Best small arm of WWII

A “better kind of persons” would not have conquered a third of the globe. The British Army is many things, but “nice” is not one of them. It’s why we’re so good at what we do.

If Panzerknacker can call us assholes and faggots, am I allowed to call him a wanker ?

All I can say is that the honourable Mr. Firefly would not be too pleased with the name calling going on here. I think you guys are testing the new Mod ability’s of RS. This is not fair to RS as he needs time to adjust to his new role.

Yes.[/quote] If so I am surprized, honestly I believed the british army with such long tradition formed better kind of persons, but I guess assholes you can find in any army.[/QUOTE]
Personally I can say is true that hoops can be found in any army, but then I’ve actually served to be able to reach this conclusion.

You’ve still not told me which part of my signature it is that causes you such anxiety, please elaborate.

Despite your overt suggestion that you will not to show any sweetness, we’ve always thought you were a sweet little thing.
Misguided, but sweet.

It is perhaps not to the taste of everyone, but chacun à son goût as my Calvi mates say.

I suppose I have done at times:

  • on boilies when on stag in the cold.
  • on a straw when in the West Country. (“Zippin’ zoider through a straw” anyone ?)
  • on a smoke after a successful Op. (Hey, ‘sucking on a fag’ - see what I did there ? :smiley: )

Or perhaps you had something else in mind Panzerknacker ?
Have you been having more of your naughty fantasies about real soldiers again you little tinker ?

Do reply dear chap, your posts are so very entertaining.

Edited for clarity.

Yours is Nazi fascist and disturbingly serious, which might annoy those of us of a more liberal outlook. But we haven’t complained about it, so you have no grounds to whinge about Cuts’ signature

Not nessesarily nazi or fascistm but is somewhat disturbing I know, if the Mods are annoyed by my signature I have no problem to change it.

If Panzerknacker can call us assholes and faggots, am I allowed to call him a wanker ?

You can call me the way you like, but my insults were not directed to you.

All I can say is that the honourable Mr. Firefly would not be too pleased with the name calling going on here.

Oh, yea, sure, Firefly, we are very scared now. Give me a break man, the chap cant moderate, not even a kindergarten.

We’re disturbed by it, not annoyed - it gets you a place on our list of dodgy characters, but no more than that. All it means is that you get a little less slack when you come out with dodgy suggestions or demand actions by the mods about another member.

His job isn’t to moderate the place, but to keep an eye on the other mods and ensure this place doesn’t turn in to either a kiddies playpen with trolls crayoning all over the walls or a fascist supersite with anyone deviating from the party line or not conforming to some kind of super-poster stereotype being banned. Given the quality of these forums, and the ongoing operational commitments which mean he can’t devote much time to them, I’d say he’s doing a stellar job.

We’re disturbed by it, not annoyed - it gets you a place on our list of dodgy characters, but no more than that. All it means is that you get a little less slack when you come out with dodgy suggestions or demand actions by the mods about another member.

Me a dodgy character…? I am shocked I tought I was the nicest guy around.

I repeat if any mod say " you better change that" I do it, no problemo.

And you (as in the “royal” you for the Brits) don’t even have conscription…

And you (as in the “royal” you for the Brits) don’t even have conscription…[/QUOTE]

That’s true, in fact conscription is a relatively new idea for the Brits.

Feudalism and the later impressing aside, the Royal Navy and the British Army have existed as services that rely on people wanting to go to war. Tradition playing large part in the British psyche, some of this belligerence may well have been youngsters wanting to live up to their ancestors’ deeds, to show they could, to win their spurs.

One of the reasons that Boney ran around with gay abandon for so long is that the British armies ranged against them tended on the whole to be smaller than his vast array of conscripts, of citizen soldiers.
Discipline was harsh in all walks of life back then and no less so than amongst the redcoats, but all discipline is self-discipline and when push comes to an enormous kick in the orbs this discipline and hard-won camaraderie works every time. The worse odds, the better.
Albuhera anyone ?

Back to forcing people into the armed services. Conscription first cropped up in Jan 1916 when there had been - and would continue to be - tremendous wastage of troops. Of lives if we’re being less objective.
It underwent many changes in a short time and the upper age limit was eventually raised to fifty-one ! It should e noted that the majority of these older chaps tended not to be sent to front line units, their skills being more useful elsewhere although there are exceptions to prove the rule.
Conscription was brought to a close in Jun (?) 1919.

An uppity Austrian Cpl started making a bit of racket somewhere on what was referred to as ‘the contynont.’
So about May of '39 young men were called up to do basic military trg, a National Service, which would be supplemented at a later date - should the need arise…
Oddly enough, before the first intake had finished their basics the need arose.
Three years later and conscription was back to the rules of the Great War with all men between eighteen and fifty-one being liable and, a fact that often slips people’s minds, women between twenty and thirty.

Anyway, National Service ended at the end of 1960, bringing to a close a grand total of just under twenty-four years of compulsion. This meant that the Royal Navy and the British army could go back to their traditional rôle of being volunteer services.

Oh, and that other mob who wear blue Farah slacks, white socks and slip-on shoes.
What are they called again ?

I have my own opinions on the pros and cons of National Service, but I think I’ll open a new thread for that.

Does anyone have any idea which part of my signature is causing our pal from the pamparse such an aneurysm ?