Can guilt be collective?

You are right. In Germany it took until the late 1960s, when a new generation, which was not involved in Nazism, reached maturity, that questions were asked.



Yes, guilt it can be collective. But guilt has a cure. It’s called forgiveness.

The war is over.


As 23523652626 times i said there is no collective guilt in Army , otherwise what the ranks are for where is the commander responsibility ? There was only guild for the major persons , and those who were really found guilt . For that the last the Allies got the whole power to send all of the major characters of the Nazi rule to be shot or whatever but they didn’t send them all isn’t it ? And why you will have to ask them . As for the Heer , the regular frontline soldier whom just fought against his enemy no he is not guilt he was ordered to do something , and don’t tell me that if you go to war and your commander say " FIRE ! " you will say " Oh nooo I will not i hate war these are not partisans ! " no one will make that because you will be in the best case be sent to court matrial or camp or just simply shot .