Anyone still playing Board wargames?

Hahahaha yeah she has one but you don’t want any of that lazy/fat/greedy/stupid/selfish/steeling bitch. Sorry but that’s what she is. I lost my car keys the other day and found them a few days later at her apartment even tho I never went there before…

Back on topic, my g/f loves RISK. :slight_smile:

…and s-poker. :smiley:

I play DAK II by the way.

A&A is something of a hybrid between risk and monopoly; I like it because of the diversity of units

I love Axis & Allies. I have an original and a first edition Eurpean version. My bro has first and second Pacific. We play often. A freind owns a hobby shop, has latest European. You can put the two latest versions together to make one truly epic game. Has, of course, the Soviet Union, Germany, Brittain, Japan, and U.S.A. But also includes France, Italy and I think Poland. It’s not as simple as Monopoly, but it is easy enough. I also really enjoy A&A minis. It’s not nearly as complicated as other tabletop games so most all of my friends will play it with me. It’s fairly tactical and easily adaptable. I’ve developed a couple of scenarios myself.

The last two years I’ve been engrossed in Breakout Normandy & Montys Gamble Market Garden. Dabbled in a number of other tactical games.

I play Axis and Allies Minatures with a buddy of mine on Wednsdays, but I have played Memoirs of 44, ASL, Wings of War, and Flames of War.

Axis & Allies is the best war boardgame ever! I’ve got the Global 1940, it’s very cool!

I loved Panzerblitz and Panzer Leader

Just moved house, andd got myself a study! I can see DAKII making an appearence anytime soon!

I used to love playing the 4th edition of Third Reich and Squad Leader. Sadly, I haven’t played any of these games for many years now–I’ve been too busy.

i havn’t played any WW2 boardgames whatsoever, but i think i’ll give it a try when ever this game comes out:
kinda like World of Tanks (the PC game) just on a board, with cards and these awesome Miniature tank models!

I play risk still often if in any way that counts and a few other games when I was younger. Though I stopped playing them since I had no one to play with

^I have no one to play Axis and Allies with… Probably because it takes so long!

Yep, mines collecting dust too. All my nephews grew up and moved away… they’re the ones I usually played against.

Don’t make the mistake of throwing it away. Life has a funny way of finding you new opponents, even if it is 10, 15 or even 20 years later!

Oh I’m not planning on it.

Yes. I am back into Advanced Squad leader now. I had ditched this boardgame for PC games but have now switched back.

Playing Wargame AirLand Battle at the moment as well as still doing the odd game on WoT, not got anyone to play a board game with, my son more into computer games now.

Does chess count ? It is a board game … Kidding, of course, JR.

I would suggest that it is the original board wargame!