Australian Infantry

What are yuou on about mate :?: Please type in a language that everyone can understand thanks

If it’s not, it should be.

What are yuou on about mate Question Please type in a language that everyone can understand thanks

Is that a Wah as well?

Sorry Hiddenrug. That particular phrase of our shared language hasn’t spread as far as I thought.

A Wah is a question the answer to which is so obvious that the question shouldn’t have been asked in the first place.

I really couldn’t believe you are interested in WW2 and have never heard of the Gurkhas :smiley:

thanks mate. To tell you the truth i had no idea what a Wah was before you told me! Thanks

I splitted this topic. Splitted posts to be found here:

First up and well now.

For all the talk here of the superiority of the Wehrmacht it was an Australian AIF (volunteer) Division of infantry, supplemented by one further AIF brigade, and by British Artillery and tanks, that held Tobruk for almost one year against Rommel. Thus ending the ‘German invincibility’ idea. Eg. when overrun by tanks they stayed in their (improved Italian) positions and killed the following pioneres and infantry.

After they were withdrawn to rest in Palestine, they came back in to the Western desert campaign in the battles of July August 1942 around El Alamein / Tel el Eisa. To end Rommel’s push, which started early in the year at Gazala.

Surprising the Germans with proper divisional and corp level artillery support, big conc’ns, something few other divisions were able to do, becaue they had effectively been broken up under Dorman Smith et al’s stupidities.

NB - the DAK were by this time just part of PAAfrika, buy contained all the PJ and Pz divisions.

Later in the Battle of El Alamein, they were to carry the lion’s share of the proposed fighting, and even more of the crumbling fighting. Drawing all the DAK divisions onto their front, after Monty realised, as told by the inf commanders well before, the the armour would NOT 'get up. IE they were fighting the German Armour, with one brigade of Valentines!

Did not ONE of you know any of this?

the 9th Australian Division is thus one of the finest infantry divsion of WWII.

Secondly - Taking my cue from Field Marshal Slim I would also point out that the supposed invincibility of the Japanese infantry was decisively exploded by Australians, and before Guadalcanal took off.

AIF volunteers ( 6th and 7th div’ns) and AMF conscripts first at Milne Bay, and the Kokoda campaign.

It is also a fact that the British adopted Aussie jungle training schemas schemes from mid '43 on. For their campaign in Burma.


Timbo in Oz

Timbo, Timbo, Timbo

No one’s having a pop at the Aussie Inf. They are very well respected (along with the NZ Inf) especially by us Brits, who recognise their vital contribution to the Allied victories in both World Wars.

I’ve never worked with the modern Ocker inf, but have worked with your Gunners, and found them a great bunch of blokes.

Don’t be so chippy old son. Great information in your posts but presented in a manner guaranteed to put folks’ backs up.

Still not quite as good as the Ghurkas though :slight_smile:

Onto the uniform of the Infantry.
What headdresses do all the worlds Infantry wear?
Submit images if you can.

Hats and helmets, typically :wink:

Do you mean their helmets or the headdress away from the battlefield?

You can fill a book with British Army headdress, particularly the Scottish Battalions.

Actually both will be good! :wink: