Best Commander?

Why Budenny would be relevant to the second and third period of the war in the Eastern Front? Budenny(and Krushchev) told Stalin that Kiev had to be evacuated.He was then replaced by Timoshenko.You can blame more Kirponos and his chief of staff Tupikov who stayed put ,waiting for a confirmation from Moscow to withdraw(that didn’t arrive until midnight on the 17th of September) allowing the Wehrmacht to encircle 665 000 Soviet soldiers.
If you think Russian Front commanders were the same in 1943/44 than their counterparts in 1941/42,then I don’t see a point to have a discussion.

B5N2KATE you are plauging us with your crappy ideas! Rommel was great, did you read his biography If you thought rommel wasent good in WW2 well WW1 then for he was great and very inatitive.

Comrade Commisar…[[rhaps if you had been around at the time you could sit with von Thoma over a cup of ersatz brew and swap Rommel stories…

The most over rated General of WW@…no question about it…

If you wish to continue the “Rommel Legend”, I for one am noy going to join you…

Maybe a bit of wider reading will fix that on your part…

The proof is there for all to see…not that I’ll interfear with your worship…the German people were fooled, too, so don’t think less of yourself for it…

Depends on your definition. A lot of people are slating Soviet Commanders for the losses they suffered. The title is not most humane Commander (but you could view it that way). Zukhov was a winner and using the tools at his disposal he developed the best tactics and won. If that meant using his massive artillery pool and overwhelming numbers to crush the Seelow heights thats what he did. Uncaring yes but succesful yes loved by his men, probably not. Totalitarian regiemes don’t generally reward humane, unsuccesful commanders.

Personally I agree with Slim he took a beaten and demoralized army and defeated one of the best jungle fighting armies the world has ever seen, on their own turf. At the same time he was loved by his men. No glorious Panzer sweeps across the steppe just bloody, hard, yard by yard Infantry fighting.