anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

True thats something i should of mentioned in my recent post, many of the policticial government had come from Samurai traditions.
Samurais was wiped out from the japanese emporers army in the late 1800’s.


I never thought I’d say this to a German, but I quite like you, and you are a fucking good bloke! :wink:

Good post yet again fella!!


Jans a bloke ??
No offence Mate, but i thought you were a sheila. :lol:

Yes, I’m a bloke. Jan is an abbreviated version of Johann, which is a version of John, which is quite common around the North Sea and Baltic coasts, from Belgium all the way to Lithuania. They also use it in the Czech Republic.

In my case my name has Polish roots (I’m named after a Polish mate of my father from when he was working as a miner back in the 1960s).

The French version of John is Jean, the Spanish would be Juan, the Portugese Joao, the Russian Ivan, in German speaking countries, there are several versions in use: Hans, Johann, Jan, Hannes.
In Italian it would be Giovanni.


…and in Romanian: Ion or Ioan

whats wrong with germans?

The germans today, are really nice people with great personalities…nothing is wrong with them.
If anything i have never liked the French,…but thats just the English coming out in me. (no offence if anyones French here).

General Lacrec is french :lol: hihihi :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:

For the end of the Samurai, and I can’t beleive I’m going to say this!!, watch the “Last Samurai”, with Tom Cruise.

Samurais were ridiculed on the streets and had their hair cut, and there were many who both lamented and cheered their loss.

Fights did indeed break out between them and the newer army, and it did pit old freinds against each other.

It is pretty accurate, I believe.

Although I don’t think a drunk American officer ever joined their ranks!!!

the greatest part of the movie, it that the last samurai is tom cruise…

All samurai get killed only american officer survive and he is last samurai ,and very honored man :lol: :lol: movie for kids. :wink:

if any of the samarai’s decendants saw this movie, they’d be really pissed at this hollywood BS

Yes indead :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually the Meiji government looked around and got themselves the advisors they thought to be most usefull. For naval matters they turned towards the British, since they had most experience in naval warfare, and for land operations they got themselves Prussian and French advisors.
They also sent young people out to study at European and American universities, where the European universities were prefered.
The first results were seen in the first Sino-Japanese war over Korea. Korea at this time was a feudal vassal to China, the Korean ruler was under Chinese control and kept the country medieval. Koreans, who saw Japan modernising and wanted Korea to modernise too, rebelled against the ruler, which caused the Chinese emperor to intervene. This again caused the Japanese with their modern army to intervene on the side of the rebels, defeating the Chinese and Korean armies.

The biggest early success for the Japanese was the victory over the Russians during the Russo-Japanese war in 1904. This was the first time that a non-white country had won over a major European power. This war introduced trench warfare, electronic means of communication (telephone, telegraph) and first widespread use of the machine gun, mostly on Japanese side. It also included a major naval battle at Tsushima, where the Japanese destroyed the Russian Baltic Fleet, which was sent out to Korea to help the Pacific fleet.


The last Samurai with ol’ Tommy boy was a good movie, i saw it when it came out on the movies and i got the DVD of it in my bedroom…
I wouldn’t watch it more then twice though.
Since Tom Cruise was an asshole to that Australian reporter for no reason i have hated the tosser.

Walther, I’ve heard claims that factions within the “Great Powers” at the end of WWII had concerns about Japanese treatment of their new Korean colony. This is allegedly the reason why they were unwilling to turn over any African territory to them, particularly given that the Germans themselves had been a particularly harsh master of places like Namibia. The argument rather falls down when you consider that Belgium, which was probably the nastiest colonial power, made some African gains.