
Quoted for truth!

We had Porters rather than Police where I was at uni ( One of them retired at the same time as I left - he’d been in the 8th Army at Alamein/through Italy (I can’t remember which). This was only 4 years ago too - don’t mess with Vic!
Having said that, the Head Porter when I started was ex-police and still referred to them as his “colleagues”. We didn’t really like him and were pretty happy when he was replaced by Gerald (ex-Tankie).

Used to be a bit the same here when I was at uni in the seventies, but only in the residential colleges.

Although I was never in a residential college, I remember a very calm but also very disconserting - he was calm to the extent that he was frightening - Jock porter who drank in our pub (he could drink a keg of beer without any apparent change in demeanour) and who had been in something like the Black Watch in WWII who, after discovering that I was unusual in that era in having military service, instructed me in the fine art of applying Vaseline to the face before shaving to get a shave which took the whiskers off below the skin. :smiley:

Then again, the Catholic colleges were different. I know, because my wife was in one and we were courting then. I’d rather deal with a drunken psychotic Commando than a feral nun out to defend the virginity of every girl in sight and carefully monitoring curfew. At least Commandos had to sleep some time.

The rest of the uni just got on with things, without thinking about security or police etc in daily affairs.

Now we have limited security people, but nothing like the US situation where in many unis they have campus police running around booking people for drinking under age (as American livers apparently develop slower than those of normal human beings so they can’t be trusted with grog until they’re 21 :D, although apparently they have superior fine motor skills so they can drive cars - automobiles in the US where a short word is never used where a longer one will do :smiley: - from about 16 where the rest of the world waits a bit longer :confused:)

Alas, we’ve also had some intended mass murders by nutcases which have altered the attitude of university managements, but it’s still a very low key security situation here. As it should be.

I also do a great Bogart and can recite entire dialogue from “The African Queen”…

There are no good folk in Melbourne

It’s full of Australians, fer Chrissake! :smiley:

Yes yes, I forgot.

Try Coopers Pale Ale, Cascade Pale Ale, James Squires’ anything … or have we had this discussion before?

I think we have. Probably in a thread having nothing to do with beer. In any case, I’ll have to find it first…

Although they do serve Coopers at a pseudo-Australian themed restaurant mall chain of “Outback Steakhouse.”

Along with reasonably, consistently good steaks. Though unspectacular ones…


Over my foot.

Well, it’s only six inches, but I like to tell people it’s a foot. :wink:

Trunks are Speedos are bathers are togs are what covers our foot, or six inches. Here’s me wearing mine when I was slightly younger, and less ripped. :smiley:

Oi! Americans have many problems today for geographical impairment to not being able to answer basic trivia on embarrassing foreign TV shows to electing stupid pResidents repeatedly…

But one thing I am proud of is that we do indeed wear real swim trunks to the beach and never Speedos (which are referred to as “banana hammocks”) unless a man is in some sort of competition.

Besides, these are the new Speedos:

Which have sort of become the equivalent of drugs in cycling since they give modern swimmers and unfair advantage and that is why every other day a new record is broken…

Only if you have no sense of self-preservation.

Not to mention campus police in universities, which adds an intellectual layer to your many layers of policing. :smiley:

Police generally keep out of universities here, in case they run into better educated people who are often dumber than most of our police. And that’s only the academics. (Or ‘faculty’ in American English. :wink: ) :smiley:

I went to school at a time when they transitioned from essentially “rent-a-cops” that maybe were armed with mace (a weapon far too potent for their level of competence) to actual Glock pistols which made everyone pretty nervous…

In any case, in New York state at least, the university police are now regulated by the State Police…

What a terrible waste.

She’d change her orientation if she walked a mile in my boots.

Or just tried going a foot in my trunks. :smiley:

I’m thinking she’s not too discerning, and all that is required is a pulse and some form of alcohol in a candy-like sweet liquid…

Plz… no more porn spam:D

You know, am liking this subject now. Anything with girl on girl action is a perfect topic, BUT the male prostitute is forbidden. NO MALE PROSTITUTES IN SPEEDOS. It sickens me