Erwin Rommel

I was wondering if this was just a site you just pulled up for us. For some reason when I opened it, it was acting funny like a virus. It was downloading stuff on the bottom so I did not continue with the procedure. Just wondering if you new that.

Lesson 1:
As you may learn, it was a direct link to a pdf document. You have to save the document on your hard drive and to open with the proper application (Adobe Acrobat Reader or whatever).
You could also open the pdf file in your browser but you may know that
a) you need to have installed the software cited above.
b) you must have enough RAM.

As a side note I downloaded wihout any problem.
[LEFT]ISBN 1-872197-29-9[/LEFT]

Here is a little titbit for General Sandworm:

The falll of Mechili was the climax of Rommel’s first desert offensive, but he was not there to witness it. After flying above the battlefield he had landed some miles away to speak to the crew of an idle 88-mm gun. On touching down the undercarriage of his Storch had hit a boulder and he had been forced to commandeer a truck to get to Mechili. By the time he got there, the contents of Gambier-Parry’s command vehicle were being cleared out. Rommel walked over and spotted a pair of plastic sand-goggles with an elastic strap, He tried them on, then pushed up so that they rested rakishly just below the eagle on the crown of his flat cap. “Booty, permissable even for a general,” he said. A German war photographer then took the first pictures of the Desert Fox as the world would remember him.

Source:Alamein - John Bierman & Colin Smith

I just got back from the National Archives and found 169 color slides that Rommel took during his Africa campaign. I was able to scan them and I’ll be posting these on the site soon.

I’ve attached 2 as a teaser, for now.



According to his son Manfred Rommel , yes, it was an amateur photographer, the most impressive pic I ve seen from him is one of australian infantry doing some bayonet charge in Afrika, unfortunately i hadnt that book for scan.

Rommel often went up in a Fisler Storch to survey his convoy movements. I got one of him linking up in formation with a STUKA.

We want that pictures now ¡¡ :slight_smile:

Ok, two more and that’s all. I need to save them for the new site launch:)

These photos are thought to be taken by Rommel. More on that later.

P.S> I have all these pics in high resolution, I’m just posting them in a highly compressed version for now until the new site launch.



Beautiful ones. :slight_smile:

I’ll agree, very nice shots there. Has the site lauch gone up yet? :slight_smile:

Rommel speaking about the hard times in the african campaing in mid 1941.