But is there more to it?
Yes, my dear Mr. Egorka – there is much more to it.
The opinion that the so-called contemporary history is not a scientific discipline unfortunately still prevails in the historical science. Regrettably, it is actually considered as a variant of politicology. Basically, there are two basic reasons for this critical understanding. The first is that the ruling circles do not like the criticism by the public, in spite of the development of the formal democracy. The second reason is that certain archives are still under sturdy locks.
Fortunately, these sad examples of rationally backed fixation are to be confronted with a scientific method, both when establishment of the number of victims and the establishment of the whole factual history is in question.
Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia providentially acted upon all prescribed scientific recommendations within the boundaries of anthropology, post-mortem forensic investigation, archivist inquiry in both domestic and foreign archives. Numerous archeological, anthropological, pedographic and forensic investigations attempting to establish the exact number and factual names of the people killed took place on several occasions on the territory of the SFRJ, but the data gathered by means of these scientific disciplines have been used to a very little extent so far.
In 1947 the State Commision for Establishment of the Crimes Commited by the Occupier and His Collaborators collected and preserved numerous photographs, facsimiles, documents and forensic findings, thus acknowledging the killing carried out over Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians, Albanians, Jews, Gypsies, Germans, Hungarians and Italians, disregarding their sex and age. In this particular case, original German photographs and facsimiles of the German documents are supplementing previously mentioned claim that Mr. Josef Schulz was executed on the spot in vicinity of the Smederevska Palanka (Orahovac) on July 20th, 1941. However, 16 individually different forensic remnants of the victims (amongst them only 9 partisans!) were fortunately found upon excavation and reburial – and amongst them is the mandibula of late Mr. Schulz.
The State Commision for Establishment of Crimes Commited by the Occupier and His Collaborators – Forensic Item No. 21.068 – Limbus alveolaris et Juga alveolaria of Mr. Josef Schulz
Being in possession of the standard forensic methods based upon Polymerase chain reaction, DNA analysis of the remnants is therefore absolutely available for identification of human remains from mass graves. DNA of all those fortunately preserved remnants is completely isolable by usage of standard phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction.
Although decalcification and repurification surely will be necessary prior to the extraction to overcome inhibition of amplification process, different systems for DNA quantification and amplification (AluQuant, short tandem repeats (STR), Y chromosome STRs, and mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA] sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) probes are completely obtainable for the final solution of this historical case.
I am completely convinced that numerous and distinguished experts of the Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, FBI Crime Laboratory Division and The Russian Centre for Forensic Medicine will be able to sustain official findings of their Yugoslav colleagues.
In the meantime, I shall take the liberty to present a number of other photographical proofs connected with our main theme in this thread.
Factographic example of the sadistic butchery committed by the members of the 188. Reserve Gebirgs Division of the Wehrmacht (188th Reserve Mountain Division). Photo taken by unknown German soldier.
Five-point star carved by bayonet into the face of captured partisan major Jože Mirtić – village of Lokve, Slovenia, 11. october 1944. (DKZUZONP - N. Br.877-45)
Photographic confirmation of the pretty forgotten and suppressed attitude of the Wehrmacht towards Russians that served as a philosophical and moral excuse for atrocities:
Der Russe muß sterben, damit wir leben - Die stramme 6 Kompanie (The Russian must die, for this reason we live - The rugged 6th company)
Perhaps the Russian Federal Archive has various additional informations about this case?