Archive - China and Taiwan

BTW, has everybody heard about whats happening with Japan and South Korea? Japans claiming this really really small island (that really looks just like a big rock) and has made a law that states they can use force to get it. South Korea does not like it, and theres alot of anti japanese rallies in the street.

There is alot of cases where countries claim this island, but other countries have it. For example the time when Britain claimed the Falklands island but Argentina did. It caused a war but Britain succeeded in the end (of couse). There are also these islands that right above Japan called the Kuril island its claimed by Japan but owned by Russia. There seems to be some slight conflict, but I see no way that Japan can get those islands, unless they make some kind of political agreement.

Quite true S.A.M. regarding the Kurile islands!

I do not think American would risk her soldiers life just to save an island, what good can it possible give american for defending taiwan? I think the way to protect Taiwan is to continue selling weapons to Taiwan, America is going to dump those weapons anyways, why not selling them for cheaper price instead of negotiating for such a long time and achieve nothing ( i didnt support the aid from american NOT because i am from Hong Kong, i personally hate the Chinese communist government for not allowing us to have elections in 07/08 ). China is a powerful country and peace talk would only make them stronger, if i am american president, i would NOT give China any chance to involve in peace talk like that, and i would NEVER treat China any better in exchange of their support in terrorism. The US can bypass the entire UN to invade Iraq anyways, why bother ask for their support to give China a chance to become an stronger nation?[/quote]

Ya the U.S. would not want to go and help taiwan. They have no weapons of mass destruction, and Taiwan has no major resources. And Taiwan does really belong to China, however they seem to be slight independent.[/quote]
thanks for the reply, i think whether taiwan should be part of china or go on to be an independent country, the chinese government should respect the taiwanese and let them decide their destiny(spelling could be wrong)

I think China should let them choose their destiny, but I think that is not going to happen.

Really? I see alot more items that are made in china. FW-190, I also hate the cheap labour they use. And we shouldnt blame all that on China, we should blame it on big companies that go to China for cheap labour. FOR INSTANCE NIKE! NO ONE SHALL BUY ANYTHING MADE BY NIKE!!! WE SHALL REVOLT!!![/quote]
yeah, those are the heartless coporations that make this world even worse