Falklands Conflict

Oops, sorry about that Claus. I missed that rule. Will change my post.

Sorry mate, a little bit too late. Please shrink your avatar to 90x90 pixels.



Will comply. Done the edit and avatar. :wink:

Thanks mate. :wink:

Dani, do you know what the difference between “roger” and “wilco” is?

What??? ahahaha

It is not the Hermes if you say that it means you don´t know nothing about carriers.

It´the Illustrious

And you…
noone of you could answer my questions!!!

And brits???

nothing to say???

what´s up ???

You had one day to answer my questions and you couldn´t.

So, i know you can´t accept that the Invincible was attacked because your Royal Navy would be a shit and a loser, but the true doesn´t hurt, you can say it.

Ok I am argentinian. My conclusion with the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible is:

*The Aircraft carrier wasn’t sink
*The Aircraft carrier was seriously damaged by an Exocet and silly bombs from the Skyhawks.
*The Aircraft carrier was repaired, since an other ship, the “new” Illustrious covered the action, in June, and was called as Invincible until the ship could be in service again.

But I think the proposition of Irish Duck is not so crazy. What do the british people think? And, please, try to post with knowledges and seriously. I’ve only seen insults and too bad posts from the most of british forist.

The only “silly” thing here is your conclusion, please go back read the rest of this thread and all others dealing with this conspiricy theory of yours. As a matter of interest how could the “new Illustrious” be in the South Atlantic and in the UK at the same time?

It wasn’t me that said it, it was a member of the Royal Navy. I’m fairly sure he knows the ships of the Royal Navy better than you?

We have answered your questions, we told you that you’re talking crap and asked you how the British government could sneak roughly half a billion pounds through to pay for ‘new’ ship? We asked you who crewed the ‘new’ ship down to the Falklands from the UK? We asked how the government had kep the ‘new’ crew, the original crew, the families of both and the dockyard workers that build the ship quiet? You’ve yet to answer any of those questions.

So, i know you can´t accept that the Invincible was attacked because your Royal Navy would be a shit and a loser, but the true doesn´t hurt, you can say it.

Strange that a ‘shit and a loser’ navy would host the surrender of the ‘victorious’ forces isn’t it? Don’t you find that a bit strange?

Eagle mate glad to meet you.

Now in a bit more of an informal setting than my intray.

Got to admit cracking first post.

And you are, by far, one of the more saner South American’s to come on to the site.

Please read all of the threads to do with this subject.

As I’ve said before, having a different opinion to someone else is not a problem. But you MUST be able to back up what you say.

Please read the piles of information on this site with regards to the Invincible and feel free to come back with any of your conclusions.

The lads wont abuse you, if you put your conclusions across sensibly, without insults and without deliberatly trying to provoke fire with silly pictures to try and upset us.

Hope to hear from you soon.

“How can I sore with the Eagles, when I’m scratching with chickens”

The ship that was damaged (and indeed sunk) on 25th May was Atlantic Conveyor. For the nth time.

Congrats mate on your promtoion in to moderatorship.

This is what was sunk, and this is what a ship looks like when it’s on fire (note that it’s not steaming full-ahead, and look how the smoke propagates):

BTW, this was the blip on the radar that was hit on 25th May and declared as the Invincible.

Here’s another ship on fire - HMS Ardent, 21 May 1982.

Again, note how she’s heaved-to and how the smoke is propagating:

And another - HMS Sheffield - note how she’s also heaved-to, and how the crew is on deck:

These are some of the reasons why the “invincible on fire” picture is an obvious fake, and also photo taken from a position in which it would have been impossible for an Argentine aircraft to be. Also, the position of the smoke wrt the claimed hits, and the lack of smoke supposedly coming from the hanger coming out of the hanger vents…

But, I do have a more convincing picture of (an) HMS Invincible sinking:

MoS why oh why did you put up that last picture? You know that certain members of this site will be using it soon to back up their theories. :lol:

Eagle, please replace your current signature:

Who is talking here of forgetfulnes, of resignation or forgiveness?
Never a Land, more loved, by the Mother Country in it extension!!!

¿Quién nos habla aquí de olvido, de renuncia o de perdón? ¡Nunca un suelo, más querido, de la patria en su extensión!