Das Boot

I finished watching it a few weekends ago on a Sunday night. I started at about half way through at 10:30. I finally finished at 1:00AM. When I got home from school on Monday I feel asleep at 3:30 and woke up at 7:00 that night XD!!!

It’s a very good movie, probably one of my favorites. I love the part in the begining when they start singing It’s a Long Way to Tipperary. Very realistic, too.

its a really cool yet sad movie. The background music is very good as well as the actor is not as bad as the ones from stalingrad. The reason i like this movie is because i dont know how famous the actors are. In the movie SPR, i know tom hanks is going to do something great in the end because he is bound to have something great happen to him, but not in this movie. Which makes this movie great

You should have put a “Havent seen it” option on the poll, cause I havent seen it yet. :frowning:

Yes, he is. Why? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I beg you pardon, but Stevie boy is a Jew
Only, the question goes, ‘So what?’ :lol:

Ah i have found you at last Adolf Hitler its a pleasure now down to buisness firstly are you fucking insane “Adolf Hitler” dont you think that some peope might find that slightly offensive, Hav’nt you considered out of the droves of members on this sight that one might just be a jew. God Adolf Hitler is without a doubt the lowest form of life to ever grace gods green earth who in their right mind would want to be called adolf hitler. and im no racist towards Germans as i myself am one (my real name is Andrew Schmidt) but Hitler and his nazis where pure scum dont you relise this this man was responsible for the deaths of millions of people! i await your flames fuck wit[/quote]
I don’t mean to wind you chaps up, but why so much passion about just one question - if Steven Spielberg is jewish or not? Yes, he is, so, fuck him - not because he’s a Jew but because he stopped making normal films and turned to commercial bullshit. And in this context it doesn’t f…ng matter if he’s a Jew or a Navajo, for example.

were most of them not all killed by an air raid?
There was a squadron of Lancs seen breaking formation and dropping bombs which wiped out all the crew…
It wasnt spitfires.
Excellent film.
To go through a 4 month tour in a u-boat and for it to end like that showed the futility of war.