absolutely no topic at all

OK, I never saw the other one, please accept my apologies.

The sun was shining that afternoon the Wednesday on January the 2 nd, 1833. The quiet inhabitants –about 110- of the little village of Puerto Soledad (Port Loneliness), in the island of the same name, were following with their lives like any other day in those argentine islands. But that Wednesday wasn’t “any other day”. From the coast, sailing from the south advanced slowly a silhouette, which then got into the bay to be at last recognized. It was a combat ship, hoisting a British flag.
The inhabitants as well as the military personal and the authorities from the Malvinas islands watched astonished to the frigate that was like a huge monster next to the humble argentine schooner “Sarandí” which was detached at the village’s dock.
The argentine Commander Pinedo sent a group of their men as courtesy and to welcome a foreign ship to a national port, but while they were presenting themselves, received an intimidation:

“We represent to the Commander of the frigate HMS Clio, Captain Onslow, Royal Navy following rules from Her Majesty. We came here to notice you that you are established on territories appertaining to the crown. We will give you a British flag, be reasonable, take down your flag and raise it in its place immediately. Then, aboard your ship all your military forces and authorities to withdraw yourself as a top date, on Saturday the 5 th”

The Argentinians returned to the island and told to the Commander Pinedo what happened. Pinedo repelled hardly the invader’s intentions, and started to plan the defend of the Malvinas islands. He counted on with the crew of the schooner (about 80) and a few military units –hardly twenty- who were established in the land. All them received a firing weapon, as well as the argentine Ship, the Sarandí was being prepared to the combat.
But then, the commander started to think about the problem nearer and with a more reasonable form and recognized that would was only a lost of argentine people. The schooner couldn’t do anything to defeat to the british frigate, that was two or three times stronger than it. The chances to win were void. Embittered, he assumed that he had to esteem the orders of the British Commander.

That morning, when the sun hadn’t appeared yet, Pinedo went to the HMS Clio, that was anchored a few meters near the coast of the village. He asked to the Commander Onslow that make as official the happenings. Then Pinedo asked him to keep the Argentine flag on the top of the central pole of the village until the Saturday, day when the argentine forces would be abandoning the islands. Onslow refused it immediately.

At Nine o’clock, Pinedo and all the argentine military forces were aboard the schooner Sarandí, while the inhabitants stayed in the village shocked, without the real knowledge of what was happening with the movements of the British.
At that hour, the Commander Onslow and its Marines landed, advanced to the central pole of Puerto Soledad, took down the Argentine flag (that was sent to the Sarandí pleated), and in its place took up the flag that represented the Crown. The British forces required to the authority, military forces and the most of the inhabitants to board the argentine navy’s schooner and leave the islands.

Immediately started the official argentine protests, but they were useless. The british government never heard them.

In that period lived 110 inhabitants on the Malvinas islands. These islands, had been declared as Argentinian in 1820, starting with the right of Nearness, the right of being in Argentine waters, the right of Heritage of the River Plate’s Spanish possessions, and then, finalizing that year getting stronger all those rights when the crew of the argentine corvette “Heroína” landed on the Malvinas islands and raised an Argentine flag.
Five years later the first argentine citizen established on them. The same year Great Britain recognized to Argentina as a free state, sovereign of all the territories that Argentina declared as own, without making any claim over any territory, even over the Malvinas islands.
From 1827 the people who were living on the islands raised up, and Buenos Aires sent authorities to govern it. In 1829 the population raised up to 150. That surprised to London and remembered those islands, without making any claim over the islands in fifty years, also they accepted the term of not claim the islands again, when the government of Buenos Aires, under Spanish flag, displaced an illegal british colony established in the Malvinas islands.
In 1831 the Malvinas were suffering the illegal exploitation of fishing in the Malvinas’ waters, so the Argentine government sent a warning to all the naval powerful countries that all foreign and national ship that would be surprised fishing illegally in the waters surrounding the islands would be detained and judged by argentine authorities. The naval powerful countries didn’t answer it without any claim, accepting to the warning.
A year later, three north American fishing ships were arrested near the coast of the islands. That irritated so much to the north American government that they sent a combat ship, the “Lexington”, that bombed Puerto Soledad, landed its soldiers who destroyed the most of the buildings and took some prisoners. They weren’t argentine military forces to defend the village in that period.
A few days after the north American attack, they related what happened to the British government, knowing from that moment that the argentine establishment would be enough weak to take another strategy point of the world. So, the United Kingdom started to refuse and repel the relationships with the Argentine government without reason, but nowadays we should know that was a strategy to advance over the islands.
Days later, finalizing the year, the north American and british consuls met themselves. The North American, Slacum, ensured to the british, Parish, that they wouldn’t recognize any Argentine sovereignty over the Malvinas islands if the United Kingdom would allow fishing licenses to the north American ships.
Finalizing December, the Argentine schooner Sarandí arrived to Puerto Soledad to re-establish the order on the attacked village… What happens later is written over it lines.

From the last month of 1833 the Crown sent civilians to populate the argentine islands with foreign blood, with people that should be lived and died very far of the Malvinas. As you can see here, the Empire, the “glorious” empire, followed using it’s only possibility of expansion, by the force, invading sovereign territories with non-logical excuses. Furthermore, they occulted what happened that January the 3 rd, saying to the world that the British conquered a deserted archipelago, that had been populated by argentinians until 1831, when ALL of them were retired by the Lexington frigate. That affirmation have no sense at all and is really too irresponsible to the british historians, but as the proverb says… “God cannot change the History, but historians can”.

Today we are remembering it at 173 years of the so bad british’s exterior politic abducted the Argentine territory of the Malvinas islands, annexing to them, the Georgias and the Sandwich islands, that are an extension of the Andes range by the South Atlantic Ocean, legitimated Argentine territory as the limitation treaties signed with Chile (the other legitim sovereign of the South Andes Range) says, and are respected by all the countries who recognize to Argentina and Chile as states, except the United Kingdom.

The Malvinas islands, Georgias islands and Sandwich islands are rightful Argentines. One day the sky blue and white flag will replace the crown’s flag on those territories, on those Southern Pearls…

Giuliano “Eagle” Gentilletti.-

Here is this message. Answer if you have something to say… or just lock it as you do when you don’t know what reasonable to do, by the force, as the “so good glorious british empire” forged itself, locking and occulting his rivals.





Sturmtruppen if you are un happy here then leave.


May I point you gentlemen in the direction of this thread ?


Where i said that im unhappy mr henk?.


Well it sounds like it. The way you speak about the other members and your feelings about the Germans you sound pretty un happy.


are you kidding?,i have german heritage and im proud of it!!,im ERWIN SCHÄTZER REICHERT,you want more germanism than that? :shock: ,i speak good to other members and bad to others,like cuts or 1000yds,why you didn’t say something to them?.


If I look at the link that Cuts gave you sound pretty rude to the other members, you do not have to be rude. I also have German heritage, my full name is HENDRIK GABRIEL GREEFF. All that I am saying is that it is not needed to be rude to other members, everyone do have their own opinion. How would you like it if someone was rude to you?



He is always rude to me,lad,im just defending me.



Erwin do you love woman more than WW2 stuff? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Just defend yourself nicely.


Yes lad :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ,but there are some guys like stoatman or 100yds,etc that are not happy because i love them :smiley: .

Best Wishes


Good for you.

What section of WW2 except woman do like the best?


German military

Witch part of the German military, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine or Whermacht?

Mine is the Krigsmarine, Luftwaffe and the Panzer devisions.


I like, SS,Waffen SS and panzer divisions :smiley:

Erwin if you want pictures of German tanks just E-mail me and will send you a few.

I know a man here where I live who’s grandfather was in the SS and still have the black leather jacket with the SS still on it.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ,GREAT!!!,thankyou very much,i will send you a pm,please check your inbox

Erwin check your PM.


Move along lads, nothing to see here, FI thread locked.