Archive - Marshal Jukov

suvorov-rezun the liar and a hypocrite. He is ready to go on all for the sake of glory and money. And his history false for 80 percent.
And to read his “history” it is necessary as the adventure novel.

All history is like adventure novel. I don’t trust any books without facts. Suvorov give facts, which easy to check. And I checked them many times, because that was very interesting. And may check, showed me, that Suvorov was right. Try to check his books by yourself, and you’ll be surprised. In reality, a lot of facts is affirmated his point of view, even that, which he didn’t used in his books. I think he didn’t find them or can’t use because size of books was limited.

The facts?!! There are no facts, only his conjectures and conclusions which submitted by the facts.
Selectively (I already badly remember simply all this delirium, as read already for a long time):
rezun writes that Stalin planned to attack Germany but Hitler has been compelled him to outstrip
Delirium! Itself Hitler it denies in book Mein Kampf
And about the flying tank in general to read it is impossible. It at a level of the newspaper “UFO”

Facts is facts. You don’t payed attentions when read his books. About flying tank, in the yard of BGTU there is a sample of 1938 y. Winged light tank, adopted to landing when dropped from 3000 meters. That’s fact. About “Mein Kampf”… It’s funny. This book was writted, when Hitler was jailed, before he got a power. HOW he can write about attack of SU, wich will be planned and prepared 10 years later? You have a lack of arguments, man…

I see you slippery… Well, you will competently confirm these two facts. With links on plausible sources

Never heard about this flying tank.

You need a date when was wrote “Main Kampf”? Or you need a date when WW2 was began? For theese question I even don’t answer you, you may find this dates yourself.

About project “wings of tank” or A-40:

There was another project based on BT series. I can’t find the url fast, but on the second url that I give, you may see the theory picture of it maded by W. Christy.

Very interesting!!
I found also:
An interesting idea! Komissar, could you post a picture of that sample in the yard of BGTU (by the way, what means BGTU?)?
(Sorry for my off-topic post!)

Sorry, but can’t. BGTU (Baltiyskiy Gosudarstvenniy Tehnicheskiy Universitet, Baltic Goverment Tech University), the place, were I was studied. The most popular name of it is “Voenmeh” it’ shortened from Voenno-Mechanichescjiy, Military Mechanic. The cameras restricted there, I can’t take a photo. Also I havn’t enough clearance to go in the yard, I saw it only from window…

Compare it to that that has invented rizun in the book
By the way, the first tests of the tank have begun on August, 7, 1942. And what there rizun spoke about the flying armadas ready on the first sign of Stalin to tear of all on a part?.

Sorry, in Russian.

В акте об испытаниях опытного планера указывалось на необходимость увеличения триммера руля высоты, постановки штурвального управления с червячной передачей и внесения конструктивных изменений в аэродинамическую компенсацию элеронов и управление закрылками. Отмечалось, что задача создания летающего танка решена, но были допущены ошибки. Модель планера и танка для продувок в аэродинамической трубе была выполнена в упрощенном варианте (без тросов, соединяющих бипланную коробку крыла и оперение, и без моделирования гусениц танка), что привело к ошибке в расчетах аэродинамических свойств “КТ” и требуемой мощности двигателей самолета-буксировщика. Кроме того, не было учтено сопротивление воздуха, что не позводило двигателям ТБ-3 поднять планер на требуемую высоту и усложнило управление им в полете. Из более мощных самолетов, способных поднять в воздух планер “КТ”, на вооружении в то время находился лишь стратегический бомбардировщик Пе-8 (ТБ-7) конструкции В.М. Петлякова. Однако в годы войны было построено всего 80 таких машин. Пе-8 использовали для глубинных воздушных рейдов, в частности для бомбардировок Берлина, и рассчитывать на его использование в качестве буксировщика “КТ” по меньшей мере было В связи с этим дальнейшие летные испытания крылатого танка прекратились.

I wait for the proof of preparation of an attack of the USSR to Germany

Some links (Russian)

Suvorov didn’t write about “flying armades”. Re-read his book again. He wrote about experiments for flying tank, for agressive war. He didn’t told about mass production. You miss it with mass production of BT series tank. About 15.000. They was concetrated at the border with German and was lost in first days of war… You need a proofs of SU preparations to war with German? Select any some next points, and I’ll give an url to you. Select some, I haven’t much time for searches, or try to find them by yourself.

  1. Great number of tanks, wich can used only in European terrain, not Rusian.
  2. Concentrations of large forces at border with German and Romania.
  3. Placement landing sites near border.
  4. About 20 millions russian-german military translators.
  5. A lot of excellent maps of Bavaria, Prussia, Austria e.t.c.
  6. Mobilization of the prisoners was made 3 months BEFORE war, but Stalin don’t believe in German agression.
  7. The song “Arize…” was written by Stalins order in December 1940.
  8. ALL memories of soldiers and commanders begin: “We all know, that we are going to war” (Rokossovskiy), next page: The attack of German was unexpected. What war they mean at the beginning?
  9. Hitler “Desision, to attack Russia is in the danger they are a making preparations to attack our oil plants in Ploeshty” (by books of Mannstein and Galland)

I can said more and more. The proofs of it not only Rezuns book. You also may read Drozdogonov “Tank sword of Soviet country” or “Nazis sword was making in USSR” (forgot names of autors) e.t.c. Try to search and you find a lot…

About your links: funny. That all I can say. The autors have such problem as you - they haven’t an arguments. They give to Suvorov words that he don’t said, and after broke them. Old method, but no usable to men who can think. They even can’t read book properly or specially changed Suvorovs words.

I see with you to argue is useless. You are already final zombied the book. it was necessary to expect, reading your posts about Stalin
By the way, I agree with you concerning Zukov .
I do not believe this book on three principal causes.

  1. rizun - the traitor
  2. I do not believe the author who supposes so much discrepancies and frank lie.
  3. He does not have historical education and he wrote the book abroad. About what authentic sources there can be a speech.
    I think dispute closed on it . If to you from itis easier, continue to trust fairy rizun’s tales .
  1. The truth maybe said by anyone.

  2. I recommend you books with autors, who not be traitors, have an historian education. Read them.