Could have Germany won both world wars?

Wouldn’t help very much - the manufacturing base to support the level of production required just didn’t exist. A lot of German industry was pre-1914!

Well then, they should of tried to update everything they had!

They did, and had the German economy made it through to say about 1960 without either imploding or going through a major war it probably would have. Of course, Germany was virtually bankrupt in 1939 and were only saved by going to war, so that wouldn’t have happened either.

Define 'Winning the War" Does it mean defeating the U.S.? Or a stalemate in Europe?

Everybody always give the worn out argument that Germany didn’t have the resources to carry on with expanding war. This is not supported by fact.
Beside Hitler. Albert speer probably shouldered the most blame for Germany losing the war. By basically taking over Europe and a large part of Russia, in 1943 Germany had more resources at its disposal (Iron, coal etc…)than any other single country, including the USSR. If it had seized the Crimean oil fields it would have had more oil too.
The resposibilty to take advanage of these resources falls on Albert Speer who was notoriously slow to respond. Yes the Russians had more manpower but how long could they sustain their losses to a growing german industrialized army and all the material that goes with it? The Russians were so desperate for manpower they employed women in almost al aspects of its industry and military, something the Germans would not do.

There are any number of scenarios wany could have won (stalemate) or lost but lets stop using the “lack of resources” argument

they could of won the two wwsi f they where on the allies side

Well. Why don’t they just finished off Britain first and deprive the allies a foothold to the continent mainland. Of course if only Hitler did not stop the panzer from overrunning the Allies when they were evacuating in Dunkirk. Imagine over a quarter million Tommies as P.O.W. and together with the Nazis progaganda machine bragging the panzer invincibility, I bet Britain will be begging for peace.:mrgreen:

cause the germans didt hav the right eqiutment too advance over the sea to england
so then they tried to knock out the raf for air support and failed… so the germans tried to bomb the brits into serrendering and failed again
the germans gave up and started to invade russia
thats why england took half of the world
they got will power

WWII was the “tipping point” of the british empire. Pretty soon after that, colonies started to disappear from its clutches,

i meant before ww2 they took half the world

Because panzers don’t float!

…Of course if only Hitler did not stop the panzer from overrunning the Allies when they were evacuating in Dunkirk. Imagine over a quarter million Tommies as P.O.W. and together with the Nazis progaganda machine bragging the panzer invincibility, I bet Britain will be begging for peace.:mrgreen:

The “Hitler stopped the panzers” thing is a myth. There was only one panzer division (I think), exhausted and with their equipment worn out, to face hundreds of thousands of French and British troops at Dunkirk. They’d have been slaughtered if they entered the town in force as tanks don’t do particularly when in street fighting with little infantry support, as this was exactly the kind of fighting the panzer arm sought to avoid in France…

The panzers were forced to fight a holding action and it was up to the Luftwaffe to cut off the beach by destroying the flotilla. They failed…

No not until Russia and Germany won first.
Then it would be ww3-Russia and Germany
trying 2 rule each other.
Its only my opinion.

And what about the kriegmarine and their U-boats?

I think then the Allies was too busy destroying all the equipments instead of fighting. BEF had also just abandoned the Belgians and in full retreat.

(I think) Hitler just wanted Paris badly and large part of France are still unoccupied. He needs the precious Panzer to do the job.

If only someone else peaceful and ready to sign peace treaty (Lord Halifax)instead of Winston Churchill make it as the Prime Minister.

The names Paul, I’m a newbie so please be gentle with me.

If Germany had won WWI wouldn’t it follow that there would have been no Hitler, no Nazi party, and no WWII. One of the driving things that spurred Hitler on was his perceived idea of the way the war was lost. There would have been no post-war turmoil, Germany would still be ruled by the Kaiser, and perhaps there would have been no depression.

Good thinking…

I think that your assumption is a good one. Hitler took advantage of the fact that the Germans felt humiliated and that their economy was in shambles in great part due to the Treaty of Versailles, etc. It is entirely possible that it would have been very difficult for him to gain power in an atmosphere of prosperity and power. That doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t have tried. I think that he was arrogant enough that he thought that he had a greater destiny. He would found another angle to be in the spotlight, perhaps. But, chances are that the NSDP would have never gained control. Therefore, there would have been no WWII in the shape or form that we know it, anyway.

Just a small gripe.

As I come from England, why do I get a U.S rank badge? I hope it’s just for convenience until I make Lance-jack, at which point I hope it will be a British vertical chevron.

Go to your “User CP” then “Group Memberships” down the left. The options are to remain in the US, or join the groups “British Army Ranks”, “Polish Military Ranks” or “WW2 Germany Army Ranks -SS”. Joining one of these groups will change your rank indication by your username to the appropriate image.

Edit: w00t! Moderators are now allowed to be in their group of choice - until recently it was forced to be US Army Ranks!

Wait, you couldn’t choose like regular members?


Thanks for the advice.


Actually, looking at it I still can’t - Captain (my moderator rank) is 3 pips, but that’s showing the 2 for a First Lieutenant - my “rank” based on my total number of posts to date.

Man I must have been tired last night not to spot that!