
I would second ardees motion. It’s difficult to get a word in what with all the rhetoric. I’m wondering if it’s his intention because when he starts blathering on, most everyone gets up in arms. Including me. And I actually kind of sort of defended him in the forums.

Stevey deserves a chance. The Mod made a decision to ban him for 3 weeks and we are all talking about what Mod should do before he even comes back. I am sure Mod is well aware of procedure and will do the fairest thing.I amy not like the comments but I respect the process’s in place. There have been worse members on this site in the past, judging by the blogs in the archives I have read. Thanks for the feedback Ardee, your point is well taken, but leave the Zulu’s alone:)

Herman2, both ardee and I have noted on giving stevey a chance if or when he comes back to the forums. We have just been posting about his comments in the picture site. Which you are well aware of. We were seeing if something could be done on the picture site as well. Take care!

Hi Herman2, I take your point about the Zulu’s - I wouldn’t want to risk offending them by suggesting Stevey might be one of them! :slight_smile: But navyson1 is correct - we are gripping about his behavior in the picture posting-posting section. He is behaving the same way – no, correct that, far worse – in that section than he did here in the forum. And nothing is done about it. You mentioned “fairness” in your previous post – I don’t think letting him make the same comments in one place after banning him in another meets my definition for fairness, especially if you look at things from the perspective of the people being slurred by his idiocy and racism.

I am resigned to the fact that Stevey will be allowed to return here, and that he probably will in fact do so, and even read these posts, if he hasn’t already. Given his inability to learn, or lack of desire to do so, I suspect that when he does return, he will resume his behavior here - though it seems probable he will try to be more careful about it, trying to insult and provoke without quite crossing the line that will require action by the mods. Because Stevey has so far shown a lack of both cleverness and subtlety, I think he won’t be able to do that successfully for very long, and will get banned. The only question in my mind is how much fuss he will cause before being thrown out.

But whether I’m correct or not, he has certainly not carried forward any “lesson learned” from being banned here, so far as the picture posting section goes. In fact, the lack of any action over there seems to be, IMHO, encouraging him to be more provocative, more troll-like: see as an example. And I don’t think any of us should have to put up with it. And, as I’ve said before, and Navyson1 says he has also done, I have tried to help Stevey “learn,” in as positive a manner as I know how. It was fruitless. So what other course of action is there? The only thing I can think of is to ban him from the picture section as well - for a time to be determined by the moderator, but long enough, I hope, to get the point across.

[QUOTE=Firefly;132125]Id like to announce the following:

User Dietrich aka Detrich aka Hotchi aka Spetsnaz is hereby banned for life from this site. why cant you have more than 1 profile???

why cant you have more than 1 profile???[/QUOTE]

Why would you want more than one profile?

Because they’re usually used by trolls trying to evade being banned, or to argue with themselves.

Oh, and while I’m here abi has been banned for repeated wikispamming after being warned he was on his last chance.