Best of: German Engineering

CZ April/May 1945.

Just: 2cm Flak 38 auf Pzkfw 38(t) as far as I know.

Sorry, that´s probably wrong.
But 2cm Flak 38 auf […] 38(t) would be normal German practice. What´should be in the [] I don´t know, Panzerknacker ought to answer this, he probably knows what qualifies to be called “selbstfahrlafette” etc.

Hmm, that is weird, there was a 2cm flak over a Pz 38 chassis but is not the same shape as the one pictured above.

That seems a field convertion, probably without a proper denomination.

as fake as it gets but

Well, that is the modellers new sport, to fake and to made up new panzer projekt and protos…amazing.

I think the thing is called Flakpanzer “Gepard” or something.

Good morning - yes it is called Gepard.

Yay picture spam - forgive me :smiley:

The one featured in the “picture spam” is the 2cm Flakpanzer 38(t).

The one in the Cz spring 1945 picture seems to be based on the bergehetzer 38(t). (The chassis similarities are striking; I only have photos of models to support it though, apart from above Cz picture, and “real” Bergehetzer" pictures)

(Think I actually managed to answer something, instead of my usual question-spamming :rolleyes::confused::wink: )

The “rheintochter” ground to air missile.
German surface-to-air missile, tested during World War II, but never completed development. The name translates as ‘Rhine Maiden’.

sorry to sound like a smart ass, but “Rheintochter” means not Rhine Maiden, it means simply Rhine Dougher. Tocher is doughter.

There were other interesting efforts to create SAM missiles, llike Rheinbote, Enzian, Wasserfall and others. I wonder why the germans never paid full awareness to these projects since they possibly could have been a good solution to fight the neverending streams of allied bombers. instead they forced the V1s and V2s as quite unprecise ground to ground devices. :roll:

Jens :wink:

Fliegerfaust/Luftfaust AA 9 barrel rocket system.

(no Wehrmacht trading cards included):smiley:

That is a very interesting piece of weapontry, I think I read that it was used at the end of the war and it was reported to be very succesful weapon

Here some pics of the fligerfaust/luftfaust:

There is really no pics for this weapon

There were other interesting efforts to create SAM missiles, llike Rheinbote, Enzian, Wasserfall and others. I wonder why the germans never paid full awareness to these projects since they possibly could have been a good solution to fight the neverending streams of allied bombers. instead they forced the V1s and V2s as quite unprecise ground to ground devices

Rheinbote was also ground to ground, a 4 stage solid fuel ballistic missile, it suits the “Best of German Enginneering” topic, since it was state of the art, but carried a ridicolusly small warhead for all that bother.

Albert Speer called the V2 project the greatest failure in German allocation of development priorities during the war and believed they could have had a workable SAM instead of the V2, had they directed their effort at that.

V2: All involved were awed by the prospects for the future, the thunder of test launches and could only with hindsight see that all their (succesful) efforts could not produce a weapon with anh impact on the war.

V1: Much more succesful, since it was much much cheaper and several countermeasures were possible, and therefore used, by the allies (AA, fighter sqaudrons and barrage baloons that could not be used elsewhere).

Oops, I guess they didnt pop up, who ever edited my message I thank you or i would look like a fool

Thought, here, but possible, given the involvement of BMM with the Hetzer.
Could the AA/Flakpanzer in the pic be one of the Katzen prototypes converted to, or completed as, a Flakpanzer?
Given the pic is Cz that would be both likely, and make sense, since a Katzen Flak derivative had actually been planned.
Sources have never been accurate about the number of Katzen prototypes completed in running order, which fact would tend to support my thoughts on the vehicle in the picture.
My “gut reaction” is that it’s a Katzen Flakpanzer, even if a prototype.

Regards, Uyraell.

Thought, here, but possible, given the involvement of BMM with the Hetzer.
Could the AA/Flakpanzer in the pic be one of the Katzen prototypes converted to, or completed as, a Flakpanzer?
Given the pic is Cz that would be both likely, and make sense, since a Katzen Flak derivative had actually been planned.
Sources have never been accurate about the number of Katzen prototypes completed in running order, which fact would tend to support my thoughts on the vehicle in the picture.
My “gut reaction” is that it’s a Katzen Flakpanzer, even if a prototype.

That would have involved changes to the Katzchen body, that included sloping the rear (originally outward sloped), inward -Hetzer style.

I don’t see that reversion to Hetzer body would be necessary at all, because the extra space would certainly be put to good use. Though, I am (provisionally) prepared to entertain the thought of a reversion, it is also important to bear in mind that there was already in existence a Flakpanzer on a Hetzer chassis, with an open-topped body. That vehicle is a completely separate prototype to the Gepard and Katzchen series vehicles.

Respectful Regards, Uyraell.

some of it is worth a lot

Originally Posted by snebold View Post
That would have involved changes to the Katzchen body, that included sloping the rear (originally outward sloped), inward -Hetzer style.
I don’t see that reversion to Hetzer body would be necessary at all, because the extra space would certainly be put to good use. Though, I am (provisionally) prepared to entertain the thought of a reversion, it is also important to bear in mind that there was already in existence a Flakpanzer on a Hetzer chassis, with an open-topped body. That vehicle is a completely separate prototype to the Gepard and Katzchen series vehicles.

Because it IS sloped on the picture!

Well spotted! Old eyes here are not what they used to be, LOL,
Which would mean the vehicle is the Hetzer Flakpanzer I actually had in mind, LOL.

Regards, Uyraell.


Coming back to the ‘Holzgasantrieb’-Pictures i showed you on the first page of this thread.

I recently discovered a quite good, but very short analysis of that theme.

Quite interessting.
