Do Germans deserve the amount of s**t they get?

BTW i don’t know anyone in Russia who blames modern Germans or thinks that they are ‘guilty’. How can they be guilty if for example they were born after war? In country, which paid heaviest price for defeating fascism, where almost every family, including mine, lost someone in the war, there are no grudges against Germans. In fact Russians have problems with Baltic states with their lovely SS veterans parades and desecrations of Red Army tombs and memorials, but i never heard anything anti-German in media or whatever.

It was only a statement in terms to the universal sentence “forgive, don’t forget”. I say, I don’t will forgive my ancestors.

Welcome to the site Melanie.

What I would like to see is the 2 members that voted YES explain why they voted that way. It would be interesting to hear your perspective.

Edited to change no to yes…oops :slight_smile:

I have a feeling I know who are they…Their democratic principles allow them to vote confidentially without any explanation! LOL

How they are saying it? “Long live demokraty… or something like that…”



Edited by Gen. Sandworm to fix above mistake.