U.S. T-29 Monster Tank

It was Is-3 actually. The Is-8 ( T-10 as it was named in army) never exported abroad i.e. out of soviet block. The last more or less combat where the Is-8 had participated was in Prague 1968.
And again ,the weight-classification vary in NATO and out - US still use the 54/57-tonns Abrams as mass prodused main battle tank. This is definetally heavy ( even if to look at the german ww2 standards). The ours most heavy tank never weight more then 52 tonns. The only Is-7 was 68 tonns but it never come out of prototypes.

The World of Tanks game is the only place where the post war heavies seem to do well… :slight_smile:

Not only the heaviest but futuristic as well;)

Few years ago.

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