Brits taken Hostage

And just how do you expect them to get out of the country. Dont care if they steal uniforms or not…they dont look persian and doubt they speak farsi.

Maybe they should escape for fun like some german pows in the US during ww2. :smiley:

It’s easy to criticise. These people have been well briefed as to how to behave in this type of a situation. It has happened before and lessons have been learned. Spitting in their eyes would achieve absolutely nothing. It would not be publicized. Much of what is happening in this particular situation is not to enrage the British public or government, it is to gain ‘face’ and status within the Islamic World. These hostages are in a survival situation it matters not what they must do to survive, they must survive. Why should they needlessly jeopordise themselves with some fruitless gesture of defiance. This is very much a ‘Greyman’ situation.

By wearing the veil, the female is showing respect for the muslim beliefs and gains sympathy from muslims which increases her chances of being released.

How f*****g bizarre?

Clever American reporters’ choices:

(a) Head cut off?

(b) Embrace Islam?

My choice:

Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all Being,the All-merciful, the All-compassionate the Master of the Day of Doom. Thee only we serve; to thee alone we pray for our succour. Guide us in the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast belessed, not those against whom Thou art wrathful nor of those who go astray.

I didn’t. :smiley:

It’s fair comment.

Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all Being,the All-merciful, the All-compassionate the Master of the Day of Doom. Thee only we serve; to thee alone we pray for our succour. Guide us in the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast belessed, not those against whom Thou art wrathful nor of those who go astray.

I guess that the bombings and beheadings in the name of allah must be some kind of merciful experiment in the view of this people.

The suicide bombings/martydom operations/“not so smart bombs” (my personnal favourite description) are also ina bit of a grey area for the q’ran.

Perhaps, in the view of a handful of nutters! It just serves to highlight the hypocracy of some of these people…not the whole of the Islamic people!

not the whole of the Islamic people!

Maybe not a whole but unfortunately yes for a lot of the believers. Iran included.

Presumably, you are personally acquainted with a whole lot of believers?

Not personally, there is not many muslims around here. But in the world are more than a handful of nutters. Take the case of your country for example, there was a lot of protestors whenthe Muhamad cartoons were released calling for the elimination of Europe and UK…in UK.

That’s no argument. Misrepresenting the Islamic people of the world of which there are ‘many’ with sweeping statements doesn’t quite wash. Even if we were to narrow it down to the Muslim population of Britain, and considering, of course, we are referring to my comments regarding hypocrits and nutters (extremists if you prefer) - what percentage of this population would you suggest comprises many?

There is truth and there is perception.

I really dont know the percentage, but my perception leave a very, very bad image of the muslims, and you may know that is not just me.

Brits ‘confess’ in sick Iran vid:

Another class of how the intimidation “a la Iran” works:,,2007150122,00.html

Yea this whole thing confuses me…I would have “might” have expected them to admit to being there…not hold a damn military press conference on the issue. :confused: To me this totally undermines the UK stance that they werent there. Which im more inclined to believe. I have to really wonder WTF these sailors are doing/thinking. Maybe they have been good and brainwashed.

I could be wrong but I think those soldier are subject to a new type of psicological torture, the iranians have time enough for time practice, they being kidnapping people since 1979.

I don’t think so.

Read the statements carefully.

For example:

The Poms don’t admit they were in Iranian waters.

The Poms say that the Iranians say they were in Iranian waters.

They are in an awkward situation where they are entitled to do what is necessary to survive without undue harm and without disgracing themselves as service men and women.

The film clips aren’t continuous.

The Iranians are clearly manipulating events and film.

The Iranian government is, and I say this after careful consideration, far more dishonest than Blair and Bush, if that is possible.

The whole thing is just a lever for negotiation with the UK over what Iran really wants, which is their people back or maybe to proceed with their nuclear ambition to wipe out Israel before starting on their real Sunni enemies in the Arab world that is inferior to these Persian heroes.

What would be a real pisser would be Russia and the UK repeating their WWII exercise and invading Iran to take over its oil again. They might as well, as Ahmadinejad is the nearest thing to Hitler in 75 years but lacking the intelligence and seemingly coherent policies Hitler had. And the military ability to back up his big mouth anti-Western anti-Sunni rubbish.


I have not been following the news lately and might say something way too stupid. So bear with me, please.

There has been made 36 post in this thread already. Not a SINGLE one has allowed for possibility of them actually being in the Iranian waters! It is amazing! How (Edited, refrain to use language like this in the future) you know? Do you believe the british sailors? Or maybe even better you believe the British goverment? It is a rhetoric question, do not bother answering.

I really wish we had an Iranian member, but I guess they can get to this forum.

N.B: Sorry for word.

Unless i missed something the UK is not at war with Iran. Not sure how it is in the UK but in the US when your at war and your captured you are supposed to keep doing your job. Say nothing, try to escape, sabotage…bascially anything that will piss the enemy off.

Correct me if I am wrong, please. As I understand POW benefit from the Geneva convention (is it actually the current one dealing with POW issue?) exactly because they surrender and give up the fight. So you give up the fight, enemy promises to treat you well, you promiss to behave in the POW camp.

If this is true, and the US rules are as described by Gen.Sandworm, then it is another example of the American double faced attitude.

Please, prove I am nuts! I still want to keep faith in the good american pricipals!

Rules for RtoI are different when ‘detained’ by a country with which the armed forces are neither currently nor officially in conflict.

As some of the older members will remember with alarming clarity, Iran has a history of ignoring international diplomatic conventions and the duty of those servicemen now incarcerated by them will be to ensure that everything is done to facilitate as early a release as possible.

Iran and Iraq have always disputed where their borders lie so while the boats may very well have been within what is internationally agreed as Iraqi waters, the ruling mullahs probably regard any laws passed by the Kaffir to be worthless.

My opinion is that we should leave well alone and allow the various agencies work their diplomatic charm until the lads (and lass) are back in safety.

There has been made 36 post in this thread already. Not a SINGLE one has allowed for possibility of them actually being in the Iranian waters! It is amazing! How (Edited, refrain to use language like this in the future) you know? Do you believe the british sailors? Or maybe even better you believe the British goverment? It is a rhetoric question, do not bother answering.

I really wish we had an Iranian member, but I guess they can get to this forum. N.B: Sorry for word.

As you already know I am not a fan of the british military, however the credibility of his counterpart in this case Iran is far, far to be acceptable.

Iran said that he did not take any participation in blewing up the Israel Embassy and Association in Argentina …when actually is totally proved that the conspirator were iranians, the suicide bomber were iranians, and everybody had the support of that country. That bombings happen in 1992 and 1994 and those kill more than 150 of my fellow countrymen…so forget me if I sound a little suspiciuos about the Iran claims.

In any case they broken the Geneva rules for POW because the prisoners should not be forced to declare against his own country and broadcasted in the way that they are doing now.