Compulsive bitching by failed mod ... fuck!!

I second what Firefly says.

You mean triple right?

As Churchill and Major, I agree with Firefly, don’t suck up. For the many years of have been on this site, I never meant to suck up, its no fun especially when people get pissy and think your trolling (not pointing out anyone, not even saying it even happened to me) but do what you want, all I was doing was expressing my opinion like PK here, this is a free (as in rights) site afterall, right. And on the issue my dear PK, mods will be mods and if they think its not worth being on the site, its not going to.

If you want him to take you seriously, you might not want to call him Panze.

That’s holy true.

All mods from UK are tolerant, but that one from S.America WAS really sick:)
Hey , lets’ demote the Panzerknacker to PanzerGrenadire:mrgreen:

Under current circumstances you’d be well advised not to pursue that line.

There is a difference between cat fights and maintaining forum discipline.

This is not a cat fight.

It was done for a purpose.

And the purpose was to remind you that the current mods, not you, have control of the board and that they are applying the current standards and policies of the board, and that your blinkered personal opinions about how the board should be run are irrelevant and have no effect on how it is, and will be, run.

Your past and considerable service as a mod is acknowledged and the forum is grateful for it, but that does not give you the right to spit poison at the mods and their modding just because you disagree with them or it.

You are a long-serving and valued member. But no member is so valuable that he or she is entitled to persist with publicly expressed contempt for the mods who, as you did in your time, keep this board functioning.

As I said before, you wouldn’t have tolerated a fraction of what you have been doing, and have been doing ever since you quit as a mod. It is long past time to accept that things have changed and that your opinions on mods and modding are irrelevant and, usually, sufficiently offensively expressed to earn you some penalties.

If the current mods applied penalties as you did, you would have been banned a few days after you quit. You survived largely as an acknowledgement of your prior service to the board.

But, as far as I am concerned, you have long since exhausted that goodwill and tolerance and there is no reason to treat you any differently to any other member who engages in obnoxious or disruptive behaviour.

Respect is earned, and lost, by conduct.

Respect is also a mutual exercise.

You have shat on the mods from the moment you quit as a mod. What makes you think that people for whom you continually express contempt, purely because they do not share your unique and erratic views of proper modding, should respect you?

That is just another example of your absurd conceit and contempt for everyone who does not agree with you, and especially with your somewhat extreme or ill-founded opinions on some issues, and of your paranoid belief that you are always the victim rather than someone who cannot accept the consequences his actions produce.

I don’t know whether this is because of your immaturity, Latino machismo, or a mental disorder, or two or more of the above, but you need to grow up and recognise that, contrary to your often expressed contempt for others’ opinions, other people may know as much or more than you and that dismissing their opinions, and them, with contempt is hardly likely to earn their respect for you or your opinions.

No, I don’t want you to leave, if you drop a small part of your conduct on the board.

I don’t think anyone else wants you to leave, as long as you drop your occasional conceit, arrogance, contempt for anyone whose opinions differ from yours, and your refusal to accept that the current mods control the board and that, as you insisted upon when you were a mod, you should comply with their directions.

The question is not whether or not anyone wants you to leave, but why do you stay when you are so deeply unhappy here?

All Mods from UK = Very Bad. All Mods from S America = Excellent. Heard it all before.

I can add: The F/M section being moderate only by british mods is…suspicious.

You got a german and a australian as Mods ( even the australian is not the brightest, this topic name is a sad remainder of that) you should use them in that place.

All I can say is that Panze has got a lot of Balls!..We need good men like Him. Without Panze, the cat fights on this Forim would be mediocrae. Panze Rules!

I will love to think that this is something more masculine than a catfight.

All modding in that section is reviewed by the other mods, and in the case of the “MINES!!!” topic has been gone over again by Firefly. The fact that I was the first to lock several topics is neither here nor there - the others read all of them, as evinced by their comments in the War Room thread dedicated to this very thread.

You were warned about two posts ago about slagging off the moderators. And now you go and do so again. Looking to get banned to feed your martyr complex?
Also, we are not going to play your game of saying which mods are allowed to moderate where. You will NOT be allowed to dictate who can moderate what forum in the name of “fairness”. Moderators are appointed to cover the whole site, and serve for as long as the Chief Moderator (Firefly) and Site Admin (Procyon) are happy with the situation. All moderators will continue to moderate the entire site.

I have to admit, I never experienced Panzerknackers alleged ‘Terror-Regime’, but I do think some of you are a bit tough on him.

You should try to avoid letting yourselves get dragged down into a yelling match.

And it is true, Panzerknacker does like to provoke at times, but I think pretty much everyone has done that at least a couple of times, myself included. That shouldn’t mean that you should further provoke him by changing his threat titles…

If the mods were tough on him, and even a tenth as tough as he was on other members when he was a mod, he would have been banned from the board long before you joined.

What you are witnessing is the culmination of a long period of PK behaving as the self-appointed prima donna critic of the current mods, who are thoroughly sick of his baseless and tediously repetitive attacks.

The essence of PK’s position is that the current mods, and in particular the Supermod, are all shit because they don’t apply PK’s tough, and erratic, standards and delete threads and ban members on a whim but instead follow a much more tolerant approach, which includes allowing him to behave as he has, which would not be tolerated on most boards. I wouldn’t bet on it being tolerated here much longer.

You lacky man , you have never faced the latinos dictatorship on your skin:)

And it is true, Panzerknacker does like to provoke at times, but I think pretty much everyone has done that at least a couple of times, myself included. That shouldn’t mean that you should further provoke him by changing his threat titles…

The one hand is to provoke member to discussion( i do use it sometimes), the other hand - is to insult the somebodys person( that PK constantly like to do, kinda his foolish “mod’s characteristic” of RS or pdf).
The discipline in the forum is the necessary for everybody.

Panzerknacker called me a communist! Repeatedly! :cry:

Bad! Bad! Very bad! Very-very-very bad Panzercracker!

At least he didn’t accuse you of being a poofter as well, unlike some of the Brits who got up his arse.

Ahh! Now I see why he made those accusations. :wink:

As for accusing you of being a communist, I haven’t worked that out yet, apart from the assumption that all Russians are communists. Which, given the feral capitalism which has exploded in Russia over the past couple of decades, seems hard to believe.

Mate , me is worse.
He called me “anti-semite”:mrgreen:

If you will ONCE to see such a Wild capitalims in Australia - i promise , you will be the BEST communist the Australia ever has seen.:slight_smile:

Actually, I was a bit of a commo here a long time ago.

I used to vote for the communists (Peking or Moscow line, or both, even though they were each much more interested in destroying the other lot than the capitalists) back in the 1970s and 1980s.

I did this mainly to piss off the major capitalist and social democrat parties because if the communists got just one extra vote in some electorates it could increase their vote by about 10% and the percentage made it look like the communist vote was really growing. :smiley:

Mate, my socialist leanings have been hugely reinforced by the current “global financial crisis” which has been caused by privatising capitalist profit but, oddly enough, the solution to which apparently is to socialise capitalist losses. :rolleyes:

In a system run by this sort of grasping bastards, not unlike the US car company bosses flying in private jets to Washington to beg for public money to save their corporations, where the modern capitalists (being the highly paid workers called senior executives who manipulate corporations for their own benefit without actually putting a dollar of their own money at risk):

Malcolm Turnbull brands Pacific Brands pay move ‘poor’
February 27, 2009

Article from: Australian Associated Press

A “POOR” decision by Pacific Brands’ board members to give themselves a pay rise before sacking 1850 workers shows shareholders should be given more say about executive salaries, Federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull says.

The company’s annual report shows the total remuneration for all 13 directors in 2007/08 was $15.459 million, including a $3.448 million retirement package for the outgoing CEO Paul Moore, who left at the end of December 2007.

Total remuneration for all 13 directors in 2006/07 was $7.084 million, it said.

Speaking at Cessnock in the NSW Hunter Valley, where 83 workers are being sacked from the Pacific Brands factory which makes Bonds garments, Mr Turnbull said he was “horrified” to hear the company’s board had given itself a pay rise.

“It’s a poor decision by Pacific Brands, and … they’re going to take a hit in terms of their public image by laying off 1850 Australians,” Mr Turnbull said.

“To do that at the same time as they’re jacking up their own pay is only going to make it worse - it’s not a smart move on their part.”

The best part is that Malcolm Turnbull is a silvertail show pony politician who was previously an investment banker who had his snout right into the same trough that he’s now, for political advantage, criticising the Pacific Brands people for shoving their snouts into.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! :evil:

I wouldn’t bet on it being tolerated here much longer.

Thats the truth. I find the same old lines from PK to be getting more tedious every time he spouts them.

The Mods are rubbish because they allow a bit of freedom, the Mods dont ban enough people etc etc etc…

PK, its not my fault that The UK kicked Argentina out of the Falklands. If you cant get beyond this then your never going to enjoy yourself here mate.

Also, Im locking this thread. It is another one of those arguments that is going nowhere but round in a big circle.
