Democracy! Vote! best divisions of the Second World War!

Oh for Gods sake, stay on topic…

When i say talk i talk about: TAM = Tanque Argentino Mediano[/quote]
Ok. That’s why I didn’t understand how it gelled with the topic.

Good call there Student-scaley, and topical too.[/quote]

I said it was topical because we have just had the sixty-first commeration of Arnhem, which is why I couldn’t see the connection between WWII Divs and this comment:

I can’t see the where this are in this topic:

Ok. That’s why I didn’t understand how it gelled with the topic.

Oh for Gods sake, stay on topic…
(labour of a mod,not a normal member)

If you read the post properly you eould have noticed I said ‘it could be argued’ it was hypothetical and not stating fact. It was an example of some of the rubbish that is sometimes spouted forth from some site members.

Whatever, I’ve stopped caring.

Is there any forum on this site not permeated by childish hatred ?

I used to enjoy reading, not it seems that certain people wish to spoil each & every thread.
Get a grip !

nothing related to the topic.

thanks,the best division?: 9th ss.

Erwin, Im sure you may agree, but you dont have to be a MOD to say things like stay on Topic.

You are seriously getting boring now mate. You havent added anything to a debate for ages and only come across as bitter and twisted.

Live with it, you will never be a MOD again. If your not interested in WW2, than go somewhere that has an exclusive - I hate Brits and Argentina owns the Falklands boards.

Yawn :o

Hear, Hear!

First Infantry Divison to really stop and ‘bother’ the German Army, at Tobruk.

Hugely effective in July-Aug 1942 against Rommel - the shit-fights to hold to stabilise the El Alamein position for the Auk’s 8th Army - and all his useless hangers on - like Dorman Smith. It was STILL a proper Div’n, unlike most of the 8th Army.

AND, Did the lion’s share of the fighting in Nov ‘42, against Rommels’ DAK PG and PZ division’s.

Especially after Monty had to give up on his new ‘Corps de Chasse’ aka 10 Corp under Ramsden, and go back to crumbling PanzerArmeeAfrika with infantry, at’k guns, arty and some handfuls of armour with actual guts. In Valentines, yet.

Deep tradition in the Australian Infantry - to mistrust armour / ‘wankers’. Probably starting from Bullecourt in ww1, was rammed home at Alamein.

NEVER forget that it was Australian infantry properly supported,

who took apart the Wehrmacht myth, FIRST.

AND the Jap’s, FIRST, 6wks before the battles on the 'Canal.

Insular dickheads, harrumph.