Cpt Prahl

He does know all the Mods are trained killers, right? :smiley:

Joel109 was that kid on some USAF base in California or something, talked rubbish then left in a huff when nobody was massively deferential towards his exceedingly important posts. Just like Prahl actually, but the IPs don’t match unless Joel109 has since emigrated to Sweden.

It’s coming down to the Joel thing.

I’m going to bed now, but I have a feeling that Prahl, the dyslexic history guru who knows more about anything than anyone else because he just does, is going to turn out to be a stevey fellow traveller. His latest PM (two on from my last one as he’s now got the bit between his teeth.)

ok wise ass, intilecual infringment >
you got all over this guy Joels shit because he made the mistake of quoting a testimoney by a veteran who knew his uncle, and not the site where it came from, you werent nice about it and that is what set me off, it was unfair on your part and well pissed me right off I watched this shit happen now last year and over the last 12 months in many different posts which most get Locked and erased,it’s you fourm to Moniter,and you guys seem to do what ever you want, and yeah when I am pissed off I can go overboard! but the reality is there are so many topics in this fourm that go so way off topic they become something entirely different,That’s something needs adressed or this place will become more useless! hence my frustration and anger,

Now as admins/moderators you should take seriously regs both ways and as far as me being pissed of because all you do is cast mud and claim to be all so knowing and correct is crap n that in itself is so wrong and hypocritical it’s unbelieavable NOONE is PERFECT OR 100 PROCENT CORRECT ABOUT ANYTING.

I feel really humbled that he’s a weapon handler and owner who has experienced misfires, just not in combat. What more does it take to qualify as an authority on a weapon? :rolleyes:

Maybe the Yanks deported him? :smiley:

You know, I look at my initial comment and I can’t see it being all that “insulting” unless this guy is a complete nutter living in Sweden because maybe they don’t have a proper extradition treaty with us…

Hmmm, maybe he wants to meet me in person to let me have it big time. I met a lot of psychopaths in real life and I just got the idea we’re facing one here.

P.S. I kinda doubt that the Swedish Captain knows that site ownership changed last year. Certainly he’s now necro-bitching to the orphaned account of ww2admin-Nick. Maybe we’re not that deep in the shit after all!

I dunno if he’s a psychopath, but he’s certainly not right in the head. I’d steer well clear of him in real life.

How’d you find that out?

Just guessing after all. However Capt. Prahl hasn’t been around much since Procyon owns the site, so I can’t really connect them.
If we’re receiving our dishonorable discharge I stand corrected though.

I think it’s because I’m a gentle, tolerant and understanding person, and this comes across in all my posts on the forum. :wink:

Be that as it may, to make you feel better I am willing to redirect all my freaking idiots to you in future.

I expect buckets of gratitude from you when that happens.

Would you like me to start by PMing Prahl the Prick that you’re really interested in helping him to overthrow the arrogant mods on the site and in restoring order, as in “Orders are Orders, und zey vill be obeyed!”? :wink: :smiley:

I think the asylum must have taken Cpt Prahl back after a few days of trying to live in the outside world.

He was all over the board for a few days and then disappears. Which suits me just fine.

Don’t halloo till you’re out of the wood!
Didn’t he write he’d be cruising in Europe and checking the board from time to time?
Anyway, I’m constantly looking at his photo, hoping I’ll recognize him before it’s too late…

He shouldn’t be hard to identify in a crowd in that outfit, which is exceptionally neat and clean for a soldier in the field, and more so in a field not as neat as the mown strip behind him, which presumably was cut by the US Army Lawn Mower Corps under combat conditions to pave the way for armour of equally clean field presentation. :wink: :smiley:

I can’t see anything in his expression that should cause you concern in meeting him, apart from the possibility that in his spare time he might be an axe murderer. :smiley:

This intimidating glance of these cold, dead eyes are much more threatening than the 10 inches of steel planted on the rifle.

That’s why he likes the photo.

'Cos it makes him look like he’s got the thousand yard stare, after experiencing a misfire but not in combat. :rolleyes:

Just out of boredom I modified it for you, hope you’ll like it.:wink:

Got my PM now

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Cpt_Prahl Cpt_Prahl is offline

Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Sweden
Posts: 58
Cpt_Prahl is on a distinguished road
Default Moderators
I think that it is time to adress the situation of abuse of admin rights on this Fourm.

I put a post in the site feedback called Thread tangents . I made myself perfectly clear, and once again moderators have abused their job by being immitaure and start throwing mud instead of addressing the situation.

If a new member is asking for specific information then that is what should be done not going off on a tangent Example: germans supposedly using the BAR in this instance agains Americans in europe which may have happened once or twice which there is little or no documented proof, then going on and on about the german use of the weapon for all tence and purpose the german version of the weapon was not even german it was polish swedish and belgian, and not even the same weapon similar in desighn and contracted by the companys that made them,but not a BAR,all the while having nothing to do with what the inital poster was asking for.Not to mention it’s off topic and in the American part of the fourm.

I think it’s about time the Moderator staff be thinned out to many of them abuse their job and belittle people, ban them and the like on a whim while not following the doctorine of the moderator rules and site rules, or issuing of warning.

If moderators do not follow the sites rules they shouldnt be moderators as it stands most posts I have seen by moderators have nothing to do with the thread involved or are abuseing their power, not to mention being very rude and unhelpful to people trying to share their family stories or looking for specific information.

Someone should be givin the task of MP to Moderate the Moderators.

I hope you do something about this otw I will contact the owner of the site of whom I have had contact with.

Amazing to me also is the amount of posts (most off topic) generated by people who when I joined the site 1 year ago were the same rank as I and are now high ranking officers and moderators where as some of the more level headed moderators have left.

You need to do something about this as this fourm is slowly becoming a personal playground for abusive moderators and no longer a serious place to learn and discuss.

Nothing really to add to what you guys have said already though…

Although, I did ask him for some specifics to back up his allegations… I await his response.


I’m tempted to make that my avatar for a while, but it might be a bit too provocative for Prahl the Greatest Historian Ever in the History of History.

Regarding Prahl’s suggestion for MPs to moderate the moderators, I think that is a very good idea. :wink:

PK and Cuts jointly would be ideal for that role, with Herman as uberMP to moderate them. :wink: :smiley:

It’d sure make the board a lot more lively.

I love the way that he says he has had “contact” with the owner of the site, and assumes we haven’t :smiley: