Ban Stevey14/88

I respect what your opinion on stevey but really he just keeps spewing hate my friend and the hate hate he spews is just unignorable.

I respect your opinion of stevey but really he keeps spewing hate on the forum my friend hate that is simply unignorable.

i agree with you , brother ,on that, but i think that can be changed, i was a cold war kid, and even when i entered the service was worried over " the red menace " but that all changed and so did my attitudes, my favorite boxers are mostly former soviet citizens.i just try to bring out a persons good, which we all have ( somewhere )

Thank you , you have fully expressed my indignation about this foolish kid,dear sir from Carolina ( nice place for living i heard):slight_smile:
This is very great that ordinary members like take care about the atmosphere in our forum.

Err, you didn’t find existence and reproduction of our race and purity of our blood racist but inspiring? Those are the core tenents of the racist creed. I’m certain he isn’t talking about the human race, or the contamination of the blood via bestiality. He was talking about the white race, and not allowing whites and non-whites to interbreed. I would say that anybody who is against the freedom of any person of one colour to mix with another is inherently racist.

Actualy mr Amrit , you absolutly right.
in many forum this troll can be banned ONLY for 14/88.
this is the most used abreveature in such White Nationalists forums like
From most beginnig, taking sense of his nickname in mind , it was clear for me that this is absolutly BAD idea to dispute something with him.
To dispute with WhiteNAtionalist - is not just the waste of time- you give him a excellent tribune to PR and propogand pulically his race-hatred views. This is just dangerous.

You are so old chap, but still make the simple mistakes.

The WhiteNationalists share not just Riussian-hate, but also Jew-hate, Black-hate and everythig-non-white-hate.
their Idea-X is to clear “their lands” of the non-whites.
"to wiped it clean of that slav scum , niggers scums , jewish scum " and ets
They are simply despise everybody non-white as a subhuman.
the WW2 they considers as the Fight of White side ( Germany) against ZOG ( zionist occuped govenments and states) where they to include the USSR,Britain, USA and even Australia:)
So his anti-russian pose is just a SCREEN to cover other his race hate ideas, that shares his “WN company”.
Don’t be a crazy , trying to dispute with man ( unless he is a child) who consciously choose the WN symbols in his name.

i say to each his own, i think racism is more in the way you treat people than how you feel, which is nature working.i believe in judging a man by his deeds, regardless of race, and everybody deserves to be left alone to be happy, as long as they are not doing anything illegal i dont believe in slavery or job or any other kind of discrimination, BUT I WOULD LIKE MY GRANDKIDS TO BE MY SAME SPECIES, and thats more family pride than white pride. anybody who wants to be my brother is welcome, regardless of race, otherwise

So you wish to talk…
What “your country” do you mean UK or Germany?
And why do you use the White National Symbols then?

Aye!..I like RussiansThere is no room for anti semetic commentary!!

Guys, this thread is just turning into a bitchfest. Hence, I’m locking it. If you want to discuss this elsewhere please limit yourselves strictly to addressing particular points in a post in the appropriate thread.