia - not USSR. (Chechs build a good combat tanks, aircraft and ets)
But this is absolutly don’t mean that USSR gov "nothing know " about this.
So why do you say that Germany - member of NATO and docile US ally sold the chemical weapon to the Iraq and US “just supplied intelligence”.
Nick , this fullshit.
And do you seriously think that Saddan’s laywer will openly lie on court telling about Donald Ramsfeld , who signed a contract to sell the chemical weapon.
Who will consider seriously after this if he lie?

Another fact that I cannot dispute and have denounced myself, louder than anyone. I think the Haliburton scandals are disgusting, but don’t worry, Congressional investigations are on the way shortly.:slight_smile:

OK I willn’t worry , if you promised that Congressional investigations will be sucsesfull :wink:

I hate to interject anything into you guys’ hot discussion, but I see a trend going on here. It seems that neither side is as informed as to what is REALLY going on and can NEVER be. Propaganda is going to educate all members of this debate, and none of us will ever know the “whole truth” of the matter. I do not mean this as an insult, far from that, just making the statement of “step back abd take a deep breath.”

I am former US Military as both an Enlisted Man and as an Officer, and all I can really add is that both sides of this debate, discussion, conflict, whatever you want to call it, is much closer to being the same than you could ever realise. We all want peace and a safe, protecting government. Might not ever happen for any of us. We are all trapped in a world full of hatreds, lies, deceit, corruption, what have you. There are no real answers, because no one is ever going to act on the questions in a way that would transcend nationalism and national interest.

We are Mankind, collectively, and I am not a tree-hugger, tho I seem to be a little more moderate than some. HAHA! Why don’t we all sing Kumbaya and have another marshmellow! hahaha!

It was also a War largely devoid of civilian casualties because of the precision air-strikes, and the fact that NATO (not the Democrats) had allies on the ground, and the vast majority of the people on the ground welcomed us.

Prescions air-strikes ?!!!
Ha ,when US “precision” bomb hited the china’s ambassador’s bilding in Belgrad?
(Were killed a some diplomats). Was it a precision strike,Nick?
You forgot that NATO’s supporting helped for the islamists to made a henocide for the Serbs till UN forces occuped the country.
NATO had a presicions strike , but it’s islamists friends got the “all the dirty work”.[/QUOTE]
Regarding the presision strikes i Ygoslavia… Appart from the well known bombing of the Chineese Ambassy, there was an other case. I can not remember when it was (I think before the ambassy bombing), but what happened was that NATO plane fired a rocket against a ground target. The rocket missed and flew all the way to Bulgaria and hit a train while it was crossing a bridge.

Has any one heard about it?

Not only in Bulgaria , but also Romania , Makedonia and Albania was objects of “precision” NATO air-straikes

…Fifth time within the period since the beginning of the military operation OF NATO against Yugoslavia the combat missile OF NATO fell by last night to the territory of Bulgaria approximately 20 km west of Sofia near the village Of Lyulin. By sheer luck not there were victims.
On this reported today the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bulgaria. NATO rockets, bombs and their fragments already repeatedly struck the territory of Bulgaria, Rumania, Macedonia and Albania. Thus, on 28 April the rocket, released by the aircraft OF NATO, applied damage to apartment house in the suburb of Sofia, find in 50 km from the boundary with Yugoslavia

Also some interesting cases of “precision” attack of the Ugoslavian “war objects”

At least seven people perished, many were injured as a result of the entry of today NATO bombs into the region of urban market in the Hiche - one of the large citiy of Yugoslavia, located in 250 kilometers to the southeast of Belgrade. On this reported to speq.korr.ITAR- TASS, which arrived today in Niche in the composition of the group of Yugoslavian and foreign journalists, the priest from the located near church Of sv.Panteleymona the Zhivorad Marinkovich.


Actually, it was a perfect strike --precision-wise.

The USAF hit the exact building they were aiming for. It was the intelligence part that failed…:slight_smile:

Yes, well, as those countries took in 10,000s of Kosovo-Albanian civilian refugees, and had their territories often shelled by Serbian forces, I think they considered that part of the price of allowing NATO to use their territories…

And yes, you can ridicule all of the misses you want, but there is no comparison to how accurate these weapons are and to how many people they’ve saved.

BTW, doesn’t your gov’t use “precision” weapons in Chechnya? I think the Russian Air Force has a whole host of guided munitions, and some have missed their targets and killed civilians.

I know they use cluster bombs against civilian targets, which is illegal. Should we expect a war crimes trials post out of you anytime soon? Much like when they levelled Grozny in 1996.

Or when the Serbs murdered whole villages of their male populations in Bosnia and Kosovo, with precision guided AKM assault rifles…