Can any Brits help me on some WW 2 Q's

Yes it is ferrous, but its a fighting forum so its pretty much goes with the territory.

No ha ha, the poster will not know anything about a M1 carbine assault rifle, they wouldn’t even know what a rifle is to be honest, but the do know what being arrogant and ignorant is.

Sorry, the “ferrous” bit was something of an in-joke on the forum. There used to be a member named “Ironman” who posted in exactly that style. Further detail can be found in either of the links below:

The guy really was rather funny (unintentionally) if an utter troll.

Do you know I think he is a member on the board. Also You are not allowed to troll in the MMA section you will get banned, but in the OT section you can get away with it more.

Lowlife Bad***

Join Date: May 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 4,542
Actually many historians think the Germans couldn’t ever have taken the British isles, because their navy was so inferior to the British navy. The titanic logistical and military superiority required for a successful “D-Day” type invasion was far beyond them.

The Germans had overwhelming superiority in land combat against the Brits, and roughly equal air combat abilities. They could’ve crushed the Brits in a land war, but they had no ability to cross the channel. The Brits were saved, as always, by the channel and their navy … to to mention the relative disinterest from the Germans in conquering them. The Germans wanted to pacify the Brits, but they didn’t want to have to conquer them … their real land grab intentions were to the East.

Here is another post from the same guy, how would you answer it?
if you were to answer is it possible if you could just quote it in one quote if you know what I mean
are you a Brit by the way?

Originally Posted by REAR-NAKED JERK
Hitler tried to take Britain and failed thats when he turned to the eastern front. The Brits denied them air superiority so they couldn’t mount a sea invasion. I say this because it is the truth even though Britt/Scott denies that America was the key in men and machines to mount an invasion of Europe.

they did not make a serious attempt to take Britain; their war machine could have easily produced the necessary materiel (ships, etc) to take Britain, had it been the key target. The flower of their army, morale, and war materiel perished in the russian snow. you really don’t think the men and metal they sent into russia wouldn’t have crushed Britain like a garden snail, brave as they undoubtedly were? LMFAO

Here is another idiot, the first quote is from one guy, then the second one I have is the one idiots response to it

(what an idiot)

Graeme I must put my hand up to my error, I tried to edit it but the system would not let me. Of course the US entered the war at the end of 41 not 42.

I think you should be a little calmer when talking to the num nuts. Don’t get mad, get even.

As for Scots food the Haggis must be as well know as the burger, the difference is the haggis has more class. Who else would have deep fried mars bar, smocked salmon, and oats. Ask the colonials to take a trip to the local top class eating house and order Aberdeen Angus and see how much they pay for a product you can get at you local butcher. Not forgetting the drink that is exported around the world, whisky (I personally prefer Bush but when needs must).

What government official local cop or statesperson on the US would go the there grave without the sound of cats being throttled? What police department does not have a pipe band.

Where would the industrial revolution have been without the Scots. The Enterprise would have crashed and burnt in the first season without Scotty to patch it up. What able Mr Bell, as fighter many must owe there lives to Alexander Fleming and Penicillin.

Knowing the sweaty socks probably half a dozen of the founding father would be jocks.

Like many “experts” they fail to understand that if you cannot re-supply you forces they cannot fight. Battle of the Bulge ring any bells. As for Op Sealion, this operation was war-gamed at Sandhurst in the late 70s using a number of the German general staff who would have been taking part in the operation. It was a resounding defeat for the Germans and would have changed the war totally. Germany would have lost the cream of its panzer army and its experienced officers. The retreat from the home counties by the German army would have made Dunkirk look light one of the greats victories the British army ever had. With the RN in the channel they would be lucky to get any thing out.

This site will shoot down any but the thickest num nuts who thinks Sealion would have worked.

Ask him why then did the Eighth Army “Desert Rats” hold their own despite successive defeats initially, then finally beat Rommel?

Ha! I remember spending a couple hours one day reading his drivel…

I was wondering if he was this guy, The Riddler. The classic troller to end all trolls.

Only the Riddler can write and is intentionally funny…

Where! We’ve been looking for him ever since he left this board to go and have some fun at his expense. Come to think of it, taking the piss out of some of his wilder ideas was the only reason some of us joined the board in the first place (myself included).

Ow! I think my eyes are bleeding after looking at that website for 30 seconds. Has nobody told them scrolling text all over the place looks really bad?

Oh, it’s purely intentional. :smiley: The site’s not what once it was however, very little traffic these days. But there is some good comedy there.

The trolls are hysterical…

Graeme81 said “Britain has done well in wars, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to do well in wars when you live on a GODDAMN ISLAND that you can run back to”.

To be fair to him (her?) he has a point. 22 miles of sea is extremely helpful when you are in defence and in disarray and need to regroup - such as just after Dunkirk.

However it is also a pain in the backside when you want to go on the offense - such as on 6th June 1944.

So swings and roundabouts really? Or masterly strategic use of the available terrain?

It also ensures you have a good navy. :smiley:

No it was not me that said that lol, it was the person I was quoting from another board.

LOL As opposed to America having two oceans as a buffer of any major military powers?

And a northern border they do not need to protect.