Confirmed...Hitler escaped to Argentina.

didnt israel send out agents to kidnapped some of the ex-nazi from south america and put them on trail?

Yeap, that was Eichmann, he was working for the Mercedes Benz in Argentina until he was kidnapped by the Mossad.

Well, that is too much.:shock:

Germany and the Third Reich in Antarctica
The South Pole
The Founding of New Berlin

In 1937, the Germans began their focused expeditions to the South pole with carrier ships . Five years later, according to conspiracy theorists, operations were put into action by the Kriegs Marine in order to covertly transfer people, supplies, submarines, and ships to a new underground government base in New Swabia. This underground base became the secret headquarters of the “last bastion of the Third Reich”. The base was subsequently named “New Berlin”. New Berlin Today

It is believed that this base, located under The South Pole, currently has a population of two million. This community is believed to include people knowledgeable in human genetic engineering and space travel. Evidence of Existence

Some theorists have tried to prove this conspiracy by claiming that there is a legal loophole that allows for the German Third Reich to remain in existence judicially within the former borders of New Swabia. For all intensive purposes, this existence is unsupported and undocumented by German law, international law, or the German government’s terms of unconditional surrender to the allied powers; however, theorists take their proof from what is not written. American Relations

Theory 1 (positive relationship): Admiral Richard E. Byrd, an American Antarctic explorer, is rumored by theorists to have had a secret meeting with then 1947 with the governing council of the German Antarctic colony. The result of this meeting was a deal forming a non-violent coexistence of New Berlin and the United States. It also included an agreement for the trade of American raw materials for German technological ideas (including those on German “flying discs”).
Theory 2 (negative relationship): Alternatively, Americans wanted the total eradication of the Nazi’s. So, they formed the largest expedition to Antarctica, Operation Highjump, as a cover to destroy the remnants of New Berlin. Sources: Wikipedia, Much, much more on this topic:

lol and I suppose these guys actually finished a carrier?I know they had a couple planned but I would think they would have atleast found evisence of a carrier being made :confused:

They finished that…and the base for UFOs too. :smiley:

Puleeeze. You’re right, Panzer, I don’t believe it for a minute.

In the year 2003 the discovery Channel made a documentry about this topic called “Hitler of the andes” playing with the idea of the possible escape of Hitler to our country. According to some witness A.H stay in Bariloche (Rio Negro province) and La falda (Cordoba province)

lafalda - Busqueda Google de imágenes

If anybody know about torrents (cuz I dont) can download from here:

Haven’t seen that documentary, thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

It’s just mind blowing how many WWII/nazis/hitler-related documentaries there are in the world.
