Best fighter of the war?

BDL, you forgot to update![/quote]

I’m in the middle of revising for the last exam of my course Dani, so things are a bit hectic. After wednesday, I should be done with this course and I can get it written up.

Sorry for yet another lack of update - my laptop decided to go kaputt last week, had to go out and buy a new computer. I’m getting my life sorted ready to move house on thursday, but if I get a chance I will update this (and the tanks debate) before I move.

Dani - feel free to unsticky the two of them until an update is ready.

Apologies again for the delays.

The German Luftwaffe Messershmitt BF-109 is one of the best fighters of the war… Better than the RAF Spitfire in fact… but wasnt noted because it wasnt used to its full potential

No, mate the Fw-190 are way better than the Bf-109, but the Bf-109 was a great fighter but not better than the Fw-190.

I must agree wiht you about the Spitfire. :lol:


true, but the FW-190 entered service in '42 (i think)… but in the early part of the war it was the BF 109, in the battle of britain

Agreed, but the Fw-190 entered into sevice in 1941 and wer involved in the Battle of Britan, but were too late to change the out come of the battle.


Hawker Hurricane.

I dont think so Henk, June 1941 was its debut.

I’ve finally finished my month long Cormorant related slow death - I’ll be able to start these up again tomorrow hopefully.


Why not do pairings that reflect period of service, and region where possible?

I feel that a loy of random pairings, could lack validity, just a bit, say the Fiat CR42 even a G50, against a Spit9LF - even HF, would seem a bit pointless.

Also, and my Zero thoughts below confirms this for me, types which flew for a long period, against many other types, - should be paired up more often.

Eg. yr comparo of the p40 and Zero is valid, although the Zero (and the often misidentified - as a Zero - Oscar) probably fought almost every single-engined allied fighter.

p40 A which only had two 0.50’s and two prs of .30’s or .303 in the wings,
p40B and up with 6 or 4 by 0.50’s
Spifire and Seafire,
Fairey’s Griffon engined 2-seater beastie.

et al.

A Zero wasn’t going to have too much problem with a Buffalo OR a Hurricane IIB, let alone a Spit5, was it? Ain’t going to like a Corsair much but, let alone a Hellcat.

The same question as in the tanks thread:
Who wants to continue what BDL had started long time ago?
Subscription list are opened.

I would continue gladly.

Muchas gracias Panzerknacker!