A nice beer ad

About that pint once in awhile, I think it’s a great idea. Do they really sell Yoo Hoo in pints? Oh, sorry - I interrupted the aristocracy’s discussion. Well, if you guys know so much about beer, tell me who it was that got credit for the invention of beer. I’m all in on this one. And I do know the answer - with proof. Start thinking, beerboys.

Don’t you just hate it when a faster gun comes to town.

GOD Invented Beer…then he invented women, and women invented nagging which in turn created man’s headache, which in turn led man to thank God for inventing beer…it’s a vicious cycle!!:cool:

“God invented beer.”

Perfect. That is exactly what happened. I know because I am Him…and let me tell you, it’s a thankless job. Somebody’s got to do it.

I forget to ask you - (about your uniform) du haste nichte?

Just make sure your gun does not go off early. A couple of beers could help though.

“God invented beer.”

Perfect. That is exactly what happened. I know because I am Him…and let me tell you, it’s a thankless job. Somebody’s got to do it.

I see. As a believer I’ll humbly make an offering to thee, it’s called ‘Formal warning’ (for iterant divine bullshitting that is).

Um, no one said anything nor did anything, so you can stop with the victim act, nancy…

This troll is getting boring already. But nice attempt of blending the eccentric malcontent with the noob “I don’t know how to use an internet browser” act.

Here is a nice offering, though it may not be around for long.Tends to be skunky, with little body, and known to foam excessively.

grumpy troll.jpg

There’s always a faster one, as you are undoubtedly going to find out if you continue on your current pointless path.

Here you go:

I always thought that was an amazing quick draw!:smiley:

Here is a funny beer ad… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PohrDE32Nhs

Here are promotional pics of the brewery in the town where I was stationed along with its strategic stockpile.

Kitzmann Brauerei 2006 009.jpg

Kitzmann Brauerei 2006 010.jpg

Another good one, Wouldnt be surprised if RS owned one of these…:slight_smile:


What? A wife scrubbing the floor?

That’d be a first. The wife scrubbing thingy. I already own a floor.

My missus wouldn’t condescend to walk on a floor, let alone scrub it. :frowning:

I have to buy all my own beer and put it all in the fridge in my workshop fridge (which is reserved for beer and maybe something else important that I haven’t heard of yet) all by myself. This is, as you may imagine, a major task. And not one in which Mrs RS participates, except to the extent that she shoves her champers in my fridge.

But do I complain? :wink:

A good, and dutiful Husband you are to share your shop space. In America, women are not generally allowed in the home shop,and usually wont want to enter as they may be required to do something useful. :slight_smile:

This is what made America great, and the envy of the rest of the world! :smiley:

Long Live Bubbles~~ Our Beer Spokesperson in Canada!!!
