Biggest mistakes.


Then how do you explain Spitfires shooting down the odd 109?

And don’t overlook the sturdy old Hurricane, which actually did most of the fighting during the BOB.

Do you think the 109 was superior because it could turn inside the Hurricane and Spitfire?


Where and when (ignoring the 88 adaptability)?

How come the British artillery at first Tobruk weren’t pulverised by the German artillery?

Where were these deployed successfully against British artillery?

Why did the Germans need these if the British didn’t have rockets?

Why would rocket experts use guns instead of anti-rockets on rockets?

Give three instances of these being used tactically against British artillery, and one instance of them being used succesfully tactically against British artillery.

Also, give the average deaths caused per V2 launched offensively, to demonstrate just what an accurate and destructive piece of rocket artillery it supposedly was.

The British army suffered a number of descents during the war, but they ascended again with their weapons which were adequate against the Germans. Otherwise, strange to relate but true, the British wouldn’t have beaten the Germans now and again during six years of war which, equally strange to relate but true, the British won.


Isn’t that a bit of an advantage when the Germans were fighting an island nation reliant upon the seas for its supplies?

Or do you think Britain should have put all its resources into its army and left its sea lanes unprotected?

Well, old sport, there’s <beep> all evidence of that.



Would British technology have reached into Poland and stopped the Germans dead in their tracks before they even thought about attacking Britain?

What brilliant pieces of British technology could have stopped the defeat in France and discouraged Germany from attacking Britain itself? A death ray at Dover? A force field over England? Dorothy, being Britain’s Chief Scientist, clicking the heels of her little red shoes and moving England to Kansas?


Ever heard of Napoleon?

The Spanish Armada?



Which countries would they be, crushed as most of the world was by the Depression during the 1930s?

I don’t know whether you’re a troll or just hopelessly out of your depth, but you are wasting a lot of bandwidth with vacuous and asinine topics and posts. Which is the only reason I’ve gone to the trouble of the above post to demonstrate that point to you, not that I expect you’ll grasp it. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and stop posting drivel.

This is just trolling…Plain and simple. But mostly simple…

i think the dieppe raid was a mistake the allies got slaughted by the germans

Didn’t mean to be harsh but it seems you were pretty stuck on the fact that Britain’s LAND ARMY, not Navy or combined forces, was bigger than Germany’s.
Whats frustrating is how that doesn’t immediately relate to the topic of Britain’s biggest WWII mistake.

Yes Dieppe was a misadventure but even though it was a failed large scale raid, it did in the end at least teach the U.S. and some of Britain’s High Command that an invasion of Festung Europa before late 1943 was an impossbility.

There were no gains in the Dardenelles expedition. The Germans held Leros, Kos and the Dodacanese with a totally confused state in Greece by 1945. The resource the british alocated in that campaign could have helped the Italian Front.

Um, I never gave you a formal warning. So, consider this it.

If you keep argument trolling, and creating 800 threads along with your 25 mostly meaningless posts a day, you’ll receive another infraction…

All silly tolling post=B.S. moved to “the Dump.”

That’s why I started it, folks! :wink:

Hi Nick, I agree with you, this nonsense is starting to get out of hand…
Maybe adding a “moronic poster icon” beside all new threads posted by known offenders could warn us not to click ?
Or… why not a good old martial court ? People who would post idiocies would loose rank or not gain any.
Just my 2 cents.

The “moronic threads” are just going to be stopped.

I absolutely detest the idea of any censorship, but we do need quality control as our resident engineer, pdf27, tells us…

This is a very solid WWII site free of the dullness of other boards, while being much more lean. I prefer it this way, and the silly f***ing threads asking questions that either could be Googled and answered in five seconds with no thoughtful discussion, or have already been beaten to death in older threads no one even bothered to search, will be going into a “dump” from now on.

And that goes DOUBLE for obvious attention-whore-thread-jacks like the one occurring here…

Now this thread gets its name for a reason! :slight_smile: