Adolf Hitler, pros and cons

This thread is closed until further notice due to blatant thread-jacking and trolling…

But I will respond to these few comments that irk me…

WTF do "Banana (Republic, I assume you mean) Wars have to do with the “pros and cons” of Adolf Hitler? Secondly, I’ve never defended U.S. “Monroe Doctrine” policies you’re referring too…

  1. Invasion of Denmark and Norway was to secure iron ore from Sweden. Try reading Churchill memories, punk.
  2. Ober Commando Wehrmach did not go anywhere. Almost all were against war. even conspired to murder adolf. But faced with possibility Hitler knew of this treason they backed down and try to “articulate” what he wanted. World war was not what army wanted.
  3. IMO !!! Try reading Wages of Destruction to see how “Blitzkrieg myth” is dispelled in recent literature. Although half crazy Hitler, knew nevertheless that only chance Germany had was quick war not war of attrition.

Really? You’re citing Tooze’s Wages of Destruction for this? My assertion of your learning disability coupled with your inability to grasp English language nuance is becoming ever truer and truer with every little trolling post. Actually Tooze is EXACTLY the literature that dispels the “quick war” “Blitzkrieg” notion as he cites The Blitzkrieg Legend (written by a German military historian and Bundeswehr officer). And if you had actually read this text you throw around in a completely inappropriate manner, you’d note that the reason why the OKW didn’t want to go rumbling into France was that the very blueprint for war that Hitler was screaming to put into place was in fact a BATTLE OF ATTRITION through Belgium! NOT a BLITZ of any kind, as the Blitzkrieg was essentially invented on the fly during the war with France, not for a war with France. The genius of the Manstein/Halder plan didn’t come to fruition until well after Hitler was pressuring his army to attack into Belgium in October-November of 1939, with a plan that anticipated over 600,000 casualties for marginal gains at best!

Ahh. did not know that, what you said “circumstances in Iraq were far from those of any other Middle Eastern country” ? Why don’t you try explaining circumstances starting from aforementioned banana wars, Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan, Serbia, Libya and god knows which other country you have invaded.

I don’t know what a “banana war” is, but I’m pretty sure none of those countries grow bananas as America’s evil plot to seize the worlds banana supply was thwarted!

Blah blah off-topic mentally ill ramblings…