Congrats to Chevan!

I’m grateful for those congratulations, and for all GS has done to bring me back from the deep dark pit of cyber death, but I’d just like it noted that, as GS carefully said, it’s the British Ranking system.

Aussies ain’t Brits.

Just British, and Irish and Scots and Welsh, mongrel descendants. :smiley:

In your case, mostly the latter. Welcome back though…

I don’t mind being called a mongrel, but the other terms could cause problems. :smiley:

Maybe so, but Australia uses it too :wink:

Welcome back Rising Sun :slight_smile:

Us hound dogs in the US are proud of our non-British distinction as well. I dont know what pisses them off more…the fact we beat them or the fact the French Navy helped seal the deal. Whatever im sure we have better teeth because of it. LOL :smiley:

Anyhow the UK has long been our partner in crime for awhile so I wont be to harsh on them. I did find if fascinating that Prince Harry was in Afghanistan. Im sure there are 1-5 members of congress that have sons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thanks to the UK and their bungled military operations we have our own country. Nifty thou that they messed up the war against the US but later kicked the crap out of Napoleon. Well done there if I might say so. Always seemed to me UK = US and US = Vietnam. I guess what comes around goes around.

Congrats again RS!

Did you really beat them? - Lotta, Lotta Laughs!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Better teeth? - They always seem capped to me!

Thank you too RS.
And my GREAT congrads to you.:slight_smile:
Now we both first leutenants here.
I just still do not know where my soldiers, whom i can give orders for:)

The reason I posted initially was that I thought that PK was being churlish in Chevan’s congrats thread by raising issues about Chevan’s past conduct in a harsh and sarcastic fashion when Chevan had raised them in a self-deprecating and ironic fashion, in a good natured spirit which was absent from PK’s response.

The seriousness with which I view this issue can gauged from the fact that I am actually springing to Chevan’s defence, instead of maintaining my usual position that the Soviets didn’t do much after coming into the war late and just muddling around in eastern Europe, to counter Chevan’s usual position that the Soviets would have won the war earlier if the other Allies hadn’t interfered by drawing German forces away from the USSR where the Soviets would have killed them all by the end of 1943. :smiley:

oh no i have new defender here:)
Very danger and effective…

Guys may be we should re-name this thread as the “Congrats for New First Leutenant members”?
I think this would be rather justly.
i/m bit confused - almost every day “Congrats to Chevans” appears bold in bottom of board.
Coz now you congratulate the Rising Sun here:)
Visitors could think - what a great Chevan in here?:smiley:

Yeah, but only under licence from the Mother Country. :wink:

We did, however, scrap the imperial honours a while back. No fresh Sirs and Ladies and MBE’s down here. Bit of a bugger, really, because now we can’t get all huffy and send our MBE back to Her Maj when something upsets us.

And thanks for your thanks. :mrgreen:

Well, PK has become outrageously insubordinate in his feedback thread and has put forward treasonable ideas about revolution, which are mutinous at the least, so maybe we should court martial him and bust him back to the ranks so we can boss him around. (I’m not prejudging the outcome of the trial here, just giving effect to the best principles of military justice as expressed by so many CO’s: ‘March the guilty bastard in, sar major, and let’s give him a fair hearing before we impose the penalty.’. :wink: Do you want to be PK’s prosecutor or defence counsel? :smiley:

If things have gone accordig to plan, that academic snob has gone to cyber heaven. We had to get rid of him, because he was upsetting PK too much.

Thanks, mate. :smiley:

Nah, leave it in here.

PK mightn’t realise I’m in here.

He has enough of a problem with you, without adding me in. If he finds people congratulating both of us, there’s bound to be more complaints about inept modding and ‘Beware the revolution’ and ‘No more Mr Nice Guy’ and so on.

He’s about to pop an artery, so it’d be best not to do anything that might help that along. I don’t think he realises how much we care about him.

If visitors think Chevan is great, so what? The rest of us know what you’re really like. :wink:

Wasn’t just the French navy. Them joining in meant we were in a full-on war with France - which given it’s about 20 miles from the UK and a hell of a lot more powerful than the US at that point in time understandably took all of our attention. The US just got left on the back burner and won out accordingly.

You and RS* are giving me flashbacks to “Post-Colonial Literature” class in college…

Well, French ground troops helped quite a bit as well. But we beat the British simply by not losing and being annihilated…

You attended college?

And did a Lit course?

It shows. :smiley: :wink: