Che Guevara - Anatomy of a Myth, Hero or Demon?

You, like them, have to keep your ideas clear. If you know than the man was a killer without sense, don’t mention even him.
The politics in this days coming around the left in our country.
That make very dificult to have a dialogue with somebody with these
ideas. We, in the Army, know it’s gonna be a social debacle, nothing can
stop that. Coming on Guevara, the only people who likes, it’s not ilustrated
or with poor education. Don’t follow the rest, be yoursef, you got a highway ahead. Take it. :arrow:

Yes sir! :slight_smile:

The hippocratic oath is a oath that doctors take basically saying that they will try to keep people alive no matter what.

Almost the same oath than the attorneys… :arrow:

It would intresting to see how people would react if I walked around with Hitler on my T-shirt or a Swastika “hoodie”?

They will not be very nice to you. SS Tiger where did you get you new Avatar? It is a keeper.


:shock: :shock: Well apparently not.

Im 21,and i can tell you there are a lot of jerks who have my age and love him!,of course,im from porteñoland, here there are a lot of leftist and foreigners who don’t give a shit for our country,that’s the bad part,and they are fanatics of this freaking faggot.


Erwin :roll: everyone have your own opinion,remember i and you discuss onetime about Che . :smiley:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im 21,and i can tell you there are a lot of jerks who have my age and love him!,of course,im from porteñoland, here there are a lot of leftist and foreigners who don’t give a shit for our country,that’s the bad part,and they are fanatics of this freaking faggot.


Erwin :roll: everyone have your own opinion,remember i and you discuss onetime about Che . :D[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: ,of course,everybody has a different opinnion,but the facts can make that opinnion invalid for example,hitler was a son of the pitch,maybe there is somebody who says no,but it’s proved,hitler is a son of the pitch,that’s the point :wink: .

Whatch guys when Erwin start to post links and text how Che was killer and who knows what :lol: :lol: he is kill me with messages on msn. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Joke Erwin dont be insulted! :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I made it, I liked my old one but it didn’t match my sig!

I like it. Wow you are very good.

This one does match.


It really doesn’t mater what Guevara was. It is the way he is perceived as time has passed. It simply is not a question as simple as good or bad. His image is more universally known that the Pope’s. People have made him whatever they believed he should be- villan or hero. Most see him simply as someone who died for his principles. This is most certainly the case. Few universally-known individuals have actually done so.

This makes him an icon and martyr whether we like it or not. Our perception of him is mixed with myth and legend. He is truly a modern phenomena manufactured by our imaginations that attribute things to him which never were. He was no Hitler but no Ghandi either. He was something in between as are all of us.

It is curious that when oppressed people fight for a cause of better working conditions or human rights they are drawn to his mantle of perceived protection. Whether your little employment group has successfully lobbied for a small raise in wages or your citizen militia has just ousted a dictator you can share the same refrain of Venceremos.

Che’s image has come to stand as an icon for those who admire the little guy standing up to the Goliaths of the world. He is the eternal everyman’s underdog that people root for. He is the middle finger raised in salute to your boss who continually exploits your talents beyond the acceptable.

There are few who have gained the mystical position he has. And the real phenomenon is the fact that he was elevated to this status by the word of mouth of the people of the world. There was no Wall St. ad campaign to shove any of the iconic imagery down the people’s throats.

Guevara is the ultimate image of defiance. “You can’t park here. No walking on the grass. No smoking. No speeding. No swimming.” So for better or worse the planet is stuck with his stoney image. It hasn’t gone away and has actually grown from a grass roots admiration to universal recognition. Deal with it.

Amazing how this only ever comes up with leftwing mass-murderers…

Yeah Twitch1…but the people should to be educate and informed about the real criminal activities of this guy, if not the Comunist can make believe wathever they what.

People don’t walk around with rightwing mass murderers on their T-shirts.

People don’t walk around with rightwing mass murderers on their T-shirts.[/quote]

That was basically my point

People don’t walk around with rightwing mass murderers on their T-shirts.[/quote]

That was basically my point[/quote]

My apologies, I thought you were saying we should have the same discussion about rightwing mass-murderers.

The folklore surrounding Guevara has transcended his failures or successes in history. That is what is amazing. It matters not what he is branded by people pro or con. I find it a simply interesting phenomenon that you can go anywhere in the world and people recognize his image. Furthermore, correctly or not most people perceive him as a positive entity. Maybe only Coca Cola is as universally known.

The curious thing is that the projection on a global basis is without equal since there was no mass marketing and advertising done by commies or anyone. The communication was purely grass roots in nature.