BM-13 "Katusha"

wow thanks for the info, really didnt know that

Oops. Sorry… I was mistaken, not a km2, of course, zone of 500x500 meters for one unit. Accuracy of shot about 50 meters. Really, that wasn’t a big difference to any who was in point of shot. :lol:

what is the difference between that german missile launcher (in the farraon post) and the russian katusha ???

The BM-13 have a great advantage in distance, summary firepower of shot and more high speed.

The battery is preparing to fire!

Grad (Hail)

Smerch (Tornado)

Yep. The Germans weapons of such type was bad to compare with BM-13 and more latest, BM-13SN. Germans weapons has an ammo with smaller mass of warhead (20-30% of Soviet), smaller range 1,5-2,5 km German, 7-9 km Soviet, and BM-13 is a transport-based weapon, and can fire from wheels. Germans atillery of such type has no such mobility and after first shot was often destroyed with counter-fire…[/quote]

Yes but the Katyushas were far more inaccurate than the Nebelwerfer. Katyushas were far more psychologicly destructive since it relied a lot on luck. The only way to be really destructive is to have Katyushas in mass scales such as in Berlin.
I’ve also heard before that the Nebelwerfer were more realiable than Stalin’s organs.

…btw, the Germans did copy the Katyusha with the Vielfachwerfer where they mounted rockets on french half-tracks

Yep. The Germans weapons of such type was bad to compare with BM-13 and more latest, BM-13SN. Germans weapons has an ammo with smaller mass of warhead (20-30% of Soviet), smaller range 1,5-2,5 km German, 7-9 km Soviet, and BM-13 is a transport-based weapon, and can fire from wheels. Germans atillery of such type has no such mobility and after first shot was often destroyed with counter-fire…[/quote]

Yes but the Katyushas were far more inaccurate than the Nebelwerfer. Katyushas were far more psychologicly destructive since it relied a lot on luck. The only way to be really destructive is to have Katyushas in mass scales such as in Berlin.[/quote]

interesting observation,it`s a good point,if the number of katyushas is small,the nebelwerfer can have a better work.

but if katyushas are inacurate,it could be because they have better range of fire,no?.

are those low flying rockets that are immpossible to be intercept by american patriot missiles?

The Katushas were indeed one of the most characteristic weapons of the USSR army.
They are also associated with a very popular Russian military song, a version of which can be found at

This song is very well known in the west too, but few knew its association with Katusha, whileas in former USSR it is still very popular with veterans, together with the other, most famous military music “Proschanie Slavyanki”.