47/32 vs KV1

Hi Fred. On Italie 1935-1945 what gun do you think did the job?
A 75mm? (75/18 or 75/46) or a bigger one (for ex. a 100/17)?

sorry for my ignorance…:wink:

Hello, DVX I allowed myself to post the photos on the forum in Italy from 1935 to 1945 and they tell me I wait.
Speaking of forums, I should point out that you can match the 1935-45 Forum Italy, as many of its members speak and write English. You are of course welcome, as well on my side I will post the same thing for him to know you here on this excellent forum.
Friendly Fred

Dear DVX , we have all the same mistake watching your picture, in fact the answer is contained in the photo. On the turret we perceive the mark OKW which is the mark of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, in fact your tank was destroyed by a gun or guns of 88 because it was the only one who has the time to pierce the schielding of the KV1 This was me by my best friend made ​​me notice the markings on the turret of the tank, the Italian soldiers we see are certainly arrived on the scene after.
Friendly Fred

Hi Fred, yes you could be right. I’ve seen the written OKH (in the case OberKommando Heer) High Command of the Army, but it seemed part of a Russian wrote. There are other words on the turret and on the rear (badly readable). Anyway I don’t think to an 88. An 88 could do the job from good distance and with bigger damage. The shots instead are concentrated on the rear and indicate a near range and I think a lighter gun.

DVX to answer you, I confirm DVX, it is indeed shot 88, in fact it is the only shot of the day of your photo can penetrate the tank. The other parts anti-tank of the time were quite incapable. You should know that despite their small number at startup, the KV1 was an unpleasant surprise for the Germans and their allies.
friendships Fred

What about other kinds of Italian guns? For example the obice 100/17, or the 75CK AA?

Boujour DVX, and much still the same caliber of these pieces could not pierce it. Just had him make cuts but failed to break his shield which was very important for the time and only one gun type 88 succeeded. But it does not say that this is not the Italians who have destroyed, it must be remembered that the Germans had provided some 88 pieces to Italy.
friendships Fred

an 88 could’ve done the job pretty well …

Or the Italians had captured Russian guns on their own? (thinking of the 76mm)

Hello Steben, I have a little doubt about the 76, but why not, in any case the Italians possessed in multiple copies. I will still find out about the penetration capacity of 76.
friendships Fred