Awards for 2011

I certainly accord with the recommendations.


If there are then none dissenting, someone needs to polish up the investiture sword (dont want anyone to get tetanus from a scratch) and do the bestowing. Is that an Administrator function?

Churchill has been pretty consistent in a drought year, especially on notifying spammers.

I will second Churchill, He has, at present the Good Conduct, Good Posting, and Site Defense medals. Can we award a star to one of those, or should we award a wholly different medal?

I’d suggest a star - or bar if you want to give him a proper Imperial award :wink: :smiley: - to each, as he’s been consistently good in all.

The list as it presently stands: Then we may have some members to bestow. If we do awards should we just decide who, and what, or open it to the ravening hoards? :wink: So I recommend :

1). Leccy For All around good posting medal, in all areas.

2). Royal 744 For All around good posting medal, in all areas.

3). MuscogeeMike For all around good posting medal, in all areas.

4). Forager For all around good posting medal, in all areas.

5). Churchill Bars for his good conduct, good posting, and Site defense Medal

6). TankGeezer Site Defense Medal

These Stalwarts being recommended, and seconded, are there any other members to be recommended? Last Call.

How about Tankgeezer for regular site de-spamming? (i.e. The Site Defense Medal?)…


No objections to any of them.

Sorry I haven’t been able to do much more than whack spammers of late - working silly amounts of overtime again!

No need for apologies, we’ve all been there…

Thank you all very kindly for the consideration, I’ll add me to the list. Any one have any more recommendations? I S’pose we should finish this up fairly soon.

It being the new year, maybe we should finish up the awards, any others to recommend? If not, then who can do the admin part of this?


The senior mod (sorry, not by age;)) or the chief of staff I guess.

Or anyone really - just need to post an announcement in the relevant thread and edit the big list of medals. Tedious, but we should all have the admin rights to do it.