Australia does it again!

This is how good security is at our smaller airports.

Kids with guns highlight security gaps
Posted Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:26am AEDT
Updated Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:28am AEDT

Questions are being raised about the effectiveness of airport security in Western Australia after a cache of guns, knives and ammunition was found on a flight from Karratha to Cairns.

The bags allegedly belonged to two young boys aged 11 and 14 who had travelled unaccompanied across the country on a flight operated by Qantas at the weekend.

A spokesman for Qantas confirmed the boys flew with the airline from Karratha in Western Australia to Cairns in far north Queensland, via Perth.

But the weapons were not detected by airport security until the boys tried to board a flight to Weipa at Cairns Airport on Sunday morning.

Police believe the guns may have got onto the plane at Karratha’s regional airport, where security has previously been less vigorous than in major city airports.

Last year the Federal Government granted the airport funds to install baggage checking systems including X-ray equipment.

[b]But security checks failed to pick up two guns, more than a dozen knives and 30,000 rounds of ammunition which were packed into the bags checked in by the two boys at Karratha.

Qantas, which screens baggage at its terminals, says its security checks comply with all Government requirements, but the X-rays are designed to detect explosives and not weapons. [/b]

It is not known why the boys had the weapons, but police believe they were stolen from a Karratha sports store.

Queensland police have charged the 14-year-old with unlawful possession of a weapon, possessing ammunition and bringing stolen goods into Queensland.

Police in Cairns say the boy refused to be interviewed and he will appear in the Children’s Court in Weipa next week.

Qantas is playing down the security breach, arguing there was no threat to flight safety or flight security because the bag was in cargo hold and could not be accessed by anyone during the flight.

But the incident comes just as the recently retired head of security for Qantas, Geoff Askew, voiced his concerns that the financial crisis would lead to lapses in airport security procedures around the world.

Mr Askew is attending an Asia Pacific Aviation Conference where concerns have been raised about airport security standards around the world, particularly in poorer countries.

“Some participants in the industry will look to cut costs and look to security to see it they can cut costs under these difficult circumstances,” he said.

The conference also heard the number of security audits around the world has already been reduced.

Yesterday the Federal Transport Department would not confirm whether it will investigate the incident.
My bold

I’m not that impressed by explosive detecting equipment which can’t pick up 30,000 rounds of ammo. Take the explosive out of those rounds, or as many rounds as you like, put it in a brass or lead box which apparently is all you need to do to stop the detectors picking it up, attach a timer or altitude trigger, and that should cause a bit of a problem in the cargo hold and for the plane in flight. Or have I missed something? :rolleyes:

This country is run by idiots. :evil:

I can’t believe what is going on in Australia!

SYDNEY — A woman was convicted of fatally stabbing a neighbour who complained about her barking dog in Australia’s biggest city.
A New South Wales Supreme Court jury found Katrina Megan Whitmore, 26, guilty of murder after two days of deliberations.
Joseph Durrant, 47, of Sydney, was on his way home from Australia Day celebrations Jan. 27, 2007, when he argued with Whitmore in her yard about her dog.
Prosecutors said Whitmore threatened Durrant then attacked him with a knife.
Whitmore has acknowledged there was a struggle but denied wielding a knife.
She will be sentenced May 29.
“She does say that she told people not to speak to her dog like that,” prosecutor Chris Maxwell told the court Wednesday.
A witness, Adam Duncan, told the court he was at a party next door when he saw Whitmore run down her driveway brandishing a knife, adding that he was “pretty sure Katrina stabbed him in the neck.”
Co-accused Steven Spiro Sotiropoulos, who was involved in the fight and charged alongside Whitmore, was found not guilty of murder.

there are many problems with todays planes and we do not want another lot of firey plane crashed do we

No offence to the pooch, but do I really CARE about some stupid DEAF Dog that gets trapped in a cave in Australia?..I mean, over here in Canada, we don’t even know where Australia is (well I do); so of all the news in this BIG World, why does a story about a dog-A deaf dog, make the news over hear in Canada, that gets himself trapped in some stupid cave??I mean, If a Hamster gets frostbitten and lost in an Igloo in Iqulat (Northern Canada)…does this make the news in Australia>?What is the world coming to? Have we run out of murders and gang rapes from New York city to report on? Is there no typhons in malaysia to report on? …but a deaf dog getting lost in Australia of all places…is in the news in Toronto. Oh Brother! dog trapped in cave since Sunday
Posted Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:00am AEST
Updated Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:34am AEST
The RSPCA is working to free a dog trapped in a cave in the New South Wales Hunter region.
The deaf cavalier king charles spaniel called Scooby went missing from his Sweetman’s Creek home on Sunday but was later found trapped in the mountain cave.
The RPSCA found the dog about 20 feet behind a rock wall yesterday, and jackhammers are being used to try and get him out.
Spokeswoman Kylie Prowse says he has been crying to his owners this morning.
She told ABC local radio that officers hope to be able to free him soon.
'We’re very very close, we put in two cameras yesterday and we can see he’s moving around, trying to eat flies," she said.
"We did put some food onto the end of the camera to try and get him to move.
“He’s obviously confused because he could actually walk out. We left a good trail of food for him but he’s scared and doesn’t really know what’s happening.”
Ms Prowse said a rescue team was on its way up the mountain to asses the stability of the rock before more jackhammering is done to try and free him.

The stupid pooch has been rescued now, according to tonight’s TV news.

It gives me a warm glow to know that in this lucky country huge resources can be devoted to rescuing a dumb dog while bugger all is available to improve the living conditions of various severely disadvantaged people. It’s the same mindless attitude which is currently giving federal government money to schools for such worthwhile projects as knocking down four perfectly good classrooms which the school community is perfectly happy with to replace them with four new classrooms the school community doesn’t want, instead of giving the school community what it wants and needs.

Meanwhile no money is available for, say, kids with special needs in mainstream schools, possibly because the government building program for schools costs about two to three times market rates for non-government buildings and vastly more than private enterprise in administration costs.


Sounds like your school system has gotten hold of some of the same folks who have been ruining our system for decades. Once my kids were old enough, I home schooled them, they are fine, and actually can read, and do fancy cypherin’. :slight_smile:

Obviously a very special pup to somebody.

Quite possibly, as we like bringing out second and third rate Americans to bugger up our corporations and bureaucracies. At least you get the first rate ones.

Of course, that means you get first rate bugger ups, while we get only second and third rate ones. :smiley:

It might be lucky it wasn’t an Afghan Hound.

‘Officers used feet to repel refugees’

Mark Dodd | September 07, 2009

FEMALE navy personnel moved quickly to save desperate Afghan refugees from drowning after another boat carrying mostly male navy crew abused and physically prevented the Afghans - many with serious burn injuries - from boarding their rescue vessel.

Afghan elder Hassan Gulam, who interviewed survivors of the explosion of asylum-seekers boat SIEV 36 off Ashmore Reef, said that in the minutes after the blast, male navy personnel forced survivors trying to cling to the bow and sides of an RHIB rescue boat back into the water.

Asked what sort of force the survivors said was used, Mr Hassan replied: “They were pushed by hand and forced away by legs, not kicking in the face or anything but they were being pushed and sailors were shouting, ‘Get off, go away’.”

Mr Hassan said the explosion occurred after an Australian Navy officer on the vessel ordered crew to fill the fuel tank of a small auxiliary petrol engine used to power a bilge pump. The deadly explosion was most likely triggered by a cigarette igniting volatile fuel vapours that had concentrated in the boat’s engine compartment.

Defence does not deny claims its personnel used force to fend off refugees, most of whom were poor swimmers or unable to swim as they frantically tried to clamber on board to safety.

Sources who have seen the navy video footage of the tragedy say Afghans were repelled from the rescue boats in scenes described as “distressing” and “inhumane”.

Defence has declined to comment on the allegations, but has said its first priority is to ensure the safety of its own personnel, several of whom were on the refugee boat when it exploded in flames, killing five people.

It is understood Chief of the Defence Force Angus Houston has viewed video footage of the incident but is witholding a response until Northern Territory police and the Coroner’s Office complete their investigation of the matter.

Last week, Immigration Minister Chris Evans expressed disatisfaction at the time it was taking the Territory’s authorities to complete their work.

A spokesman for Defence Minister John Faulkner, who has not seen the footage, said the minister was expecting to receive “within days” an internal department report of the tragedy. All photos, video footage and reports would be released after clearance by Defence lawyers, he said.

In new claims, Mr Hassan, a respected Hazara elder, said angry male navy personnel used undue force to fend off survivors trying to grip on to one of three navy RHIBs (rigid-hull inflatable boats) at the scene of the early-morning disaster.

“The first number of people who tried to get on board were rejected - they were pushed back by the navy,” Mr Hassan said.

“They are all quite clear and told me this, but (minutes) later the female navy officers fished them out of the water on to the rescue boat.”

Mr Hassan said he did not know how long the officers repelled the asylum-seekers, but added that this was “a culture, a longstanding official culture to express a dislike of refugees”.

Survivors later told Mr Hassan that RHIB rescue craft were manoeuvring about 100m away from the burning refugee boat.

While some of the asylum-seekers believe their colleagues drowned because they were forced off the navy RHIBs, others claim the force of the explosion was so violent that those who died were unconscious when they were blown off the stricken vessel.

Among the survivors, there was general agreement that the explosion was caused by a cigarette igniting petrol vapour when the auxiliary engine was being topped up, Mr Hassan said.

“All of these guys (Afghans) were very stressed and anxious about what was going to happen to them and were smoking constantly,” he said.

"An Australian Navy man on the roof of the boat - he ordered the people to move to the front of the boat.

"That night, he (the Australian) ordered the crew to fill the engine, which pumps the water out - I don’t have his name.

“The crew filled a tin with petrol and then put it into the pump engine; there was this strong smell of petrol and then the explosion.”

While this explanation strongly suggests the cause of the explosion was accidental, West Australian Premier Colin Barnett earlier suggested deliberate sabotage on the part of the Indonesian crew, an account he was unable to substantiate.

For its part, the navy has insisted it rendered prompt assistance to injured asylum-seekers.

The Defence website says the first injured Afghans were receiving medical attention on the stern of patrol boat HMAS Childers within nine minutes of the boat explosion, although rescue priority was for uninjured Australians.

The international convention for the safety of life at sea, to which Australia is a signatory, requires any ships in the vicinity of a stricken vessel to render all possible assistance.,25197,26036376-2702,00.html

I saw on TV today that Sydney is wiped out from a dust storm. No planes going in or out and you can’t walk the streets due to a once in a lifetime dust storm that has hit Australia.! I hope RS is not dusted away from all of this. Stay strong RS! :slight_smile:

Once upon a time in America, it was the Cream that rose to the top. Unfortunately, in these enlightened times it seems its the scum that rises.But only to the middle, where it forms a barrier to prevent the truly bright from rising above it. Try not to let too much of it ooze your way .I think the plan is to send the scum to Mexico, and call it a fair trade for all of those folks who though they are illegal entrants, can actually do something useful.

Well, Canada is fourth place so I am proud of that…but Now I know why RS is so Smart…its because he is living in the Second Best Place in The World!!..Congratulations RS and all you other Ozzies! Have a Fosters on Me. Yeaaa!!!

AUSTRALIA is the second best country to live in, according to a measure of global living standards.
Norway retained its status as the world’s most desirable country, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) index released today, followed by Australia and then Iceland.
Niger, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone scored worst in terms of human development and the poorest performing region was sub-Saharan Africa, where states are afflicted by war and HIV/AIDS.
The index was compiled prior to the global economic crisis and used 2007 data on GDP per capita, education, and life expectancy.
Marked differences were still evident between the developed and developing world.
“Despite significant improvements over time, progress has been uneven,” UNDP said.
“Many countries have experienced setbacks over recent decades, in the face of economic downturns, conflict-related crises and the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and this was even before the impact of the global economic crisis was felt.”
Life expectancy in Niger was 50, about 30 years shorter than Norway, according to the index.
Half the people in the poorest 24 countries were illiterate, compared to 20 per cent in nations classed as having medium levels of human development, the index showed.
Japanese people lived longer than others, to 82.7 years on average, with life expectancy in war-ravaged Afghanistan just 43.6 years.
Liechtenstein has the highest GDP per capita in a tiny principality home to 35,000 people, 15 banks and more than 100 wealth management companies.
People were poorest in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Five countries - China, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia and France - climbed three or more places from the previous year, driven by greater earnings and longer life expectancy.
China, Colombia and Venezuela also scored better due to improvements in education.
UNDP, which has published the index annually since 1990, said human development had improved globally by 15 per cent since 1980, with China, Iran and Nepal the biggest climbers in the chart.…/0,23739,26167306-952,00.html

Oh My God!..Did U guys see that baby stroller fall right into the subway , on the news!..Shocking!!

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Police in Australia say a 6-month-old baby has miraculously survived a train hitting his stroller that had rolled onto the tracks.

The train pushed the stroller about 130 feet (40 metres) along the tracks before it stopped.

Security video footage released Friday shows the mother looking away for a moment when the stroller suddenly rolls off the edge of a station platform and onto the tracks. The mother panics as she looks back and sees the oncoming train hit the stroller, but the baby boy survived with only minor injuries.

Victoria state Police Sergeant Michael Ferwerda called Thursday’s incident a “lucky escape” and said people should be cautious in train stations.

Video is here


From Toronto Star Newspaper:

OTTAWA – The federal government has ordered 200,000 doses of H1N1 influenza vaccine from Australia so pregnant women who prefer their flu shot without an “adjuvant” – a booster – won’t have to delay their inoculation.

On the first day of a countrywide public immunization campaign, Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said the unadjuvanted vaccine, manufactured by CSL Australia, should be available as early as next week.

The government has already ordered 1.8 million doses of unadjuvanted vaccine from its Canadian supplier, GlaxoSmithKline, but said it isn’t expected to be available until later in November.

An adjuvant is an additive that boosts the immune-system response, making it more effective. The adjuvant used in Canada’s H1N1 vaccine contains fish oil, water and vitamin E.

Dr. David Butler-Jones, Canada’s chief public health officer, said adjuvanted vaccine is “a better vaccine” than unadjuvanted product and “will afford better protection at the end of the day.”

Health Canada recommends that women more than 20 weeks pregnant, or who are pregnant but have underlying health problems, get the adjuvanted vaccine.

Many expectant mothers, however, want the unadjuvanted version.

The Public Health Agency of Canada will spend about $2.55 million on the extra order.

Paul Lucas, president of GlaxoSmithKline Canada, said in fact the Canadian version of the unadjuvanted vaccine will likely be ready within a few days of the Australian batch.

Live News from Australia about Nazi War Criminals!!!..(Where is RS to tell us about this stuff, when you need him!!)(Maybe he’s taking a nap!)

Toronto Sun Newspaper
ADELAIDE, Australia — The Australian government on Thursday approved the extradition of an alleged Nazi war criminal accused by Hungary of a World War II killing.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O’Connor said Australia takes war crimes seriously and will not be a haven for alleged criminals.

Australian citizen Charles Zentai, 88, is accused by the Hungarian government of being one of three men who tortured and killed a Jewish teenager in Budapest in 1944 for failing to wear a star identifying him as a Jew.

Zentai, who emigrated to Australia in 1950, says he is innocent and was not even in Budapest at the time. He turned himself in to Australian police in the western city of Perth last month after exhausting his legal appeals.

“My decision is not one of determining Mr. Zentai’s guilt or innocence,” O’Connor said. “It was about deciding whether or not Mr. Zentai should be surrendered to Hungary in accordance with Australia’s extradition legislation and its international obligations.”

Hungary has two months to carry out the extradition.

A warrant was first issued for Zentai’s arrest in 2005. An Australian court ruled last year that Zentai was eligible for extradition, but his poor health has kept him out of custody. He appealed the court’s decision in March and again in October and lost both times.

Zentai is listed by the U.S.-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish rights group, among its 10 most wanted suspected former Nazi war criminals for having “participated in manhunts, persecution, and murder of Jews in Budapest in 1944.”

We must have changed our attitude recently.

Until now we’ve welcomed WWII war criminals and other war criminals and those guilty of crimes against humanity. (click ‘Show transcript’).

Dam those Kangaroo’s! Now I am serioulsy scared of visiting Australia!!!

MELBOURNE, Australia — A kangaroo startled by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, pinning the pet underwater and slashing the owner in the abdomen with its hind legs.
The Australian, Chris Rickard, was in stable condition Monday after the attack, which ended when the 49-year-old elbowed the kangaroo in the throat. He said he was walking his blue heeler, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur’s Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and pinned the pet underwater.
When Rickard tried to pull his dog free, the kangaroo turned on him, attacking with its hind legs and tearing a deep gash into his abdomen and across his face.
“I thought I might take a hit or two dragging the dog out from under his grip, but I didn’t expect him to actually attack me,” Rickard, 49, told The Herald Sun newspaper. “It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don’t go around killing people.”
Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.
Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.
Rickard said he ended the attack by elbowing the kangaroo in the throat, adding Rocky was “half-drowned” when he pulled him from the water.

Ha Ha and thats why kangaroo jack is in no way plausible

Nothing unusual about that type of attack by a kangaroo on a dog. They’re well known for that drowning tactic. Which at times may be accompanied by gashing the dog enough to disembowel it.

There have been a few kangaroo attacks on people on the outskirts of my city in recent years, partly because the roos are moving in because of the drought.

I had a big buck over the road from our new house block in one of the outer suburbs earlier this year, possibly from a mob of them in the area. I wasn’t inclined to try to pat him.

Even supposedly tame ones can get a bit feisty.