American vehicles & a few Mince off topic posts

HEY!,fuck off,margaret tatcher is old shit.she´s worse than galtieri.

i don´t support the junta,but when i said that,it was for making you angry,

and the hippies never supported the junta.[/quote]

Starting from your last comment, that’s exactly what I said, very few hippies supported the junta.
I never claimed you were a hippie either.

Secondly you could never make me angry mate. :smiley:

And as to the first comment, I don’t think that the UK had any people ‘disappearing’ when Thatcher was democratically voted in, unlike when Gen. Galtieri took charge arbitarily and instituted a military junta.
Or do you disagree with that comment ?[/quote]
you´re my friend :smiley: .
and the dissapeareds history is an invent of the leftmovements

the dissapeareds are terrorist who were tortured,by orders of the high command,no for pleasure,and they weren´t civilians.the mother of plaza de mayo say that their sons were killed,but that´s not true,they are living in switzerland and europe now!!!,a man said that,and 3 days then,he was find died in his house,he was killed!.
the terrorist were worst than the soldiers,they put bombs and killed civilians,but nobody tells that,they drive the mids of communications.

the people wanted the army to kill terrorists first,but,when they finished terrorist,they attacked the army,because alfonsin feeded the mids of comunications.

you have a bad information,stop with google and wikipedia.

Yes, they’re all fine and living a wonderful life on Pluto.

Yes dear.

I think you’re confusing me with a poster who is ‘taking a holiday’ from the site :smiley:


Yes, they’re all fine and living a wonderful life on Pluto.

Yes dear.

I think you’re confusing me with a poster who is ‘taking a holiday’ from the site :D[/quote]
they are having vacations in switzerland,and other part of them are died,like they killed civilians.
don´t tell me dear,coz you sound gay when you are talking no formally,im a guy,not a sir.

and don´t insult new members,you have to be nice,you don´t want the same to happen to you,you have to threat the people with good manners

Yes, they’re all fine and living a wonderful life on Pluto.

Yes dear.

I think you’re confusing me with a poster who is ‘taking a holiday’ from the site :D[/quote]
they are having vacations in switzerland,and other part of them are died,like they killed civilians.
don´t tell me dear,coz you sound gay when you are talking no formally,im a guy,not a sir.

and don´t insult new members,you have to be nice,you don´t want the same to happen to you,you have to threat the people with good manners[/quote]
Yes dear.

BTW, which new members have I insulted ?

Yes, they’re all fine and living a wonderful life on Pluto.

Yes dear.

I think you’re confusing me with a poster who is ‘taking a holiday’ from the site :D[/quote]
they are having vacations in switzerland,and other part of them are died,like they killed civilians.
don´t tell me dear,coz you sound gay when you are talking no formally,im a guy,not a sir.

and don´t insult new members,you have to be nice,you don´t want the same to happen to you,you have to threat the people with good manners[/quote]
Yes dear.

BTW, which new members have I insulted ?[/quote]oh sorry,i confunded you with another user,but,when you said about wikipedia user,you are insulting and flaming war when that user come back. (now i know who is he).
im afraid you´re a zurdo (and im not talking about the hand you write with)

¿No es cada uno?

¿No es cada uno?
you don´t understand,i think you was thinking in another :roll:

¿No es cada uno?

¡ aunque mi esposa no pensar tan!

Demmit Erwin, you post very quickly :slight_smile:

¿No es cada uno?

¡ aunque mi esposa no pensar tan!

Demmit Erwin, you post very quickly :)[/quote]
I know dear :lol: .

can you tell me in english wtf do you wanted to say?,spanish is your weak point :smiley:

yo hablo argentino :smiley:

I’ve now been up for 36 hrs & for the last five have been drinking for the commies !
Cuba Libre


I admit to using Babelfish to translate ‘although my wife doesn’t think so’
(On a better day I’d have done it in Pork and let you get on with it.)

cuba libre?,you´re a zurdito and comunist!.

:smiley: sir,my girlfriend speaks english better than me

hey cuts,you don´t think i write very fast? :smiley:

good night cuts (:

and the dissapeareds history is an invent of the leftmovements

the dissapeareds are terrorist who were tortured,by orders of the high command,no for pleasure,and they weren´t civilians.the mother of plaza de mayo say that their sons were killed,but that´s not true,they are living in switzerland and europe now!!!,a man said that,and 3 days then,he was find died in his house,he was killed!.
the terrorist were worst than the soldiers,they put bombs and killed civilians,but nobody tells that,they drive the mids of communications.

the people wanted the army to kill terrorists first,but,when they finished terrorist,they attacked the army,because alfonsin feeded the mids of comunications.

you have a bad information,stop with google and wikipedia.

I cant believe this. I trully thank the Lord that I live in a democratic country where the media hasnt been so stifled that the above statements can be considered truthfull.

All living in Switzerland? For Gods sake, did they swim there after sky diving with no parachute into the South Atlantic?

While I may agree that some were terrorists in the eyes of the Argentinian government of the time, you cant honestly believe this statement?

Edited so many times as Im a biff with quotes lately.

the dissapeareds are terrorists killed in the navy training building called the esma,i saw they are untrue,because only,some terrorist were killed,no civilians,and they always say that they were civilians (those who were killed),but it´s fake.
the people wanted the army to attack the terrorists in that year!,they escaped by plane to switzerland,with help of montoneros and other guerrilleros (terrorists)

and there were also tortured soldiers by the terrorists.

im afraid you know only one side.

the guilty are the communication mids.

Erwin, I have to admit that I dont know enough about it to debate with you. I will however do some research. The history of S America is a fascinating one to me.