Am I Blue? Has the Forum Changed Color?

I don’t know about the malware laden part, but a few years ago I looked into running internet businesses and porn came out as the most profitable for the least investment and least effort.

It’s a numbers game that works better the more portals you have to drive traffic to the main site, hence posting on forums. The people posting on WWIC won’t be the owners of the main site, but drones who get a cut of any subscription they produce by sending someone to the main site.

There’s tons of porn sites that will give you a turnkey (i.e. ready to go) web site for free. You just host them and drive traffic to the main site and get paid for every subscription. With hosting costs down to a few dollars a month if you know where to look, you can run five hundred sites for about the cost of renting a small office, with very little work once they’re set up and no other overheads and, best of all, no bloody staff.

I can’t remember the details but some of the porn sites paid good money compared with everything else on the internet. Some people had done very, very well out of it, but I think they were probably people who understood a lot about search engine optimisation (SEO) and various other things that are necessary for most internet businesses to succeed. Probably they were also able to do it because SEO was simpler some years back, e.g. you just loaded the keywords on your site description with porn, adult, etc (like WWIC’s keywords are ww2, world war 2, ww2incolor, color, talk, discussion *) and the search engines picked it up. They don’t work that way any more but examine the content and traffic and frequency of traffic to a site, so to rank well you have to do well, which is why WWIC ranks well when there could be hundreds of thousands of other sites with the same keywords. I expect that most people who get into it without SEO and related skills don’t make money.

So far as posting links in forums goes, I would have thought it would be a lousy return on effort for manual posts, but bot posts would be a different thing if you can spam hundreds of thousand of forums for very little effort. The same principle applies to phishing for bank and credit card details. Even if your success rate is only a fraction of one per cent, you still net a decent amount of data when you’re sending out tens of millions of emails.

I didn’t touch it because I didn’t feel comfortable with it, but I have to say I thought seriously about it for a while because there was a dollar to be made.

If they’re carrying malware, the obvious risk is that they’re run by criminals trying to capture credit card details etc with spyware. There’s a better way I worked out years ago to become fabulously rich on the internet, and it’s going to happen sooner or later if it hasn’t already. Just set up a site that gets high volume credit card purchases, which becomes easier the cheaper and more popular the item is, then when you’ve captured tens of thousands of card details just max them all out and retire to Bolivia or Chad or anywhere that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with any developed countries. Or get into eBay’s or PayPal’s data banks - which someone might do who works there - and max out all the cards in there, which should make the sub prime mortgage crisis look tame. Then you’ll be able to buy your own country somewhere in the Pacific and not have to worry about extradition. Or ever going anywhere near civilisation again.

  • How do I know that? If you’re using Internet Explorer, click View at top left, then Source, which displays the coding for WWIC, and six lines down you’ll see <meta name=“keywords” content=“ww2, world war 2, ww2incolor, color, talk, discussion” /> which tells search engines what the site’s about.

One of the semi-webmasters at the other site I mod, the, runs an online casino business from around Sydney I believe and does quite well with it. As far as making money with a porn site now, it seems that there are so many out there. And I would think that people are becoming less and less dumb about giving up their credit card number to view dirty pics they can easily find for free. I really do wonder where all the money comes form to support this, I can’t imagine paying for it, I just can’t see who pays billion$ to support all of the actors, web owners, techs and grippes, etc. But who knows?

That was one of the other things that paid well, and worked on the same basis as the porn sites with drones referring to the main site. I was more interested in porn, because you’ll always do better at a business you’re interested in. :smiley:

The beauty of the net is that it doesn’t matter where you are based, you can operate in any country or globally.

It’s still reported as the biggest industry on the net. I imagine there’s a relatively small number of sites making big dollars and a lot getting by, but you’d have to wonder whether most of them make enough to justify the effort. Still, they wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t pay.

There’s a sucker born every minute. I expect serious pornistas would have a credit card with a low $ limit for internet transactions, like everybody should have, so that it’s not a disaster if someone manages to draw on it.

They’re not Hollywood productions and the ‘stars’ don’t get Hollywood pay.

$600 to $1,000 per day for actors.

A mate of mine just rented his old rowboat for an advertising photo shoot and got AU $500 for a couple of hours, so a porn star is worth about the same as a old wooden boat.

Vivid Entertainment is the undoubted industry leader in the US adult video sector, producing about 60 films a year at a cost of about $50,000 in production dollars per title. These 60 films feed about 150 annual releases once recut, anthologised and repackaged in various imaginative ways. Vivid’s overall revenues are stated at about $100 million, although the revenues come from an impressive array of sources, including a vodka, videogames, a night club, virility-enhancement concoctions, X-rated comic books, custom car wheels, and phone sex chatlines. The most successful films will go on to generate up to $5 million, albeit through very varied forms of distribution and exhibition (retail, mail order via internet, VOD, subscriber channels, streaming including to cellphone, download and burn), fruit of Vivid’s 22 years of experience in the adult industry.

If it costs Vivid only $50,000 to produce a flick, what’s it going to cost the smaller operators, especially with aspiring actors probably willing to work for free just to get their bodies on screen? Not to mention the amount of porn coming out of eastern Europe where costs are even lower.