Archive - GOOD LORD-The P. 1000 "Ratte" Land Cruis

They also were planning a P. 1500 that weighed about the same, but was to carry the infamous ‘Dora’ howitzer. ‘Dora’ and it’s twin ‘Gustav Schwere’ were 31" mortars built by Krupp and mounted on special double-track railroad carriages. Gustav Schwere was used to bombard Sevastapol, managing one shot about every hour. One of those shots landed in the harbor, penetrated 150’ of rock, and blew up an ammuntion dump the Soviets had built under the harbor. It was the only time this big waste of resources was used in the war. I’m wondering why they didn’t build a bombproof bunker for it opposite Dover?

Im assuming you mean in Calias. The had a similar design to hide a V-2 rocket launch pad or … maybe it was they were building them in northern france. Anyhow the allies took it out iwith a remote controlled bomber fully loaded with bombs. One of the first missions failed and Joe Kennedy died. (Brother of President John Kennedy) Im guessing the Germans didnt go for that idea coz the V-2 were doing a decent amount of damage. Good question thou.

Im assuming you mean in Calias. The had a similar design to hide a V-2 rocket launch pad or … maybe it was they were building them in northern france. Anyhow the allies took it out iwith a remote controlled bomber fully loaded with bombs. One of the first missions failed and Joe Kennedy died. (Brother of President John Kennedy) Im guessing the Germans didnt go for that idea coz the V-2 were doing a decent amount of damage. Good question thou.[/quote]

Well without the German scientist, we would never had landed on the moon as early as we did. The captured German scientists who agreed to help, where the backbone of the American space agency.

All countries was tying to create such big tank… For example Soviet heavy tank T-35, 1936 y. with 5 turrets:

But big - don’t means good. This is slow constuction an ideal target for sturm planes…

Yea the T-35 was big but about comparable to the Maus. The P1000 just blows this out of the water as far as size.

Of course. But try to compare the date of research! 1936 - is a date of produce, not research. War was extremely raise a speed of progress. But pre-war tanks of Red Army like T-34, KV-I, KV-2 was efficient and in the end of war too… If the soviet was need the ultra-heavy tank, they could make it, and make it very powerfull. But the Soviet command realized that no need to such types of tanks. It’s only spending resourses in nothing…

On that we are in total agreement :smiley:

Here’s your comparison between the T-35 and the Maus:
T35A ( the main production model ), built between 1933 and 1939
Weight-52 tons
Maximum speed-30 mph, Cruising speed-18 mph
Armor-60mm max, 30mm min.
Weapons- 1 76.2mm main gun, 2 45mm guns, 2 machine guns, (all in seperate turrets ), and 1 machine gun mounted forward below main gun.
Crew-10 or 11 men.

PzKfw VII Maus, built in 1945
Weight-188 tons
Maximum speed-12 mph, Cruising speed-5 mph
Armor-160mm max, 80mm min.
Weapons- 1 128mm main gun, 1 75mm secondary gun, 2 machine guns,
multiple mortar projectors on side of turret.
Crew-5 men.

As I told above, the T-35 was old tank. But he heal Soviet command from love to the BIG weapons. German have no such experience and was spending a lot of resources to the big, but useless weapons like “Dora” or “Mouse”

Big, but not useless: “Anzio Annie”

Very big (gun caliber) but useless (in a way): YAMATO battleship:

I’m not disagree that big caliber may be in a good use, but it may be big more then need. Like “Dora”. It’s shot near Svastopol is an only one known good shot. When it shooted to normal, not rock ground the ammo (forgot term of bullet for big gun) of it go to subterrain at 13 meters and do there qiet “Boom”… Without any damdge. The mass of warhead wasn’t enough to excavate the masses of ground…