entirely off-topic, but that has never stopped us before!!!

inspired by the “barbarian” comments in minstix post.

What is the origin of the word “beserk” and with it “beserker” please embelish your answer with a suitably graphic account of Beserk behaviour.

Berserk means a bear skin jacket.
Certain Viking warriors would get mad during battle and loose total control of themselves, attacking without fear.


Yes Ill give you that, I understood that they wore Bear-Shirts, and frequently of recently killed bears.A Fur and blood covered Madman carrening around the battle field frequently irregular troops unleashed onto a battlefield in a melee, to butcher and clear out enemy positions after the completion of hte first phases of “organised” conflict

The Bear-Shirters, became Beserkers.

Jan your turn

Ok, here is my question:

What is a Hooverville?


Cardboard shanty town in the US during the great depression, usually full of unemployed men. Named after US President Herbert Hoover.
And all without using google :wink:

It was a village/town set up to house people who had been evicted during the depression in the US.

edited at 1748 to say bugger

PDF27, You’ve got it. :smiley:
It’s your turn now!


Yet another photo quiz - sorry I can’t be bothered to think of a proper question.

So what is it then?

A Soviet copy of the B-29?

To me it looks a bit like the jet version of the Avro Tudor.


No and no. Glad to see it’s somewhat harder than the last two which were guessed immediately (very impressed with Erwin for getting the prone pilot Meteor, unless he traced the image back).
The Soviet B-29 knock-off was the Tu-4 Bull, which looked practically identical to the B-29 and a photo of it can be found here.

Ya I think he traced it back :wink:

I have no idea, I think we need some hints :wink:

Short Sperrin



I thought it looked like an early Canberra.

It’s at about the same technical level, but substantially larger. It was the backup to the backup to the two aircraft designs competing to fulfil the V-bomber requirement, and fortunately never got past the first two prototypes.
All yours Firefly…

That was a hard one.

When you give these my first thing is to think about how the aircraft looks, Usually the same designers ac look slightly similar. High wings etc. i initially though this was a Vikers design (similar to the Valiant) and it took me ages to track it down.

My question then, and you know I like to try and make them ungooglable.

This should be an easy one:

Who is the 1st official death on the allies side in OP Overlord, and for a bonus what was his favourite sport.

Brigadier-General Don Pratt - 101st Airborne - 6th June, 4am, glider accident I’d say.

nope, about 4 hours late id say

Damn, it was a British Commando I’d say… :smiley: