Call of Duty 3

on the original CoD in Stalingrad red square where an endless wave of russians are suicidal charging the germans…imagine a simular campaign but D-day instead with an endless flow of men packing out of U-boats onto the normandy beaches getting slaughtered…now THAT will be full on.

Yeah realy fun in stalingrat you dont have rifle ,who knows maybe in normandy been same. :wink:

Unless you were blown out of your U-Boat you wouldn’t loose your rifle, the US Army had enough equipment to go around, the only reason you only has an ammo clip in Stalingrad is because that’s what the Russians really did in some situations, rifles in front, ammo in back, when the man with the rifle dies, the man with the ammo picks up the rifle and shoots his gun.

And don’t yell at me, but the whole Omaha Beach thing is getting old I think :confused:

Ohhh well i do like my WW2 Games, i dont think ill get tired of them :slight_smile: :wink:
I also like OVH (overhead strategy) birds eye view games … like Act of War.

I will never get tired of ww2 games , :lol: but now i play Rome :Total war. :wink:

That was an Awesome Game Rome, total War, when you have large armies does it lag for you at all or jerk ? 8)

Game is not bad :wink: :lol:

It never lags unless I do 6 computer players with the biggest ammount of army units. I personally found myself playing Battle for Middle-Earth more often, I use a mod to allow huge armies, and anything past 8000 troops lag :frowning:

Well its weird, on Battlefield Vietnam is will be fine on medium graphics not a lag or jerk at all, but if i play Battlfield 1942 on lowest graphics it will lag like hell.

Do you play brothers in arms ,i cannot finish last mission.

Yah, for XBox, lol it’s hella hard… You die if you take like, 2 steps forward

I have never played Brother in Arms, i heard it was real good though.
I Also heard theres only about another month left until CoD2 is released.

BiA is cool game CJ i have it very good ,play it perfect.

CoD coming 1 november i think too long. :wink:

November !! oh well thats only a couple of months more, the month before christmas so ill probably asking ol’ Saint Nick for that lol :lol: :smiley:

Clauss i have also booked the Brother in Arms game, so i should recieve it in less then a week. 8)

Brothers in arms is good game you will see ,only couple month i cant take it i want to paly CoD now .

Hey i heard they will work on DOOM3 Engine so they will be huge and we will need good PC to play it ,i hope so then i can paly it. :wink:

I have Doom 3 and the expansion of it set on lowest graphics and resolution and its still poor and a bit laggy but i can handle medium graphics on call of duty, i do hope call of duty 2 and 3 computer recommendations are the same and will be able to run on my P.C like the original CoD.

Do you think than i can play 2.4GHz 512 RAM 80GB hard-disc Maxtor .

You should be fine ! CoD2 and 3 will only take a couple of gig up maybe less so your 80 hard drive is fine heh, your processor is more then fine and your Ram should be able to pull through and if the lowest requirements is higher then 512 then your processor should kick in and act for that loss :slight_smile: .

As for me , i have a 2.8GHz processor with 256 RAM and a 118 GB hard drive.

My monitor is quite old and im not too sure on the model but all i know is thats its a ‘Acer’.

You can play it for sure ,eh …i am cannot wait november :stuck_out_tongue:

I got a new compaq S700 monitor , the man that sold it to me said that it’s specifically for first person shooting, so call of duty 2 and 3 is gonna be a hit :smiley: