best and worst movie

No, I’m not a Borderer, although I’m proud to carry a Border name.
The Steel Bonnets by GMF is a marvellous book. My copy is heavily dogeared :slight_smile:
One thing it does show in connection with this thread is the utter pointlessness of describing someone at the time of Wallace, or indeed for the next 300 years as simply “a Scot”.
You had the Highlanders,essentially to the North, then moving South a belt somewhat equating to todays industrial Central Belt, where the Lowlanders lived, then the Borders.
(Scots always use the term Borders, with an “s”, not the Border of the English) :slight_smile:
The Borderers, like the Highlanders, had a society that was very similar in many ways to the North American Indian; far more tribal than national.
Scots allied with English to attack Scots and vice versa.
Even within a “name” factions could be at feud, as with the Kerrs of Ferniehurst and the Kerrs of Cessford.
Another Kerr, Sir Mark Kerr, led the Government (not English, anymore than the other sides were the Scots) Cavalry at Culloden.
So much of Scottish history is misunderstood by foreigners, even the English, because they assume that a Scot was a Scot in the sense of belonging to a national identity, when nothing could be further from the truth.
As for the Lowlanders, including Wallace himself, they were classed by the Highlanders as “sassenachs” just like the English.

(edited to add the word “cavalry” missed from my original post)

Well said all of the above, Ive met certain North Americans who stood listening to my Scots accent who have told me they loved my Irish lilt. Ive also served with US personnel that were somewhat astonished that we had PCs electricity and TVs etc.

That said there are also far too many Scots who belive that the Braveheart vesrion is the real version. These are the famous Shortbread Tin variety of people that will have a little ‘Kiltie’ on some surface in their living room.

The same lot that make out ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ to be an all pervading Scots hero - makes the blood boil, grrrrrrr…

It happens! :smiley: :smiley:

As distinct from an Italian born and raised half-Pole who didn’t even speak Englsih, let alone Gaelic.
More Scots fought against him than for him.

No, I’m not a Borderer, although I’m proud to carry a Border name.
The Steel Bonnets by GMF is a marvellous book. My copy is heavily dogeared :slight_smile:

Ah! Adding that to my summer reading. My father also has a copy due to family interest (we being of a reiver family name beginning with “B”, by the way) and I think as a B***** I should read it just to see what thieving gits my ancestors were. :slight_smile: It’s localish history too I guess since we live in the North of England.

Hey, I’ve got a copy of the book as well!


Well, if my previous post wasn’t enough of a clue, it seems my ancestors included “the all-time Border Badman” :slight_smile:
The reivers gave two words to the Englsih language it seems.
Bereaved and blackmail (black=illegal and mail=rent), so more protection racket than blackmail as we know it now.

Excellent! I have learned much from you gentlmen about the Sots. Thanks for that. Great posts all!

can we really label a movie “best” or “worst” just because we don’t like it,or love it?
i think not.btw,my favorite movie is a turkish movie called “korkusuz korkak” .it’s not the best movie ever but i love it.that’s something different.

we can label it best or worst in our minds. we all do it, this is a matter of opinion.

I think one of the best films of all time is “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart. It’s also perhaps Stewart’s best performance of his career.

On that we can agree! Great film. :slight_smile:

On that we can agree! Great film. :)[/quote]

I agree also, very good performance, one of those movies they should never re-make.

On the subject of Scots history:

[i]The good news is that the visitor centre at Culloden Moor is to get a “immersive experience” make-over. The bad news is that a US company is to do the work with “the battle lines being redrawn at the site.”

Oh Lordy…

* Pre-battle scene showing Elysian existence enjoyed by the Highlanders with much joyful dancing around campfires to a backing track of skirly whirly chanter type doodlings lifted straight from Braveheart.

* Tom Hanks, as Bonnie Prince Charlie, will now personally lead his Highlanders in "historically re-imagined" wooden landing craft crashing on to the beach at Nairn.

* Rutger Hauer as The Duke of Cumberland will command a squadron of Stukas, mercilessly machine gunning the Highland ranks from the air.

* Remaining leading figures on the Hanovarian side will have cut-glass English accents, including the Scottish Lairds who fought on the Government side.

* Julia Roberts, as Flora McDonald, will spirit a badly wounded Prince Charles away to a sun-drenched tropical isle called Skye.

* Long tracking shots of crofts being set alight by sneering Redcoats in slow motion accompanied by that really sad music out of "Platoon".

* Surrounded by the battlefield carnage, The Duke of Cumberland will fall to his knees in repentance, shouting "N o o o o o o o o o."

* Remnants of the feudal class in Scotland will throw in their lot with the Hanovarian elite, integrate culturally into the British State and prepare to sell their vassals down the river.

Oh wait, no. That last bit really happened.[/i]


Thats a good one, reminds me of another Mel Gibson Movie thats ranks up there with Braveheart -

The Patriot! - bucket of w****

Yea, that movie sucked IMO.


I think my favorite movie of all time is "Dances with wolves’

My favorite war movies is: Band of Brothers, Saving Pvt. Ryan and I gotta include “Das Boat” I can go on and on

My worst is “Wind Talkers” They took a cool story with great history and screwed it up.

I think you got a good taste in the best section, also all the movies you have listed in the worst section are totally crap :lol: , especially vanhelsing and the hulk.

Yes, i really liked Dances with Wolves, it is also my fathers favourite movie, though i dont agree with windtalkers…it was a bit too heroic and soppy but the first time i watched it, i thought it was o.k.