"Argie"...old one or new one ?

Rhyming slang.

Septic = Septic tank = Yank.
Oh, like Cockney. not bad… Here in the Grand Republic, the septic tank is still used in more suburban & rural areas, as is the mound system. Mostly though, we use the modern soilent Green facilities as we are along the edge of Lake Michigan.

I would point out here, for those new to this, however that the flip side of the Septic = Septic Tank = Yank is slightly more insulting.

It could be used to implie that Americans are full of sh1t. Just like a Septic Tank.

I have often wondered if there was more to the Limey bit. It is a little unknown but the Royal Navy used to issue Lemons to its crews (German U-boats did similar during the war also), the Lemons were replaced by Limes because Limes were cheaper.

Terms like “to Lime over” meaning to worry over pennies were used around this time (18C), as the Admiralty only saved a small amount by the swap. This was mainly so that the British Lime growers (who lobbied the Navy and governers) could sell their fruit, rather than the Royal Navy buying Lemons and Oranges of Johney Foreigner.

For some reason or another Americans also used the term “lime about” to describe the British Sailers interest in looking around red light areas for entertainment. I don’t know if, perhaps, British sailers looked after their pennies in this pursuit also, whilst their American counterparts spent a small fortune as per their own stereotype of seemingly having little regard for their financial expediture.

Whilst almost cerainly this term began to describe British Sailors, it appears to have grown out to describe all British.

Other nicknames for the Brits, include “teabags” mainly from the German speaking Swiss, who believe we drink Tea all day.

The Poles use “5 oclocks” on the grounds that we have tea at five oclock.

Portagues use Bife (literal steak) but sounds similar to beef, for females tourists especialy they us bifa.

Tommy from Tommy atkins is an old one (from the 18C) but received wide spread use from the Germans in WW1.

Red Coat, often believed to come from America but used all over Europe prior to that.

The French also called us the “Les goddams” and of course we have been called “the contemptables” from “the contemptably small army” rather than we were contemptable.

It is also worth noting that the Norther Irish regard “Brit” to be a insulting term used by the Catholic/Republicans.

In a similar way that, for some reason, the term Fenian is a derogatory term for Catholics/Repuclicans used mainly by the Protestant/Unionists.

LOL We still have a lot septic tanks owned by Yanks? :smiley: Especially in the New England portion of the country where the actual “Yankees” are. I just assisted my brother in putting in an “environmentally (more) friendly” variant of the septic set-up (the old ones will not meet code), and now the sand must contain “envirotubing” as the leech field…

The Fenian Brotherhood was one of the early Irish Republican organisations (200 years or so ago).

England stomped France to the ground today at football - i was talking to a french and his first comment concerning this match was: Saleté de Rosbif :smiley:

Rugby dear chap, not football.

Ref Fenian Brotherhood, yep knew about them but why doth that become an insult?

Where’s the difference between football (the American) and Rugby? - Rugby is harder? :neutral:

We in the English speaking world, which by definition excludes America :D, do not regard that padded up, helmeted, run three feet and stop for half an hour, run another three feet and substitute another helmeted padded ape because the last one was exhausted or was a specialist in the first twelve feet of the ground and might get confused if he goes any further, don’t kick on the run but stop the game to have a kick because a kick is such a big event and just another reason to stop an already slow game, gridiron game played in America as football.

We prefer our apes to clash like free apes, with fewer breaks in play and no padding and, especially, no helmets so that we can see the claret flow.

Of course, where I am, we play an even better, faster and more athletic game which distinguishes itself from rugby, and gridiron, by, among other things, most of the players having necks and, usually, most of their own teeth. :smiley: And no padding at all, unlike rugby and gridiron.



This would make them Septic’s septics, and doubly [insert preferred pejorative term for Americans here]. :smiley:

Or is it like a double negative, so that a Septic’s septic is actually pure? I guess you could check out your brother’s septic in a few months to see if it’s pure? :confused:

Sometimes I think too much. It makes my brain hurt. :smiley:

I still reckon the Irish game of hurling has GOT to be the most nuts game out there.

Think rounders crossed with rugby/ausie rules football.


Any game where the players are armed, like hurling, lacrosse, and hockey have an extra dimension for spectacular injury.

Ice hockey is my favourite, although it’d be better if (a) they didn’t wear padding and (b) worked out that hitting a bloke in the head who’s wearing a helmet isn’t likely to do much.

Now, I’m a Paddy meself, some generations removed, but the fact is, you can’t civilise the Irish.

There we were, an Aussie rules team bringing civilisation to the land of pototoes, and they cop a few whacks and get all upset and ban us.

Not the boyos of my ancestors, who’d just put the boot in harder if they copped a whack.

Don’t even try to understand the rules of this game, which combines two unrelated codes and makes about as much sense as a rugby team playing a soccer team with rules from both sides.

2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIGREZw4Sr4&mode=related&search=

2004 Pre game warm up


No worse than we do at home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AbugTv3FzY&mode=related&search=

None of this is like the old days. The last video is about what you’d expect in AFL before the game started, before the bloody money men and marketers got into it and wanted to make it appeal to women and small furry animals with spending power to support the rich drones who profit from the game.

[December 10, 2006]

The AFL will try to broker a peace deal with Irish officials to salvage the future of International Rules football after Ireland scrapped next year’s series.

Ireland’s Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) on Sunday voted to cancel its planned 2007 trip to Australia, angered by what it labelled Australian “thuggery” in last month’s second Test in Dublin.

The GAA will also prepare a list of proposed changes to rules and penalties which it has demanded the AFL must accede to if the annual series is ever to be revived.

AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou said both his league and the GAA would have further internal discussions before trying to find some common ground.

“The International Rules Series will be suspended for 12 months at both junior and senior level for 2007,” Demetriou said.

"We will meet with the GAA in the new year to talk through future plans between our two organisations.

"The GAA intends to have further internal discussions about the structure and the rules of the series.

“We look forward to talking to them once they have completed that process on how we may proceed in the future.”

Among mooted rule changes, tackling could be outlawed from the hybrid game in the future.

The Irish, whose Gaelic Football does not involve tackling, were infuriated by a tackle laid by Australia’s Danyle Pearce that knocked out Irish player Graham Geraghty in last month’s Test.

Also, suspensions stemming from International Rules matches could have to be served in regular season AFL or GAA matches.

The GAA said no future series would be possible unless the AFL agreed to the list of changes it was preparing.

“It will be forwarded to the AFL for their consideration,” the GAA said in a statement.

“If the GAA’s terms, as outlined in this document, are acceptable to the AFL, then discussions on the future of the series could take place.”

The Irish cancellation of next year’s tour adds to the AFL’s headaches stemming from last month’s trip.

It also had to send Carlton star Brendan Fevola home early after he grabbed an Irish barman in a headlock, prompting an investigation by Irish police.

Australia’s planned under-17 tour of Ireland next year will be replaced by a tour of South Africa.

P.S. Count the bodies on the ground in 2006.

All Irish.

I wonder why they don’t want to play any more. :smiley:

–Where’s the difference between football (the American) and Rugby? - Rugby is harder?—Seems hat there is no much rugby played in Germany. hehe. So going back to the topic, Could we say that the equivalent of argie is Brit ?

Yes, we could. Argie is purely a shortened version of Argentina, as is Brit for British.

And as far as I can remember on this site that has always been the case.

Out of curiosity, why did you bring it up?

Bad luck in the semi-final there PzKnacker.
The Pumas played well.

It’ll be an interesting final…

I bring it up to be sure that I am not being calling for a derogatory name in my nose, even I am still feel that someone here has used that word as it…in more than one ocassion.Cuts, I didnt agree, the Pumas played an awful game today, and thats why they lose, seems that they had butter in their hands.

We call that “butterfingers”

I’m not so sure, they made them work hard.

See here:

The stats for the Pumas looked good despite never having beaten the Boks, and they kept the ball in play longer than ZA. Unfortunately, for the Argies, the Saffers excel at taking advantage of sudden opportunities, something they were given too many times.
I for one will be supporting the big cats against the chooks on the 19th.

Edited for fat-fingered typing.

In order to win over South Africa the pumas needed to be 100 % in the game…I dont know what happen the sunday but they simply didnt.The best game of Argentina was this.http://stage6.divx.com/user/databaze/video/1709352/RWC-Argentina-vs-Ireland