British in the PTO!

It may not be exact and a little post date, but QE II’s revue of the fleet in 53 will give an idea of what ships were still around 8 years latter. On page 2 are a number of photos and you can count the carriers and on page 3 is the diagram of all ships. About 10 carriers I think starting with Eagle.

what about all the crews in bomber command?

edited to add

And in the Express this W/E a list of 100 Great Britains had Slim as the only soldier from WW2.

Ah the crews in Bomber command were the only ones for years that could attack the enemy. But you have a point there. Still 55.000 dead Bomber crews would have made a lot of Infantry.

Edditted to add, er 55,000 infantry to be exact.

Further editted to add, Boy, the modern navy would fit into 1 small insignificant corner of that lay-out.

That Coronation fleet review makes for depressing reading when you consider the Trafalgar review this year.

How much of the RNs Pacific Fleet was ANZAC btw? i would disagree that the fleet’s manpower was wasted, it was vital for the Battle of the Atlantic and success in the Med made North African and Italian operations possible.