
Did 9-11 achieve its goal? It was simple… effective… but all it did was piss the U.S. off. Yes the security was lax and we learned a BIG lesson that day I hope…

Oh, so many reasons. Incompetence not the least of which… But yes, the terrorists knew what they were doing.

I seriously doubt things turned out as the terrorists imagined… It never does, sort of the “be careful what you wish for…” principal.

Why did they highjack that B-747 and crashed it to the WTC. The U.S. has a big army and are ready.

And also not to mention that although the north tower was hit first the south tower hit 16mins later, the south tower fell fisrt. One theory, was lack of insulation.

It was a 707, not a 747. They thought that the US would rashly invade Afghanistan, and that the “Mujahideen” would again vanquish a superpower like they had the Soviets. What they (al-Qaida/Taliban) didn’t count on was the the US already had a plan to co-opt the Mujahideen (Northern Alliance) and would use US power sparingly with Sp-Ops, CIA, guided munitions…

Then of course the asshats in power had to ruin everything and invade Iraq… :roll:

Hmm a 707, I was wrong about the 747. :oops:

The aircraft used on 9/11 were 757s and 767s.

SStiger, Did you look at the site I posted? Still think its a cover up?


Who is too say that the aircraft that hit the pentagon was the one highjacked? Its difficult to prove either way, also where is all of the video footage from the CCTV around the pentagon?

I will take that as a yes… :shock:

I’m not sure what to believe, though I’m sure there is more to this than the official explanation.

The aircraft used on 9/11 were 757s and 767s.[/quote] :oops:

You are correct sir, I was wrong. Though God forbid the flight that hit the Pentagon had actually been a 747…

BTW, the film has so many inconsistencies, this has been so argued to death on another board I Mod at, that I really can bear this thread much longer…

Who is too say that the aircraft that hit the pentagon was the one highjacked? Its difficult to prove either way, also where is all of the video footage from the CCTV around the pentagon?[/quote]

Fine, I’m in another 9/11 conspiracy thread…

I’ll ask you the same question I always ask:

What happened to the passengers/crews of the planes that were hijacked?

Look, I sorely dislike the current American Administration almost as much as anyone, but the conspiracy theory is silly and full of dead ends when subjected to the same scrutiny as the conspiracists like to subject the events of that day to.

Someday, I think I’d like to research an alternative reality of that day, and what it would have taken to pull off an “inside job.”

They would have been removed permanently.


They would have been removed permanently.[/quote]

By whom? Where’d they go? Who did it? Nobody talked?

If the aircraft landed at military airfields the “hostages” could be lead away to a hanger and gased?

You cant be serious??? :roll:

Why not just disconnect the air and depressurise the cabin, no phone, no fax, just dead very quickly and an explainable cause of death.

Go on, ye doubters. The obvious explanation - that I watched on TV, having switched on just in time to see the second impact - is obviously insufficient. Engineering teaches me that in general the obvious explanation is the right one, so why is it that having seen a jet liner carsh into a building I should think of mossad bombs not an Al Qaeda plot taking advantage of deficiencies in the US domestic airline security set up?