Falklands Conflict

british soldiers had termic clothes,argentinians only conscript clothes,british had satellites,argentina no,british had the help of USA!! (that is sufficient to won the war),we haven`t help.

and yes,we need some translator/or something,cos mi english is very poor as you see.


PD: did you see:

http://libreopinion.com/members/elmalvinense/Autor.htm (translate it)

and this post I find in another forum (that forum was at english side):

La derrota fue inglesa, no Argentina.

Argentina perdió 649, Gran Bretaña mas de 1.000

Argentina perdió un Crucero de la 2 guerra, y un par de barcos pesqueros y un guardacostas.

Gran Betaña perdió 9 buques de gran porte, y 23 averiados.

Ni hablar de $$$$$$, Gran Bretaña perdió miles de millones…

derrota militar argentina??? jaja ni en sueños.

Podran arrebatar algo durante un tiempo, pero nunca podrán arrebatarlo todo el tiempo.

the only we did is fighting coz when we lost the islands 150 years ago,and after 150 years,if we lost our islands and we try to recover them,we are doing that out of law,and the nato will attack us
if we didnt did the war,we cant try to recover the islands again.

in a long time,but no very large,
when we will recover our economy (our gobernment in future is planning now a industrialization plan for make cash,in lots!)
we will recover them for argentina,kick those kelpers ass.

:smiley: ,the british gobvernment was lying to england people,because this were the official numbers (xtracted from federal republic of germany dates):

argentina lost 2 cruisers 2 fisher boat and 1 coast guard ship,english lost 9 cruisers and 27 damaged!
argentina lost some money,british lost millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

argentinian losses 649 ,british 1000 (some stupid british think,losses in general belgrano were more than 400,and they`re obviously wrong).

our pilots were ultra better than raf,for ex:raf had 4 tripulants in a big aircraft,argentina only 1,(but he did work of 4 persons,that`s why argentinian pilots had better work),so an argentinian can did work of lots of british pilots whit help of radar,help of usa,and help of lots of soldiers

(british population is giant,argentinian is small,so arg soldiers aren`t lots as english)

they can keep something during a time,but they cant keep it all the time

Sorry I’m afraid I’m unable to understand the point you are trying to make and I know no argentinian.

first,I explained why we did the war (political reasons,if the 150 years finished,we cant recover the islands in a future,if we dont touch malvinas ground after 150 of lossing them,we`ll lose them forever,because when we will want to recover them,the nato will be against us.

we did the war,coz in a future,when relations between england and europe will be worst (england hasnt the euro,like the rest of europe,and england is always fighting at usa side,and europe dont like that) ,we had a plan created during the military gobernment,great plan!,with it,we can grow up our industries,have cash,have more cash for people,and then…power up our army and crush enemy forces in the ``falklands´´,and recover our island,important island because of its position and it sea,if we dont recover them,england will have important sea of argentina!.

about dates,i extracted them of analisis of germany gob,british gob lied all in uk and rest of world!,dies in the gral belgrana weren`t big as the normal people says.

reasons of pilots are said (if i can use spanish i can say lot of thinks
:slight_smile: ),in south americans admire argentinian pilots,and from other countries too.

and finally,it`s OBVIOUS!!!,BRITISH HAD HELP OF ALL!!!.

think this :slight_smile:

Hmm… probably i’m really stupid, but i can’t see one point in this “political reasons” - usually before start a war politians use all possible ways to handle with problem by politiacal ways.
But how i can see - this problem with islands started in 1829-1833… pretty old pain in asses for Argentina and GB. For mee it seems like political games around islands at China-USSR border - islands don’t matter, but matter “who hawe most longer dick”…
I meand - is it seems for me pretty reasonless, like figth in bar for cap of coffee.
For Leopoldo Galtieri that conflict was just a way (strange way, but better he don’t hawe) manage with great Argentinian crisis… 300% inflation per year - i know, is it suks, Russia got something like it in early 1990s…
So, Leopoldo hope - war wil rise goverment prestige and when country in war - much easy handle with internal enemies (that way looks for Russian pretty familiar too)… In fantastical case, if Argentina win this war - maybe it will help to Leopoldo Fortunato (it it meand “Lucky” ?!) Galtieri manage with great problems inside own country ? I very doubth about it…
Galtieri got “dirty war” inside Argentina, from 1979 till 1983, ended by total loose - he loose two war in one time - external war with GB and internal war with opposition.
Bad for country when loosers starting rule. Specially if looser are army-men.
I maybe wrong with mine ideas about Argentina and Galtieri - is it just a book-based knowledge, sorry to Erwin if is sayd something wrong. All coorection from Erwin side will be acceptable.


Hmm… probably i’m really stupid, but i can’t see one point in this “political reasons” - usually before start a war politians use all possible ways to handle with problem by politiacal ways.
But how i can see - this problem with islands started in 1829-1833… pretty old pain in asses for Argentina and GB. For mee it seems like political games around islands at China-USSR border - islands don’t matter, but matter “who hawe most longer dick”…
I meand - is it seems for me pretty reasonless, like figth in bar for cap of coffee.
For Leopoldo Galtieri that conflict was just a way (strange way, but better he don’t hawe) manage with great Argentinian crisis… 300% inflation per year - i know, is it suks, Russia got something like it in early 1990s…
So, Leopoldo hope - war wil rise goverment prestige and when country in war - much easy handle with internal enemies (that way looks for Russian pretty familiar too)… In fantastical case, if Argentina win this war - maybe it will help to Leopoldo Fortunato (it it meand “Lucky” ?!) Galtieri manage with great problems inside own country ? I very doubth about it…
Galtieri got “dirty war” inside Argentina, from 1979 till 1983, ended by total loose - he loose two war in one time - external war with GB and internal war with opposition.
Bad for country when loosers starting rule. Specially if looser are army-men.
I maybe wrong with mine ideas about Argentina and Galtieri - is it just a book-based knowledge, sorry to Erwin if is sayd something wrong. All coorection from Erwin side will be acceptable.[/quote]

yes,they can be islands,but theyre in our territory,thats why we want them,and too because if british are there,they will be more closer to our country,and our gobernment don`t like them very much.

about galtieri,he killed lots of people,people think he was bad,but in firste point: 1)he killed terrorist and guerrilleros,because they put bombs everywere,2)he created security against guerrilleros,militarys killed no inocent people,but guerrilleros yes! 3)when galtieri was,the inflation wasnt the big matter,coz we could live better than now in those years :slight_smile: .

yes,all books say he was bad,and military gob too,because the gobernment is drived by the right,they think the killer che guevara (a man of shit) was the good side,and the army is bad,but they`re wrong.
and some people,writers and periodists think the same :? .

we were happy when malvinas war was,because here,i dont know why,but people dont like british.

as i said,gb had more losses,so they lost the war.we can recover the islands in other year.

:smiley: see ya

Las verdaderas causas de la guerra

Antes que nada cabe destacar un aspecto muy importante:

Quien verdaderamente inició la guerra fue Inglaterra, al probarse que:

  • El 21/03/82: Mandó buque armado a las Islas Georgias para desalojar a los 41 civiles de allí. Además amenazó a la Rep. Argentina, que llegado al caso usaría la fuerza. Y esa es la primera declaración de guerra.
  • El 26/03/82: Inglaterra exige a los trabajadores argentinos (ubicados en Leith), se dirijan a Gritviken (capital de las Georgias), a visar sus pasaportes bajo amenaza de fuerza. Argentina rechaza la propuesta, según el acuerdo de 1971 de la ONU, era suficiente con mostrar la “Tarjeta Blanca”, que cada trabajador poseía. Es la segunda declaración de guerra.
  • El 23/03/82: Se ubicaron dos buques atómicos ingleses en los alrededores de las Islas Malvinas, en lo que más adelante sería la “zona de exclusión”. Además de la Fragata Biscoe y Branskfield que zarparon rumbo a las islas, junto con el buque de guerra Endurance. Es la tercera declaración de guerra.

Esto prueba que si Argentina no reaccionaba ante tal agresión, se aplicaría la doctrina del ESTOPPEL, que es la renuncia por parte de un estado, por inacción frente al acto soberano de otro, a todos los derechos alegados hasta la fecha con relación a un área en disputa.

Cuando el gabinete de Margaret Thatcher agredió gratuita e innecesariamente a la Argentina en las Islas Georgias desde el día 20 de marzo de 1982 al 11 de abril de ese año, nuestro país respondió a esa agresión recuperando militarmente las Islas Malvinas, usurpadas desde el 3 de enero de 1833.

Ceder al ataque de las Islas Georgias, o no contestarlo hubiera significado la inmediata aplicación de la Doctrina del Estoppel. Es decir, habríamos renunciado por inacción a todos los Derechos alegados hasta la fecha sobre nuestra soberanía en el Atlántico Sur.

El conflicto del Atlántico Sur, no fue como muchos dicen, “el último golpe de la dictadura” o “la última locura de los militares”, ya que la guerra se adelantó por varios motivos (además del ya mencionado):
El enfrentamiento entre ambos países se inicia a partir de un empresario argentino, Constantino Davidoff. Se especializaba en negocios con chatarra. En septiembre de 1979, firmó un contrato con la empresa Christian Salvensen de Edimburgo, Inglaterra, adquiriendo instalaciones balleneras abandonadas en las Islas Georgias, por 200.000 dólares. Representaba un gran negocio debido que el precio de la chatarra tenía un valor cercano a los 10.000.000 de dólares. Pero para desmantelar las instalaciones se necesitaba transportar a las Islas, personal y equipos.
Davidoff gestionó en la Embajada británica de Buenos Aires, el servicio del buque Endurance. Su pedido no fue aceptado y luego, la Armada Argentina, llevó a cabo la tarea.
El empresario había enviado una carta a la embajada británica, comunicando su viaje al archipiélago de Malvinas. En diciembre de 1981, zarpa con destino a las Georgias, a bordo del rompehielos ARA Almirante Irízar. El viaje le sirvió para tomar fotografías de las ex-factorías.

El 19 de marzo de 1982, Davidoff regresa a las Georgias, pero en esta ocasión, en el buque de la Armada ARA Bahía Buen Suceso, que llevaba 41 operarios, que permanecerían unos cuatro meses realizando las tareas de desmantelamiento. Se produce el izado de una bandera Argentina en las islas, lo que enfurece a los británicos. El Foreign Office ordenó el envió del Endurance, con el objetivo de obligar a los operarios a arriar la bandera y evitar el desembarco del personal.

El 21 de marzo, zarpa de regreso el ARA Bahía Buen Suceso, dejando el grupo de Davidoff en tierra, para seguir con sus tareas. Se solicitó al gobierno argentino, desalojar e a los operarios allí apostados.

El 23 de marzo la Junta Militar, envía al ARA Bahía Paraíso, que se encontraba en las Orcadas, con el grupo Alfa a bordo.

El 24 de marzo llegan a las Georgias, con el objetivo de no permitir el ingreso de los ingleses a bordo del Endurance, impidiendo así el desalojo de los obreros.

Sin embargo, la recuperación por parte de La Argentina, ya estaba planeada desde hacía varios meses (febrero), y en misión secreta, las F.F.A.A. estaban entrenando a los soldados que intervendrían en el conflicto.
Esta acción de la Junta Militar, seguramente se debió a que en el año 1978, Inglaterra se propuso devolver las Islas a la Argentina, como ya se había pactado varios años antes. Sin embargo, no sucedió, porque al asumir Margaret Thatcher al poder, las ideas políticas cambiaron totalmente.
Otro motivo por el que los ingleses entraron en conflicto (cosa inpensada por la Junta Militar), era la poca aceptación del pueblo inglés a la Primer Ministro.
Cabe señalar, que faltaba muy poco para las elecciones, por lo cual una victoria en la guerra le aseguraría un segundo mandato.

Además, la flota de guerra de Gran Bretaña estaba muy próxima al desarme, por lo que muchos aseguran que el conflicto de Malvinas fue “provocado” por autoridades militares británicas.

Thatcher sabía que obtendría el apoyo de E.E.U.U. y de la OTAN, pero lo que no sabía, era que la guerra sería tan dura como lo fue:
Chile le anticipó la salida de aviones argentinos, a través de radares misteriosamente instalados por Gran Bretaña. Sin embargo, la batalla aérea fue dominio de la Argentina.

Un dato no menos importante, era la empresa “Falkland Island Company” (FIC), la empresa más importante de las Malvinas, quien el esposo de Thatcher era dueño y manejaba sus acciones comerciales. La FIC, era el Lobbie de las Islas y el Grupo de Presión sobre el Parlamento Británico en el sentido de no tratar el tema Soberanía con la Argentina.

Era una guerra entre la Argentina y el resto del mundo, ya que nadie se opuso al ataque inglés, con excepción de PERÚ y PANAMÁ quienes votaron en favor de La Argentina y sus derechos. Cabe destacar que España, se abstuvo de votar, seguramente guiado por cuestiones políticas-económicas (en ese momento se discutía si el país ibérico debía ingresar en la Comunidad Económica Europea -CEE-).

El único país europeo que decidió no implementar acciones económicas contra la Argentina fue Irlanda.

the truth is here:


(translated version)


(original version)

greetings :smiley:

They are the Falkland Islands and your country is not capable of taking them again I’m afraid especially since they are now protected by a permanent force.

don`t afraid,england has problems with european community,do you know the euro,the war on irak,so think about british relationships.

as Rear admiral Woodward said:

we could win to england really easily,we dont win coz our 3 forces (navy,army and air force) werent uniteds

maube you could have won then but now you have no chance as you couldn’t get an invasion force close enough without it being sunk or shot out of the sky. I suggest you stick with reality from now on.

i love seeing the photos of lots of british ships,destroyeds,real air force was a shit comparing to us air force,ha,we destroyed lots of ships,england a few only ,so read the thinks I wrote up after repling :wink: ,we well conquer them back to us,those gays kelpers will cry back in england.

now,army is going to grow up,that means,no more conscripts,only soldiers :smiley: ,be patient,in a few of years we will come back to malvinas

remember HMS ARDENT



and what about ANTELOPE?

the best was the sheffield,lol:


if we did that work in 1982,now we can crush the kelpers :slight_smile: .

i don`t put photos of british soldiers burning,killed,and other things worst because a thing is mora savage than a gurka.

Well Your air force had exocet that was it! Your pilots were not very good and were shot down even by their own anti aircraft artillery and there’s always good old HMS Conqueror


I saw the link (obviously at brit side)

but see this,the truth:

(translated version)


(original version)

,we had exocet,but england had satellites and the help of all the world.

take a look to it and you will see why we can conquer malvinas, because i can use this damn languague very well.

pirates of shit! argentinian soldiers saw gay poster in guard posts in malvinas! all of them are gays,obviously they can live because usa proctects them!,if usa didn`t fought in the war,germany crushed england in seconds.

don`t thing with photos of a british reporter,use your mind,think what u know,if your country likes malvinas,why they say to the malvinas population: ``Kelpers´´??? .

One day,I meet one veteran of malvinas (argentinian veteran) and he said me he killed 8 british soldiers (when the war was,he was 18 years old),he took 8 papers,stamps and he wrote a card to the family of those soldiers,he sent them to england,he received a reply of 2 of them saying to him (the veteran) he was a…(lots of insults).
when the british saw argentinian soldiers,they take their helmet as a reward (sons of pitch!),later,the british prince pays to them,and here,the malvinas veterans haven`t any honour or anithing.

this world is injust,the worst people has the prime!.

but i know god will do thinks to them.

British prisoners:

yes British prisoners a detachment of Royal marines not bvery many of them but they still managed to hold up your invasion and hole one of your ships.They were unprepared for the invasion but it cannot happen again as there is a reasonable size force down there permanently now.

You seem to have a hang up about this subject but I can assure you that the British Army Navy and Air Force would have won anyway.We got Sidewinder missiles from the Americans and that was it for help.We sent a task force thousands of miles and still managed to win.

Get over it this is a forum for WW2 and so I will no longer discuss this subject thank you.

well,if u say that,i don´t want to fight,but here we still have hate and sad at the same time,excuse me,i don´t wanna hurt people with words,but i see everywhere insults to us from british cibernauts.
in that piece of ground,the best friend of my father lost his life,and he can´t recover him back.
but well,i will continue on topic ww2,coz it´s the first reason for i go to this forum.

greetings :slight_smile:

edited:i don´t want to do very large the history of my father´s friend

Erwin I deleted your “clean this post” post. Coz it was nothing or you edited it to nothing. Wildboar i took an insult out in one of your post. I see nothing wrong here with discussing this topic just keep it clean and remember to discuss like adults and not like childern. I understand this might be a bit to touchy for the both of ya. So… if you dont want to discuss it anymore … cool. Try not to take things to personal. I would like to keep the topic open for those that dont know anything about the faulklands conflict. I havent been able to read everything at the moment so I might go back and clean up some things. So far you have posted some pretty decent info on the topic.