Create a fictional world war, choose who wins!

The Middle Eastern Nations, weakened by their multi front war are able to stop the Israeli offensive but are unable to force the IDF back to its own borders. The constant strain on manpower forces them to attempt a piece with the Western powers and Russia so they can focus their attention on Israel.

A fragile cease fire is declared between Russia and the European nations to attempt to cease hostiles in Eastern Europe. Russia welcomes this for the dire need of additional forces in south to defend its borders.

The massive industrial might of the United States (with the help of all those Chinese loans we don’t have to pay back now;)) kicks into high gear. The population is unified by recent terrorist attacks within it’s borders. :army:

Bulgaria is feeling need for manpower as result of the invasion from the Middle Eastern Nations , thus she decide to propose a Balkan Alliance with Greece , Serbia , Romania against any possible invaders as the country on it’s own can’t defend for much longer .Additional plans are made to make the Stara Planina ( Hemus ) and the Rhodope Mountains into fortresses with the newly weapons that EU delivered thus making any possible invasion quite hard , major cities are transformed into fortresses as well too and militia forces are organized in them . Meanwhile as result of the Middle Eastern Nations invasion many turks in the Rhodope mountain are calling for independence and autonomy and eventually more troops are needed to suppress the uprising , the pro-nationalistic government decide to ban the DPS ( pro turkish party ) and expel all who declare them of turkish nationality .

While all of this is going on, South America and Latin America form the SABfMP, the South American Blok for Military Protection. They decide to aid the EU. To do so, they start producing large amounts of military equipment. While said military build-up is happening, the economies improve, and many South American countries become first and second world countries.

Canada, under stress, disintegrates. The Block Quebecois take control over Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces join together. Ontario and Manitoba join with the Prairie Provinces and try to fight Quebec. British Columbia forms its own nation and tries to stay neutral. The northern territories, Nunavut, NW Territories, and the Yukon fall under Inuit rule, and they isolate themselves from the world.

India, while China’s manpower is spread out, decides to take over Indochina and Nepal and Bhutan. India then invades Sri Lanka, and gets pushed back when the rebelling forces settle their disputes and fight against the invading Indians. India, after being kicked out of Sri Lanka, allies itself with Israel.

Decide what goes on next lads. :slight_smile:

The population of the United States is confused for months as to why the Canadians would have a Civil War:D and wonder why the nefies didn’t form thier own nation :lol:


Glad to see the thread survives without me pushing it :smiley:

In an attempt to pacify their north, the United States send forces into Canada and try to stabilize the region. With a common enemy to fight, the Canadian nations decide to form an alliance and fight the surprised Americans in a Guerilla war.
Meanwhile, the SABfMP, encouraged by the economical upturn thanks to the far-away war try to do everything to restart the war between EUDA and Russia.
Eventually they manage just this by using a captured Russian submarine to sink a ship full of Eastern-European refugees heading for Brazil.
This new ‘act of aggression’ is all the Europeans need to restart the fights, and they manage to advance towards St. Peterburg before behing halted again in the North, with the rest of the Frontlines remaining in a costly stalemate.

In the meantime, the US Main strike force lands in Singapore, but remains stationary for the moment, not knowing whether they should consider the Indians friendly or hostile.

Indonesia, still an unaligned nation, decides to conquer Papua New Guinea, and many other small island nations.

Hawaii, still angry their king was deposited when the Americans appropriated them, decides to succeed from the Union, trapping all fighting forces on and around the islands.

During this time of crisis cuba plumets into a civil war in which the norther half of the country favors the us while souther cuba remains loyal to castro in response the usa send the 101 airborne to help the pro usa rebels

With the sucess of the cuba rebels a pro usa govt. is set up which pledges to help in the war between the usa and canada

Canada, using her expert snow troops, attacks New England in the winter, capturing Boston and New York. Afterward, they hunker down and wait for a counter-attack.

A civil war on the U.S. border would create a situation where the U.S. would take premptive measures. The border will be sealed, and the suspect portions of the former Canada, would be neutralized.
But not the parts (Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia) that joined The Nordic Alliance, comprised of those parts of Canada, Iceland, Greenland, Scandanavia, the U.K, and parts of France and the Baltic nations This alliance would tip the balance away from the Eu, and towards the U.S. who has constructed missile launchers in these areas to help protect them, and the U.S.(also the U.K. strategic Haggis reserves)

It indeed was attempted, but the muggers,and hookers militia drove them back across, they also used Bacon drugged with hallucinogens to disorient the invaders. (they thought everyone looked like Terrence, and Phillip.)

The fragile cease fire between Russia and the European nations starts to crumble.
The fear of a new Russian invasion has startled the French cows in the 5th Republic.
In massive herds they stampede to the west. This in turn causes
shortages of Brie cheese, and baguettes to increase in price due to the grains
being trampled upon by the cows. The French citizens are upset and think about
creating mobs and overthrowing the government. Because its takes planning and
effort to create mobs, the French citizens decide to tough it out. Individual wineries
start to set up levies around their grape orchards to try and divert the mad cows.
“My god, when will this madness end” becomes part of the regular conversation in the French cafe’s

Thanks to German and Swiss help, French cows are returned to their pastures driving prices down.

The Nordic Alliance joins with the SABfMP to form the MEoDCUW, the Military Establishment of Defendable Countries in an Uncertain World. They then take control of the remaining EU nations bringing peace back to Europe… For now…

My boss better not see that, he would be mad if he knew is misspelled his declared nationality…:oops:

pour your boss a few drams of “screech”, and he will not mind so much…

Ah that will cause more problems, he quit drinking a couple of years back. he could sure throw some rum down back in the day though.